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Show FREE POULTRY BULLETINS AVAILABLE; Utah Agricultural College Can Supply Poultry Ralsors with Valuablo Information. ! o Tho following government and state bulletins and clrlulara on poultry raising aro available-' for free distribution, according to II. W. Sanborn of tho Utah Agricultural College, extension lio.ultryjJutsbandman for, . -Utahi They may bo secured by addressing addres-sing Mr. Sanborn at tho College, Logan, Utah. When ordering both tho numbers and the names of tho circulars dcsldcr should bo given. Numbor Title 355 A -Model Poultry and Dairy Farm. 390 Pheasant Raising. 490 Belgian Hares and other RabbitH. 530 Poultry Diseases. 5G2 Organization of Boys' nnd Girls' Clubs. 574 Poultry IIouso Construction. Con-struction. 585 Natural and Artificial Incubation of liens' eggs 024 Natural and Artificial Brooding of Chicks. 505 Tho Community Egg 082 A Simple Trap Nest for Poultry. 084 Squab Raising. 097 Duck Raising. 707 Goose Raising. 791 Turkey Raising. 801 .Lice and Mites on Poultry. Poul-try. 800 Varltles of Chickens. Tho American Breeds. 800 Back Yard Poultry Keeping (For town people.) peo-ple.) 898 Varieties of Chickens tho Mediterranean breeds Circular A. l.'No. 30 Preservation Preser-vation of Eggs. Utali Circular No. 29 Breeding Breed-ing and Feeding for Egg production. produc-tion. ' |