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Show I, jjSJfesastyBIscuits, crisp ! Mh WSmSmmmm PIe crusts peri"60 bread r I acJfHiimVHp ond juicy Roasts browned. I H, J fiflf flg all over are the every- A H' m l WBflMRL day pleasures that moke I jBtsSBSg JJiQ Oven Satisfaction yours J, I ?Ws DOWN DRAFT RANGE j ? The corrugated air-tight construction gives you I ! perfect control over the fire and oven heat in every ' t ll emergency. The Hot Blast draft tuma wasted pa into cook- :- ft fag and oven heat and dollars saved into your bank account ( I t Decide Now! jO&y K I Hyrum Jensen p? I I .Furniture & Hardware 764 i HCL. i J . -J . L I- I.- L1.....--.1I. I- ' ' II ... !. ... I J V ' I President Wilson Smokes j H The Propagandists ... fl II Out of the Grass! Let Every Utahn who Loves His Country Read This Appeal U H. It Is now known that formor President Roosovolt, the recog- fl " , mm' nlzed spokesman of tho Republican Party, who has boon U it M ' Wt sending instruction to senators and representatives of Con- Wt (,'v, B LJ gress, Interfering with poaco negotiations in which oight U ,.y Q H other nations are vitally concornsd, RECENTLY ADVISED f j t '' H U REPUBLICAN MEMERS OF CONGRESS TO REJECT U . -fl i .? II THE FOURTEEN PEACE CONDITIONS TO WHICH OUR " ; M M ALLIES HAVE LONG SINCE AGREED! II , '' ft , M BECAUSE OF THIS UNWARRANTED INTER- fl H Ii U FERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, U . ." Q ' 4M AT A MOMENT OF THE MOST DELICATE TEN- PI r ,11 SION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, v II II s . ; - " PRESIDENT WILSON HAS ISSUED AN APPEAL U V- -a'. i D TO EVERY AMERICAN TO STAND BY THE D . "V- H 1 .l H GOVERNMENT. 'a 1 , ' f D The President calls upon those who have been nagging and D U - 5 y.H knocking and rocking tho boat to come out In the open and : ' .- II lot the world soo who they are and what they moan. Ho It , Wt i ;Wk knows who hns boon hindering tho work of tho Govorn- x .f U ; k ' mont and now ho want3 tho pooplo to know. ft H k'.' H Pf WAS FOR THIS REASON THAT HE ISSUED H U U HIS APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA. U M ft KNOWING IT WOULD SMOKE THE PROPA- H " II U GANDISTS OUT OF THE GRASS! AND OUT U H 'H OF THE GRASS THEY CAME! H U " H Amoricans, you know now who has boon fighting tho Prosi- p fl v , B dont. You know now who originated departmental in- M mm Wt qurios which placed valuablo Information In tho hands of Wi H tt' U tho Kaiser. You know now who it was that socrotely op- U U ,v ' ' n posed ovory movo the Prosldont mndo slnco tho war bogan. H H ' U ln J1 j8'"2'0 rokoi tho ProsIdontNias oxposod their ambus- U Tt U FELLOW COUNTRYMEN DONT LET THE HUN GAME U D . II BE PLAYED HERE AS IT WAS IN RUSSIA. THIS IS NO H U HOUR TO STRIKE AT THE PRESIDENT! A VOTE U 11 A', H THAT WILL REPUDIATE THE PRESIDENT IS A DIRECT .:" '.. U BLOW AT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CON- U ft 4f4 " r TEMPLATE FOR A MOMENT THE GREAT JOY IT U Mm'-iU yB WOULD BRING IN THE KAISER'S CIRCLE! ft 'W$fiy''' n WE ARDENTLY BELIEVE THAT UTAH WILL NOT FOR- H "::::iry " ? U SAKE THE PRESIDENT IN THIS GREAT CRISIS! U II " ' H RATHER, UTAH WILL STAND WITH HIM AND REBUKE U M THE UNTHINKING POLITICIANS WHO HAVE SOWN 0 H H DISCORD AND DISTRUST! U J Fathers, Mothors, as you oxpect your boy, who tonight is in U " ' U mm M tno m F'nndors or 0,1 fields of Picardy, to be loyal H U Bit to his commandor, so you bo loyal to your commander-in- M Q chlof! Match his loyalty with your own! And let tho M Q I UTAH WILL NOT FAIL THE PRESIDENT NOW! D Democratic State Ticket For Congressman, first District For Congressman, Second District M. H. WELLING JAMES H. MAYS M For Judges of tho Supremo Court II S. H. THURMAN VALENTINE GIDEON A. J. WEBER U DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE U W. R. WALLACE, Chairman R. B. THURMAN, Secretary U (Political Advertisement) n "Adam," Bald Eve, as sho winked at the snake, "you are tho one man ln the world for 'mo," then handed him tho apple. Ex. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Coombs & Parsson Company THE CLOTHIERS How't This? W offer One Hundred Dollars Rewtti for any cue of Catarrh that cansot be cured by Ilall'a Catarrh Medicine, Hull's Catarrh Medicine hai been taken by catarrh auflerera for the pait thirty five years, and haa become known a the moat reliable remedy for Catarrh. Ilall'a Catarrh Medtclrm acta thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ezpelllnr the Pol son from the Blood and healing the dls eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your central health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medl-cine Medl-cine at once and ret rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all DrureKts, T(c, - r "- Subscribe for tho Globe READ THE GLOBE o It Pays to Advertise "in the Globe At nnzfl JniPtoJBrownn Garrett & Richards ....Dealers in.... Frsh and Cured Meats, Green, Staple and Fancy Groceries Always on Hand , I DELIVERY AND COLD STORAGE , A Few Things We Buy: Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Wool. Pelts. Hides and Produce WE MEET ALL COMPETITION Both Phones MER370:A2S Garland, Utah I Your Money j I I DRAWS jj l INTEREST j j When it is in the sav- i ; ings department of this j j bank. It earns nothing when i" j carried in your pock- j i ets. ! I 1 Open an Account i TO-DAY The Bank off Garland j t |