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Show iJ .DEPENDS OH ONE'S THOUGHTS I By No Means Always the Part of Real ' ' Wisdom for Persons to 8ay ! j What They Think. Whether wo nro to say what wej think, or not, depends entirely on what, . cur thoughts nro and how they will j .affect others. Thcro aro sonio thoughts' It Is a sin to hide Tho people who smother a good thought becauso they hro afraid of being misunderstood or laughed at, tnko upon tbomsclves a I dangerous responsibility. To conceal n hind thought lu eomothlng for which ' thoro Is -no excuse Thero aro other thoughts which It is tplty to allow to got beyond your own rain. It Is unfortunate Indeed to have Iheni, but at loast you can rcsolvo that they shall novcr get outside of their birthplace If you think this world Is ft dreary, dismal placo, what Is tho pod of saying so? If morbid, angry thoughts. Imvo taken possession of you, 1 .fitamp them out as you would a breed Ipf snakes. Bo bravo euough to ppcak tha thought which should bo spoken, no matter whether It Is likely to bo pop- tilar or not..And bo strong enough to ; bold In a leash tho thought which, If It should cscapo, would work harm to i flhers, Selected. |