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Show -,-, DEMOCRATIC TICKET 'For Representative to tho Legis-.jjjf Legis-.jjjf laturo 'SwYNN L. EDDY, Briglmm 4iommlsslonor, 4-yonr torm BRIGHAM WRIGHT, Brlgham Commissioner, 2-year term G. G. SWEETEN, Collinston County Clerk tfOHN S. BINGHAM, Snowvlllo .ffi County Treasurer OHN J. WARD, Willnrd ffigl County Assessor SftyiLLARD H. ANDERSON, ft Bear River City Mfr County Sheriff HJOB WELLING, Fielding w County Recorder PrALICE F. ELIASON, Brlgham jJ County Survoyor KENNETH C. WRIGHT.Brigh'm the Democratic party is pleas-, pleas-, o present to the voters of 'Sox Elder county the above tlck-'etfror tlck-'etfror wo feel that it is represon-, rtajlve' of tho county and no particular par-ticular section. It ha sheen tho purpose, of the party to distrluto thp .offices over the county and select those who aro fitted for thjpir positions by experience and natural qualifications. Vo feel tlint the pople have the right of choice and that rota-fi rota-fi Hi offices J3rtki."JilU)',thlng. and creates a real spirit "of Americanism. Wo ask tho voters to compare tho tickets and distribution of candidates; to weigh the qualities of each person. Decide what you think about the third or fourth term Idea. It Is good thing to hold a person in office over the usual two terms, as has been so long, a practice In this nation? Wo are proud of our ticket and feel that tho candidates aro all able to hnndlo their offices themselves them-selves and not bo able to depend de-pend upon deputies, only ns ex-tr ex-tr work demands It. Who aro there In .the county who did not feel proud of the fact that a Congresman to tho United States IIouso of Representatives Repre-sentatives was elected from this county? The Honorable-Milton II. Welling has been a credit to 'our county nnd state. Ills splendid, clean record stands before be-fore the peoplo and with his added ad-ded experience of two year at Washington, where ho always upheld tho hands of our President Presi-dent nnd the honor of America, he Is still better able to be our representative. Wo call every voter's attention to tho attitude of Mr. Welling on tho prohlbtlon question, as compared wjr.n his opponent. Shall we elect a man who has always been for a clean dry state or a man who headed a delegation from Weber county to enduce the Governor of the state to veto tho prohibition bill? Mr. Welling is a farmer, a renl representative of tho people, while his opponent is a representative represen-tative of tho elite club of Ogden. Who is your man? Who will stand for your rights? W. II. Wattis went with a del-gutlon del-gutlon of Ogden business men to Salt Lake City to petition then Governor Spry to vote tho prohibition pro-hibition bill and Gov. Spry vetoed veto-ed tho prohibition bill against tho expressed wishes of seventy five per cent of the common popple. pop-ple. Wattis and Spry are now Republican Re-publican candidates for Congress. Con-gress. Wo are sure this strlpo of men does not represent tho sentiments of the people of Box Elder County. Vote for a man ns Representative Representa-tive tof Congress who represents your sentiments, your Ideals and your wishes. Vote for Milton II. (Coutinued on page 5) .if' Democratic Column , (Continued fcom page 1) , : f Welling! State Representative A Wysrt L. Eddy, "tho live wire," affable and approachable, progressive, pro-gressive, but not radical, expresses expres-ses to tho voters of Box Elder county his appreciations for tho opportunity they gave him to - , talo an notivo part in placing unos the Btaute nooks of t!ie Hti.te the i'ptanc'id progressive legislation that mode the twelfth ' htsston nf the Utah State Leg:j-lattire Leg:j-lattire suoh a c.'c'ous success, . and assures thorn It will be i.Is effort to fittingly represent so great d constituency is the thir- teenth session of tho Legislature, Legisla-ture, if the people so desire. All tho pleasure of a political campaign is missing for "Wynn" . this week as "Tho Flue," his v - , work as Chairman of tho Council Coun-cil of Defense and as County Food Administrator prevent him from taking a.vacation-from his usual duties and getting out and meeting his many friends all over tho county and, incidentally inciden-tally leaving one of his "pictures" "pic-tures" with each of the ladies. Have you noted the distribution distribu-tion of the commissioners? Brigham Wrlght,one of the solid, clean honest typo of men, a real genuine man of the people, with a heart as big as they grow and a general knowledge of the county and its needs, which few men possess. Ho stands for Improvements, Im-provements, but no waste. For two years he has served tho people peo-ple well and Is worthy their ne-newed ne-newed trust. Quiet, not given to bombast, but forceful for the good and equal rights of all the people. Ho knows what tho people need and Is a man any one can approach with confidence confi-dence that justice will bo done. John S. Bingham, the Democratic Demo-cratic candidate for County Clerk, is a resident of Snowville nnd a man who meets every re-1 qulrement for Uiis Important) position. For many years Mr. Bingham has been one of tho leading teachers of tho county, having had the honor of being the first principal of the High School. Not only does ho possess pos-sess tho qualifications for clerk, but ho is a most congenial gentleman gen-tleman and would bo always oit deck to perform his duties. We call the voters attention to thq fact that this candidate is a representative re-presentative of the great western west-ern part of the county, who arc entitled to representation. William E. Davis, nominee for County Attorney, has had the most varied experience as attorney at-torney for municipal bodies of tho practicing attorneys in Box Elder county. Ho has been for five years attorney for Brigham City,, having been appointed first by a Democratic mayor, and later by a Republican, and then by two non-partisan mayors. He has been attorney for the Board of Education for a number num-ber of years, and at present is attorney for Tremonton and Wlllard cities. His experience, gained in advising ad-vising these municipal bodies, and the officials connected ther-with, ther-with, varying from advise as to the statutory duties of officers to determination of intricate question of law arising from the Issuance and sale of bonds and other forms of indebtedness, to the amount of $200,000 ;together with tho prosecution of criminal offenses arising from tho violation viola-tion of City Ordinances, qualify him especially to perform the i duties of county attorncy His record as a public official is open to inspection. If elected, he stands for strict enforcement of all criminal laws; but lid believes a warrant of arrest should be is-sued is-sued in most cases against n resident, only after cursf i Investigation' In-vestigation' nnd he is nledfjed to give tho dut'.ys of the office llrst consideration. W. E. Is a "native son," thirty-five thirty-five years of age; a graduate of the U. of U., Nonnal Course, 1905; of the University of Michigan, Michi-gan, Law Department, 1919; and has had eight years experience Brigham City, and has a high in the general practice of law at regard for Box Elder county. Tlie Democrats are proud of him as their candidate. Mrs. Alice Forsgren Ellason, 'candidate for Recorder, is fully qualified for the position. She not only has the educational re- qulrements, but Is pleasant and congenial to work with. 1 She was one of the first gra-duates gra-duates from the Box Elder High School. While a member of that institution, she was one of tlie leaders, being vice-president of the student body for two years. Aflcr graduation she taught school In the county for three years and was eminently successful In that capacity. Less than a year ago her lms-band, lms-band, Dcsse Y. Ellason, who had 1 suffered with leakage of tho heart for several years, passed away, leaving his young widow with three small children, rang-ing rang-ing in age from one to five years, to provide for. She acted as assistant in the Recorder's oflllce for a while and has been teaching during the school season since her hus-band's hus-band's death. The people can be assured of - an honest cflllcicnt officer in Mrs. Ellason. G. O. Sweeten of Colllnston, candldatt for Commissioner, was born at Mcndon, Cache County, Utah, forty years ago. Son of Robert Sweeten, who crossed the plains with Brigham Young. received his education in public schools of Mendon. Attended Agricultural College at Logan two years, followed frirming In Cacho Valley until about 17 years of age, when ho was one of the first pioneers to enter Hoi-brook Hoi-brook valley. Twelve years ago he married Sarah Evans, daugh-ter daugh-ter of L. L. Evans of American Fall, Idaho. Ho was engaged In tho uicrcantllo business at American Falls and Holbrook beforo coming to Colllnston, eight years ngo. Slnco moving to Colllnston, ho has been en-gaged en-gaged in tho mercantile business and farming, nlso engaged very extensively in shipping grain nnd all kinds of live stock. This Dart of the business has brought him in touch with nearly every location in Box Elder County nnd he Is thcrcforo qualified for the office of County Commis-sioner. Commis-sioner. If elected, will givo tlie office the same consideration nnd attention as his own affairs. Little need be said concerning our candidate for Surveyor, K. C. Wright, other than tho fact 1 that ho has mado so good n rc- JM co'rd during tho past two years YM that our friends, the Republl-cans, Republl-cans, endorced him. Ho Is sure of election. Job Welling of Fielding, comes beforo tho voters of the county for tho office of sheriff. Tho position is unsolicited by Mr. Welling, but ho was tho un-animous un-animous choice of tho conven-tion. conven-tion. Everybody has a good word for Job and knows that he will mako an Ideal sheriff. Ills past record Is clean and ho be-'Moves be-'Moves in a clean county. There will bo no bootlcging or llllct traffic In boozo over tho Nevada or Wyomlsg lines.Tho expenses of tho sheriff's office will bo kept where they ought to bo and needless trips eliminated. Mr. Wcling has no sympathy for tho evil doer and wo promise tho people a clean, honest, loyal son of Utah to enforco tho law. Mr. Welling comes up for his first term. John J. Ward of Wlllard, can-didat can-didat for tho office of Treasurer, is one of tho staunch men of tho county who has had years of ex-pcrlence ex-pcrlence a sa man of affairs. Mr. Ward Is ono of tho most exact and careful and prompt men in fl tho county in all his business dealings. His clerical exper-Icnco exper-Icnco covers many years and ho is thus able to perform his duties with tho least possiblo help. Mr. Ward promises, If elected to 'perform tho duties of Treasure with but ono reculor donuty, tlius saving tho county 1 considerable money. He agrees that tho various parts of the county shall bo paid promptly tlieir sharo of tho taxes and that it shall not be allowed to remain in tho banks. For Assessor. Wlllard IT. Anderson of Bear River City is tho Democratic 1 Candidate for Assessor and comes before tho people upon fl his record of the last two years. Mr. Anderson Is for a square deal to all tho people, with no favors to any persons of locall-ties. locall-ties. Ho is an honest, clean and fearless officer who dares to do what ho feels Is tho right thing. A voto for him is no mistake. He has tlio position but two years and Is now well on to tlio run of things and does not como up for a third or fourth term, for ho feels the American ideala of twq terms Is tho right things t H |