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Show Kiddies Get I Too'Gay" I Several youngstejB were I brought before the county Juve- I nllo officers Thursday for per- I forming Hallowe'en stunts that I were very unbecoming for lada I of their age. In the first place I the boys seemed to get mixed in I their dates and selected the I night before Hallowe'en for their I mischief - making pranks. A I little innocent fun is all right, I but tho breaking of windows, I upsetting outbuildings and the I destruction of peoperty is carry- I lug things too far. Somo of the I little folks had lots of fun with I Jnck'OLantcrns and masks, and I did not get into any trouble, w I either. That's tho way to cele- I brate, boys, but don't do mis- I csief as that brings you Into I troublo and disgrace and whero I is the pleasure of wrong doing? I The lads were given a good I curtain lecture and advised to I made good tho damage or take I the conscpucnccs. N H Boys will be boys but boys I must be good boys to make good I the consequences. H |