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Show NOTICE All fully paid for bonds of tho Fourth Liberty Loan aro now ready for delivery. Subscribers will confer a favor by calling for them at once. .Wo. are still carryingsomej accounts ac-counts on the Third LiBorty Loan on which payments are duo. Unloss such payments are mado IMMEDIATELY. Subscribers Subscrib-ers will LOSE THEIR BONDS, 'lt-adv BANK OF GARLAND Recublican Column (Advertisement) REPUBLICAN TICKET For Representative to tho Legislature Legis-lature C. G. ADNEY, Corlnne Commissioner, 4-year torm H. W. VALENTINE, Brlgham Commissioner, 2-year term A. E. HOLMGREN, B. R. City County Clork JOHN G. WHEATLEY, Brlgham County Treasurer THOMAS E. SECRIST, Garland County Assessor LORENZO PETT, Brlgham County Sheriff JOHN H. ZUNDEL, Willard County Recordor ROSE H. NEELEY, Brlgham County Survoyor KENNETH C. WRIGHT.Brigh'm f-n nrrni ii iniwi i cm ESTRAY NOTICE. State of Utah, County of Box Elder. In tho Riverside precinct of said county. I liavo In my possession tho following described estray animal ani-mal which, If not claimed and taken away, will bo sold at public pub-lic auction to tho highest cash bidder at my corral in said precinct, pre-cinct, on Saturday, tho 9th day of November, 1918, at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. . Description of Animal: Ono bay colt, white strip in face, both hind feet white; branded bran-ded k on left thigh. Said animal was taken up by mo In said precinct on tho 27th day of October, 1918. JOSEPH HADFIELD, . Poundkeeper for Riverside precinct lt-adv 'Democratic Colomn ; ")f (Advertisement) 8 ' i LOST Black horse, branded I G H on left shoulder; T on right :l shouldir and ( on right thigh; I sore on left" hind "ankle,, also u few saddle marks on back. A feH reward of $5.00 will bo paid the fl finder If ho will notify Moroni 'I Timblmboo at the Indian Farm H near J. K. Haws' place, Tremon- H ton, or at tho Sugar Factory H weigh office, Garland. lt-adv H |