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Show FISH SWIM 55 MILES DAILY Federal Fisheries Department Keeps Tab on Sockeye Salmon In Puget Sound. Seattle, Wash, Preliminary results obtained by tho rnco of 0,000 sockeye salmon tagged by tho United States department of fisheries nnd set free lu Puget sound show thnt tho average Sliced at which theso fish swim Is tV miles a day. Moro than 800 of tho tagged fish for (ho Purls division of (he Y. M. 0. A., recendy nsked for a pair of football foot-ball pants through (he columns of a newspaper. He cxp'mlncd that tho pair of punts wns wanted to servo as a pattern pat-tern from which ho hopes to hnvo 12,-000 12,-000 pairs mndo for tho use of the soldiers. sol-diers. Inasmuch as (lie great football stars nf tho past deendu from tho Kast, West, North and South. nro with (lie. American expeditionary force abroad, j thero should bo some renl ali-Amerieaii games staged behind tho lines spoil. I That Is, If Mr. Anguish gets (lint pair i of punts for n pattern. i |