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Show CAN'T HOLD THEM BACK. Americans Advance In Spite of Great Odds. Washington. The American second sec-ond urmy, tinder Major CJencrnl Ilul-laril, Ilul-laril, Is holding the lino In tho Woovre. This was disclosed by (Jen-end (Jen-end I'ershlng in Ills comiiiuiiliiuo received re-ceived Saturday night at the war do-purlment. do-purlment. Itepulso of heavy Herman attacks on the front northwest of Verdun by Major (leneral Llggetfs llrst American army also was reported. re-ported. In Its first major operation against the Hermans, considering tho clearing out of tho St. Mlldel salient as a local affair, tho American nnny, In n few days less than it month, Iiiih liberated more than forty-flvo villages nnd advanced ad-vanced to an nverugo depth of ten miles, freeing lftt square miles of territory. ter-ritory. In tho offensive tho Americans Ameri-cans have captured moro than 20,000 prisoners. |