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Show PLAYER BEHIND CLUB OF MOST IMPORTANCE inventions Seldom Assist Golfer In Improving His Game. Innovations In Form of a Club Rarely Provo Practicable Correct Line, Proper Foreo and Touch Does the Business. Willi n million golfers In tie United Slates, lltflo wonder that the Inventive mind occasionally offers suggestions which threaten to Bend the ancient game mid Its traditions n-gllmniertng. Inventions rarely recelvo encouragement, encourage-ment, for "golf is golf;" and meant to ho plnyed as "slio Is writ;" und for thnt renson the Iconoclnsts seldom make more than a momentary flash cro failing fail-ing nway to oblivion. For Instunce, ono Is at a loss to know why anyono should suggest tho substitution substi-tution of yellow for white paint on n golf linll. It has been claimed that under un-der certain conditions White Is hard on tho eyes; that on a very bright dny'u moro neutral color would be serviceable. service-able. Yet golfers have played for a good ninny yenrs. and the sun has shone Just as brightly lu the past as It docs at present. It would bo hard to get a better bet-ter contrast than tho white hall nn the green turf. So far ns tho trade goes, thoro have been comparatively few recommendations recommenda-tions to change tho color of tha hnll, though recently n man who Is n frequenter fre-quenter of an Eastern link left nn order or-der with a sporting goods house for a dozen of one of thu latest makes nf rubber rub-ber cores to be pointed red. Ills reason was thnt when his shots went wandering nmong tho glistening whltu shells of tho Lido club course the cuddlo had trouble In locating tho sphere. Consequently ho llgured It out that n red object would bo much easier to distinguish. Occasionally some one comes along with u new Idea lu tho form of n club, hut theso Innovations rnrely provo practicable. Not long since a man had n new-fangled putter,, with a head of abnormal size, and u mirror nttnch-merit nttnch-merit on tho shaft. He thought he had something that was likely to revolutionize revolu-tionize the short game, hut received no encouragement from tho manufacturer to whom lie showed tho club. After nil, tho some old saying, "It's tile man behind the club," continues to apply. If he hits the hnll right It won't go astray mid thero will bo little trouble In finding It. Wlillu on the green It's getting tho correct lino and knowing tho proper force and touch that does tho business, mirror or no mirror. |