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Show I ARMISTICE TERMS BEING WORKED OUT CONFERENCE AT VERSAILLES AGREES UPON MAIN POINTS; COMMANDERS MUST O, K. Expected That Allies Will Insist Upon Surrender of German Fleet and Occupation by Allied Forces of Towns on the Rhine. I London. Tho Versailles conference, according to tho report current In London, bus agreed on tho main points of tho nrmlstlco terms, which will now lie considered by tho mllltnry commanders. com-manders. The II mi I penco tonus, It Is Bald, will be submitted to Germany simultaneously simul-taneously with the nrmlstlco terms. As part of tho terms of an armistice armis-tice tho Kvcnlng News says It understands under-stands thu nlllcd nntlons will insist upon tho surrender of tho German fleet, including all tho Uermnn submarines, sub-marines, and upon tho occupation by ulllcd forces of all the fortllled towns on the Rhine. Sir Georgo Cave, the Ilrltlsh homo sccrctnry, gnvo a long account In tho house of commons of Gcrmnny's 111 treatment of Urltlsh war prisoners and her continued violation of agreements agree-ments concerning prisoners of war. Tho homo secretary declared thnt Germany Ger-many ought to be mndo to pay for these violations. |