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Show Lizards May Save Crops. Lizards nro used In Trlnldnd to combat com-bat mlllllons of frnghoppcrs that are' iiow Infesting the sugur-enno fields. Thcso Insects, which work devnsta-tfon devnsta-tfon by sucking sap from the roots-und roots-und leaves, linvo been known In thu Island for somo time, but of Into they havo Incrensed so rapidly that scientists scien-tists havo undertaken to find u inenns of exterminating ihem. Ono planter plant-er hns established a special breeding-placo breeding-placo for lizards, which feed freely on tho froghnppcrs. Special precautions precau-tions nro taken to prevent tho destruction de-struction of tho reptiles by birds or other creatures that might feed on IKm. |