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Show Sends Message of Love. San Frnneisco. "Tho tight Is on, nnd tills Is Just to Inform you, dearie, thnt I love you." Tills wns tho Inst message of Louis, A. Clrnvegna, sergennt lu n machine gun company, who wus recently killed Ini bnflle.( Tho. IctfV was written on 4iMf Mold .Just n bhort tlmo be-foro be-foro Cirnvegnn. ,met his denth. nnd vWns addressed to his fiancee, Miss .Imilso Fuhrls, San Francisco. - JIn the eiivelopo thero was Inclosed n field nrmy "order. It told of Clravcg-mi's Clravcg-mi's lierols'm in action. A postscript 03 tho letter rend: "Keep this citation (fcr me, denrlo," r Qlrnvegna wns Jdiled July 10, and (ho letter written before ho fell n ivlctlin to the Huns luis Just been received re-ceived by Miss Fnbris. t |