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Show 2D Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Running and Walking Event' Scheduled after the race. There will be awards, gifts, medals to top k The Bob Reed Memorial will be held in conjunction with Syracuse Fun Day on June Run-AVal- finishers and ribbons for everyone else plus a certificate to everyone who enters. The Weber Valley Roadrun-ner- s is one of the few clubs in 18. The runningwalking event will start the day at 7:30 a.m. in downtown Syracuse. The fee for this event will be (8 which includes a and a breakfast the country that sponsors events for walkers, according to club President Robert Fisher. Instructions on competitive walking will be given to parrace. ticipants just before the will be Three large medals and given to the top three men Ribtop three women walkers. bons will be given to all others. Divisions will be determined on CARPET CLEANED tt the day of the race according to the number of participants. Last year the club had approximately 30 walkers finish the race and is expecting more walkers this year. The distance for walkers will be three miles while the runners go five miles. 3 0v5lUs jTHIS t ? WEEK ONLY... CTa ? U U $24.93 SHAMPOO ONLY room and hall any living furniture moving oxtro) f room tin; (Oagvdlaii $ J " I Acrobatic Team Earns Regional Award s and Melissa Wells placed first. Beginner competitors placed as follows: boys pairs, first, Dan and Ben Pritt; second, Brian and Brad Mathews; girls pairs, first, Julie and Debbie Pritt; second, Susan Alvey and Melissa Hirschi; third, Vickie-an- d Marie Delamare. Davis County Youths who have qualified to attend USSAF National Championships in San The Sky Twisters Acrobactic Team from USA Gymnastics World in Layton hosted the United States Sports Acrobatics Federation Western United States National Qualifying Regional Championship recently. Awards at the meet went to Mike and Lisa Wells for first place in mixed pairs; Holly and Lisa Wells, first for girls pairs; Carrie and Chrissy Musser, secLAYTON ond; Michelle Mann and Stephanie Adams, third; Jeri Alvey and Becky Mathews fourth; Carrie Jeppson and Ton Francisco, June 24 and 25 are Holly and Lisa Wells, Carrie and Chrissy Musser, Michelle Mann, Stephanie Adams, Jeri Alvey, Becky Mathews and Mike and Lisa Wells. Qualifying for nationals in platform tumbling were Steve Cooper, Halli Campbell, Kay Davis, Stacy Hansen, Debbie Symonds, Nicole Alder, Bradi Skinner and Kristen Osborne. j A special Danelle Toole, ninth. In girls trios, Mindy, Crissy NOW FOR APPOINTMENT 3 bedroom bilevel reody for move-300 iq ft , both, custom kitchen with washor dryer on the mam floor, combination dining A A family room with fireplace flue tor stove downstairs Re dwood A cedar deck, full base ment double garage with door opener Underground utilities, country setting finoncmg available Coll 479 3747 any phancmisis available I ,'m, Debbie Pritt, sixth; Amber Wamsley and Crissy Wells seventh; Tricia and Alicia Mai- jj lard, eighth; Erika Major and 3 CALL NEW HOUSE FOR SALE Sat. JumII Sum. Juna 12 6 P.M. 2 WE DO DYE CARPETING RIGHT IN YOUR HOME and It li ready to usa Immodlatoly. Wa wHI alia TINT or COLORIZE your carpal whHo chamMaing at alight additional dtargo. COLORS SO BRIGHT AND VIVID You will bo aitoundod ai thoucanda of othure hovo boonl YES, HOUSE OPEN Jean and Ovellette, fifth; Mary award all-arou- was given to Mike, Holly and Lisa Wells for qualifying for nationals in both acrobatics and platform tumbling. P.M.-- ...Our uxpurt craw will cltan your curpating BETTER than you mi btfare; or your manay h raturnad IN FULL. Uphotitared furniture, urea and Oriental carpoti Included hi thic pledge WARRANTY Mountain Rd ii j Soccer Team Wins Crown - WEST POINT The West I Point Road Runners American Youth Soccer Organization 7 and 8 year-ol- d soccer team won the Davis Cup Championship, I May 21. In the final game of six Davis Cup matches, the West Point .team smashed the Clearfield Cobras in a 0 shutout and were led by Dennis Lee Duenas with 3 goals; Robbie Valdez, 2, and Jason Child, who kicked in 1. Veal Parmesan Italian Meat Balls Veal Scallopini Chicken Parmesan Baked Halibut . $fi)00 6-- Goalie Paul Hansen regis-- I tered a shutout in the game. Members of the championship team who will compete in L the semifinal playoffs for the." Utah Cup include Dennis Lee'' Duenas, 8; Teri Duenas, 7; Andrew Huff, 8; Robbie Valdez, 8; Jason Child, 7; Wayne Banz, 7; David Bayne, 7; Michael Day, 7; Trudy Day, 7; Paul Hansen, 7; Jesse Henderson, 6; Justin Henderson, 7; Nicole Johnson, 7; Ryan Rogers, 6; and Chris Singleton, 7. LUNCHEON SPECIALS includes: Paita, garlic broad, and largo toft drink. OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA tO0Tr mrPTi ft yfMt ( u n fr? 7 House Cleaning Sale! A City Sets Kids' Rodeo Next Week 479-645- G.E. MICROWAVES G.E. DISHWASHERS 4421 Harrison Blvd. Ogden, Utah 84403 3 (across the street from Dee Event Center Sign) Sunset City will, SUNSET Little Buckarooi Rodeo, Thursday, June 16, at 7 p.m., and Recreation Councilman Clifford Spendlove urges youngsters interested in trying their skills at pony bareback' riding, calf roping, goat tying, sheep racing and barrel racing , to apply at the city office buildsponsor a ing, 85 W. 1800 N. " According to Spendlove, gistration fees have been re- -' duced this year from $5 to $3 inj order to enable more children to 8 cycle potscrubber 3 level wash energy saver option plate warmer cycle built-i- n soft food dispenser j re-i- J participate. Tickets for the event may be obtained from city firemen, ' members of the fire ladies auxiliary and other charitable or- - ganizations in the city. . Tickets are also available at the gate and from the city offices, with admission prices of $2 for adults, and $1 for children aged 6 to 12. Younger kids will be admitted. All ticket stubs will be entered in a drawing for two $100 groc-- ; ery certificates and two Reg. Only G.E. electric touch control micro cooks by time or temp. Has built-i- n auto cook humidity sensor G.E. best. 1 399.00 NOW ONLY Reg. 699.00 NOW ONLY $349 DETTER Only G.E. full size microwave cooks by time and temp, has 3 power levels. 1 9 cycle potscrubber 3 level wash built-i- n soft food dispenser 10 yr. warranty on tub extra deep racks Reg. $599.00 . Schwinn Scrambler bikes. Reg. 389.00 NOW ONLY...,,, NOW ONLY $425 9 DEST now only soft food built-i- n dispenser 10 yr. warranty extra deep racks cycle indicator dial 9 plus many other features Married or single, qualified men and women may save plenty on car insurance with Farmers exclusive 3060 Auto Package. Reg. $619 APPLIANCES $549 1 start at Only new G.E. 19 cu. ft. frost free Ad. split wire shelves, double crisper, reversible doors, equipped for ice maker. Every swivel rocker chair on sale. Prices I ONLY NOW ONir 0 599M $159o Every sofa and loveseat will be on sale for one week only. 1 only full size sofa loveseat both 10054 nylon cover Now Only Reposessed G.E. 15 cu. ft. frost free refrig, has deluxe glass shelves, deluxe crisper, comes complete with automatic ice maker installed, almond color. NOW ONLY.... KRVIN JOHNSON $00000 Ayy NOW ONLY FURNITURE CLEARANCE Farm- 265 New Hotpoint electronic touch control microwave has new dual wave cooking system complete with 10 power levels. Reg. $389.00 1 2 cycles 3 level wash Why not check with ers today 4J55 flQ0 Agant 24 Wort 2000 N. SunMt, Utah 84105 R. LAYTON 731-553- 2 250 i. GENTILE 544-34- 43 106 .a Open Daily Except Sunday cerrren FREE DELIVERY FREE STOnZSISS PARKING FINANCING IS AVAILABLE 2 |