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Show 1 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS SEMINARS FOR KIDSI BUSINESS SERVICE FUN, educational summer clat-M- l for kids! grades $23 per clou. Family ratal available, profeuionol Initrucfon, two lummer teuioni. DIRECTORY AEROSPACE Call an someone who knows how1 Cot o o fa o do SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS DINOSAUR PLUS DRAWINGCARTOONING SPANISHFRENCH INTERNATIONAL COOKING UNUSUAL ART v. 6 Locksmith Applionct Port! All mokes end model $15 Mrvio charge, plus ports. Coll onyhme 62 Blinds HUOI LIVOLOR DISCOUNTS Guarontaod Lowmt Pncot on All 1 1 rvict availably All Call ahr 4 pm. 546-314- 7 FOUND LOST: Male Siberian Husky. Slue eyes, Little toy'i Treoturel Shop Want Ads For That New Car "Totem" no collar. REWARD! 5 Window Our Coveringil low overhead means unboat- - Reward-Mac- Office Machines Scottish Calm, k male Terrier, lost Memorial weekend. call TypawrHaft. Good riaga ganaology machi fic Uctncsmamals. quality Will trod or rebuild your pr Mnt machi Appointment for pncot. Ogden 479 SIC 9734230 Carppt Cleaning Nood your carpet our try special on n. cloanod, a living room, boll $24.95. Other rooms vei y reasonable. Also deodorizing, residential or Call Al or Edit commercial. house pointing, and exterior. For Free Piano Tuning 1226. Ceramic Tile ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates Piano Tuning and Repair. Experienced Technician for and and all makes serving jvis County and vicinity. Take care of your life time invest- ments by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS 5 1 Remodeling Construction KIRKMAN CONSTRUCTION custom residential framing cond tractors. Spec and houses. Wood sidings, wood decks, custom interior finish, remodeling and repairs. Free estimates. years experience. - SANTERRA CONSTRUCTION AND DRYWAll Complete Remodeling Service. All fypes of remodeling and new construction. Lorge or Small. Free Estimates. Very Competitive Puces. Call Bob Mike 1 Steve ham Complete Eloctrical Work Ashton Electric, Quality work at your home or business. remodel, room addition, garage converfree estisions, basements, mates. No lob too small. A A Dennis Falk Construction, new construction, small commerical. carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and aluminum sidma. AA remodeling, residential, All Engino Small engino and bike repair 434 Ann St., Clearfield, 776 and de 4764 Free Pick-u- p livery. sssssaaBasssBBSS & Garden Plowing and Tilling Farm Tree CUSTOM tor driven tiller prepares excel lent seed bed for gardens and Reason-ablelawns Y(alhlGr544. ' Del Kearl and Sons yard and garden tilling Cjiii Sewing & Alterations SEAMSTRESSAEXPERIENCED your pattern or custom design, alterations. Rfrncs, Sprinkling Syitems SPRINKLER WAREHOUSE Discount Parts, Professional Design, Trenching, 1368 N. 1 1900 W. Layton 08 Waterproofing Horseshoeing i yi ment? Call Dayton Construction 112 Finance available 392-- 1 HORSESHOEING Call Bill HBMHMBIMnaBe 6 Weddings Landscaping Sam General Landscaping. Any type of landscaping, clean up, tree service, waterfall, new style for mountain river and a No ob too big or bridge. small. Call anytime to make a deal. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING New sod or replaces weeding, transplant, trimming, edging, cultivate your flower bed. Mowing, digging, trees out with roots. Retaining walls, rail road ties, fences repaired, concrete work, sprinkler new sprinklers, tree shaping, roto tilling, leveling, top soil, etc. Weekly or monthly, big or small lobs. 295-897- 6 guarantee. references OBS or FUN WEDDING MUSIC. $10 hour, rental S&7a CLEARFIELD Professional Yard Care We have the equipment and the know-hoto do it right 7 or 731 210 trimming and hauled away imates, Harold, Free JOB SERVICE INTERVIEWER WORKS PART Time, 10 hours per week, takes new claims, computer entry, typing, filing, good salary. able to work flexible hours, good type skills, professional image, some Be REQUIREMENTS! demonstrated experience, outgoing personality. If interested contact Dennis Barton 773 8380 for an appointment. Disabled American Veterans Thrift Store now hiring soliatori in Weber-N- . Davis Co. Must be dependable. Work from home, no wiling 776-- 1 804 Need full or part-tim- e phone solicitors for carpet cleaning butirau. Work in own home, If commission, call Al interestea e and full-tim- e (ales opportunity with top educational ca. Guarantees available for qualified sale people. No Part-tim- needed. Lead available, training. plans for Larg Resident Manager Apt. complexes, Weber and couDavis Co.'s. No Children. ples preferred. Must hove experience, references and be bondable. Send Resume to Box CO Ogden Standard Examiner $1200 GUABANTEED Fastest growing barter offer in the naTion need qualified MANAGER TRAINEE. Call Nationwide Bartering 84 -J- OBS OF INTEREST SALES COLOR CONSULTANT Needed in North Davis area. You will be profeuionally trained and certified in skin care, make-u- p and artistry and the exciting field of color analysis. For further information and interview call Kim at If you have ever sold or would like to wll Nutri- - Metict Organic Cosmetics or Sculptreu Bras JOIN or REJOIN the all new international Company during May and June special for only $39 95. Earn good commissions, your $3795 back plus 5 free product. Call Lee NEED MONEY? Sell Avon full can earn $6 or or part-timmore an hour. Call Yard Care Weekly mowing, OF INTEREST GENERAL Est- 4 a Steve' Car your auto look new again imide and out. Engine compartment and trunk. Have it detailed! Price! itart at $37.50.Phone 546-183- 7 Clean-Mak- evenings. PROFESSIONALS WANTED Looking for 4 profeuionol soles people who have sales experr ence of ony kind. This is a top position with the fastest growing co. in the United States. We will do over $400,000,000 retail sales this year. Call 392-457- 3 or 4773496 for personal interview offer 5 p.m. Program with outstanding Sen opportunity earning dis-Americas fastest count cord. Call wowing 2or Soles week commission. . ..... ,er week. Call collect 9 o.m. to noon ask for Jim. Mike Douglas 100 -- CHILD CHILD Love to tend 1 Ages 2 yori lunch!, fbnead days, (foil says:Ifyou knowCPRyou CARE CARE or 2 children. and up. Hot yard, itricny Family licensed Day Cara. Hotmeals and snacks and activities. 1 will tend infante to 3 years old. Layton an 8 Phone I never know when youll save a life! singing. Barbara Jenkins' 544-214in vocal Rich Background technique and musical theater Elected la performance. National Association of Teacher of Sing mg. Kinderniuskk, A family a tred music experience. Clasws 5-enrolling for ages 0-- 4, Far more informaand tion call 546-483-3. " SO. DAVIS SWIM SCHOOL Small dauet begin June 3rd, all ages, levels. Mature Red back from Crou certified-ju- st California framing. Fear problems our specialty. Conveniently located in west Bountiful, val Verda and Centerville. Call 546-31- 9. Dedroom area. FIND IT anlanna dealerre- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 180 -- WEBER COUNTY many sprinkl-in- to schools walk So. Ogden neighbor, hood. $74,5067479-6052- . Great family Hamel So. Ogden near schools and church. 3 bedrooms, large fenced yard. Extra storage. By anginal own5. er, $4,000 Down, Nearly New, 2 bedroom home, full basement 4 $49,500 $y Owner 190 -- DAVIS COUNTY Beautiful 4 bedroom Layton acrou from park, baths, lovely fireplace, landscaping, terms, $73,900. 546-042- 3 BRICK RAMBLER on V acre lot. 5 bedroms, . full baths, finished basement with family room, large fences yard with deck, garden one fruit trees, So. Layton. $65,000 544-298- 7 Owner: $54,500 Each. inter est. Townhouses, all brick and aluminum. Brand New. 2o23 N. 175 W. Sunset, Ut. 2 bed- By Contract Sale at rooms with kitchen 12 walk-i- clouts, n with dishwasher, disposal, range. Dining area, livwith room bay window. ing Family room, woodburning double stove, deck, casrport, near schools and shopping 773-8- 1 15 after 6 p.m. By Owner: 3 bedroom brick rambler with full baMment, large fenced yard, dose to 7 Bow and Mall. For sale . large 3 bedroom, T. Layton home, many extras, low price for quick sale, $73,500. Xoll Dan. 546-078- 3 KAYSVILLE SUPER RECREATION LARGE KITCHEN, YARD, PATIO, LOTS Of OVER 1800 SQ. AREA. PRICED AND $77,000 FEE REALTOR CALL 544-48- COVERED STORAGE, FT LIVING AT ONLY WILL SPLIT WITH BUYER. Layton $590. Rent with Op- tion to Buy an Controd. 4 bedrooms, double garage, hwaiher, nice landscopir-t- er 12 mo. $3540 i down payment on purchase pries. 782. New, class to Freeport Center ana HAFB. 2100 iq. ft. fenced, double carport, air asquiet street, 11 j sumable, $64,900. 7 NEW HOMES d torting at $49,800 on lots. Monthly payments low Call $42T. as as storting Lynn GIoumt Construction 776-031- 4. New Kaysville brick 3 bedroom, 1 baths, fireplace, double garage, $76,900544- 5710. FARM HOME We have Lott and Will Build Glauser Construction or 544-98- 1 NEW HOMES Quality Built, low maintenance, Excellent financing, North Davis County Area, WtU Meet or Beat Any Prieel Glauser Construction or 544-98- 1 240 -- ACREAGE LOTS Beautiful View and Area, 2 acres: 120 ft. frontage an Sunset Dr., W. Kaysville, zoned to build, city water, uwer, gas and electric, pressurized irrigation. $40,000 Must have cash out. Beautiful view. Call stereo equipment? The Classified ad section of today's newspaper features a good selection of items in this category that very likely will fit your needs! Whenever you're searching for specific articles, make your first stop Classified! Public Service ol This Newspaper S The Advertising Council ES! HOUSE HUNTING? Let Classified Ads help you find just what you're looking for. (MQdI QHEaM F.as SHOTGUNS paid. Ogden 7 paid. THINGS TO EAT DELIVERED INSTALLATION 3 FOR SALE mixer, blander, meat grinder, food slicsr, shredder, whips, mixes and kneads. Ex- Diamond Donna . Sals, Rina, Appraised Will sell for SSOObest offer. Call evenings, tanrea. 731-39- and Giant yard sale, food Circle. AND MIX GRINDER Also bread mixer $250. MILL Miscellaneous sizes and stylet of Sculptreu Bras $2 to lD 5655. homemade Western and purses, $10 each, 5 ft. wooden plant stand $10, much 544-869- more. Coll OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Blueprint machine and developer, Dart 100, $525 Office copier with heavy stand, great for geraol-og4 $450. Call Overlook Rapostestion-Juk- i $199.99 cosh or $3.00 per 1 month. Call 1 or SEWING MACHINE. Mutt tell New Home portable g with carrying case. Excellent condition. 89.00. 5464)098 260 -- MOBILE 24x52. 2 bedroom, 1V4 baths, fireplace, carport, covered patio, in an adult Center Park 292- gark. City Columbia Champion 14x58, two bedrooms, 1 bath with owning. In family section of Hillgate Ter- race. MUST SELLII NICE 1979 Nashup 14x56 2 bedroom, washerdryer, woodburning stove, awning, double glau windows, fenced backyard. Family park, pets allowed, price negotiable. Days thelley 825-537- 0 394-265- evenings 1973 24X64 Cuitom Built Marietta, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, very dean, $35,000 consider terms. 731-24- 32ft. Mobil Heme consider Will $6500 WANTED Wanted, female te there houie- - Layton Area. Call Francis between 10 and 5:30 pm. APTS A 1979 710 Yardman 1 8 -T- 103S W. Riverdale Vj 5' CMUESS 3G99 Road 1980 CADILLAC ELDORADO Fully loaded One owner You Have Something In Our Classified Section 1980 FORD PINTO Runabout Automatic transmission, low miles, dean exceptionally 1980 PONTIAC LEMANS 9 CUSTOM TOPPERShells" "' $25doy,8 825-550- offer. $ car 4875 1981 Shells" Compare Anywhere 21 ft. conditioned, for this summer's 6 sleeps ready PRICE ute7$3,495. including 7875 t Stylish Construction 5 . MAXIMA DATSUN Fully looded sun roof 79OO "Fiberglass $350 or best 1981 DODGE ARIES 4 door, 4 K - CAR speed 4875 $34900 Stove Adams R.V. Soles 1464 N. Main, Layton or 546-070- 8 1976 Coachman 3S ft. Fifth Wheel Trailer, rear living ram, center bath, kitchen tame and chairs, 1 00 aa. fresh water tank, air conditioned family Stylish Radius Door Compare for Yourself ' wgham contained, air Ra bibow Vacuums New with power nozzle and Excellent PRICE 19S7 Travel Trailer, white, clean, 14 ft. - Heavy Duty Frame Ron. 3 automatic transmission, air conditioning, power steering power brakes 4 door, imper, 16 ft. pep trailer, swept 6, excellent condition, range, icebox, forced air furnace, electric water converter, pump, power 621-20or $2,595. Phone Yard Sale-To- y, clothes, email appliances, school desk, small typing desk, wood closet, horizontal and vertical metal butting band saw (new), paint, light fixtures and other misc. 9 2040 N. 300 W.. Sunset Sat. June 1 9 am-- 5 pm. 7B Ford Falcon 6 cylinder, 544- ijjssd standard. 0 4 Steve Adorns R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton 546-070- 0 or !546437 drjers. in Layton. 4 1982 PONTIAC FIREBIRD TOPPER (CUSTOM J ULTIMATE IN STYLE, CLASS AND QUALITY Automatic transmission, air condition- steering, power brakes, tilt steerinq wheel, ing, power cruise control 8350 OCCUPANCY IMMEDIATE $56,900 fireplace. 3375 'SI push bedrooms, full 1981 JEEP CJ-- 5 Excellent recreation basement with Franklin vehicle. Call Wally LARGE FAMILY HOME IN OAK Forest, Layton. 6 bedrooms, fruit trees. Call Cathie 2 baths, beautifully landscaped, $125,000. 15 Lovely room. 8 has extra large family loan assumable. 1981 CKEV 4x4 ton, 4 BETTER THAN NEW LAYTON 3 bedrooms, Duke speed, air conditioning, double gos tanks, power steering, power brakes 7990 $58,900. CHOICE MELANIE ACRES LOT! al! improvements. Owner will subordinate! Low lot with .29 acre down. Call Ron Topik $13,500. LAI 4-- 6 1982 PONTIAC 4 door, exceptionally low miles SYRACUSE CHARMER with fantastic family room in super $67,500. Doug CONVENIENT LOCATION CLEARFIELD , 2 bedroom doll house ort a Vs acre lot with fruit trees, garden spot. Garage, nicely landscaped. Only $40,500. Call Frank bi-le- area. Call Sanders UUardley hookups, PontlaCCadlllac corporation Ql Better Homes. GMC Layton, PHONE 544-420- UT. 394-685- 8 i Truck 570 N. Main, Layton I 1095 N. Main OMMME WEBMT i Clearfield, Noappliances, Petr 23rd St. CAB Want To Sell? List It 292-03- tent 8 392-735- Excellent condition, 3 best offer. Tow1450 W. deposit air. 9 required. SMOmo, Ante., all sizes $140 te $375. Some with utilities paid. Ogden or392-759oreo. 394-96- 9 Cleon onj Quiet, 1 bedroom opts, free heat, water, washing facilities, refrigerator and stove. No Children or Pets 8 $210. 556 23rd St. Clean 1 bedreem, hoot, and stove furnished. No children or pets. $200. 556 KING 9975 RAVEL TRAILERS For DUPLEXES 125 S. pit automatic trans- - dean, "Otv 25 Yean of Service, Integrity and Dependability " New 3 Bedreem nhouse, NOVA DATSUN MOBILE HOMES 621-36- "Like New". sleeps Ilfcweek Nicely decorated 280 -R- OOMMATES w transmission, With shell, "Aluminum office trade. 479-49- power 2600 with 1982 Cate, walk 100, $2350. Phone low hours, WOLFCREEK MEMBERSHIP PRICE NEGOTIABLE 479-739- 5 after 6 pm Muit sell reduced to 69,000. 78 air condition- wheel, cruise control, payments less than Weber Valle; deluxe interior, Conastoga top, stored in garage, extras, HOMES built mobile heme. 0. power steering and power brakes tion. Motor, galley, pop-to7 soils, trailer, extras, IB' Fibarform 200 HP Volvo, Swamp coaler. $7S New Sears d kerosene heater $100. velour chair and ottoman $50. New 6 piece living room set $600. We tell and rent computer software, both busmeu and games. Rice Electronics 3701 Wash. Blvd., Phorw Expert overhaul or repair service. Good selections of rebuilt ' washers and electric or gas Everett Olson 731- - SIDE LOTS subdivision 1 mi. of CHEV MARINE 670 -- BOATS Catalina 22. Perfect condi- only bought E offerV544-894- mission Exceptionally TRACTOR Massey Ferguion, 1976 MF40 large scoop, box scraper, ripper teeth, canopy, lights, diesel, wheal weights, and fluid. $7,000 Call 4 behind TL best NEW CAR SALES HAS BEEN SO GOOD WE ARE OVER STOCKED WITH THESE AND OTHER GREAT USED CAR BUYS. IMPLEMENTS Trenchers Runs well. New $700 or hem. radials. sport rims conditioning, ARM -F- 1969 Grand Prix Model J, SALE 1979 7 air, 544-590-3. 4 PROPERTY Cuitom 630 cruise, low miles, excellent cm transmission, tteer-m- g, power brakes, USED Automatic 150 BOWEN ENTERPRISES 839 W. 17th St. Dwn 600 Wooden Feed Boxes, all size, $70, Capiz shell lamp wallets 910 Grand Prix, power 8,000 mi. air conditioning, tilt 1981 Titan with 3 bedrooms and 1 Vs baths 1,500 with less than PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogden MOVING SALE --Kitchen table horse chairs Jnd electric$30, Wondej organ $15, childs desk and chair $15, Philljpine L.J.. power steering, air, front wheel 1 like new. only liftback, 546-452- 1 Pontiac Phoenix 1 drive, good gas mileage. $4500, Need te Sell, Going fe School, '81 Subaru GL, 4 wheel drive, hatchback, AMFM Cassette, cruise, luggage rack, mag after 6:30 wheels, 62 Must Sell 1982 Toyota Tercel SR-- ing, steering power steering, brakes, excep- - Interest 12 POULTRY Barrel Horse, 12 year eld, Sorrel Gelding, excellent on 3 barrels, poles, 10 yr, Bucktkin Geldin good with kids. With saddle, $750. Horse Trailer, 1975 Circle J. Good condition, Call 776-52after 6 p.m. while they lost. Call Lee 825- - 9t 1 Down 5 610 -L- IVESTOCK East of Arcitc Clearfield. weekends, tionally dean 9 gomes, dryer, couches and chairs, and lots more. June 10 and 11 at 240 N. 300 E., MPORTS Automatic VizsTa, 8 AKC Golden Retriever pups, $100 or best offer. Electric 4 1S79 PONTIAC FIREBIRD Car With Classified 100. and Tl. -I- 1,400. 1 GOOD hunting dogs, eat family dogs, AKC Si clothing, tires, linens, baby furniture, couch, and love seat, boys bedroom furniture, aquariums, misc. items. 2780 E. 300 N. Layton, Friday and Saturday June 10 980 EQUIP VY Sell Your "BIG Beautiful pups. Outstanding 970 PORTS CARS '81 2802X 4,500 miles, de- make offer 393-- 1 146 3 adulf Garagechildren's 'El Capri AMFM Stereo, gobd raking condition, 0 $5,200 Call Teresa 1977 Lincoln Mark V, excel-lecondition, loaded, $7200. Coll 621-74ask for Anna 1912 Pontiac J2000, wagon, power steanngbrakei. exair, cellent condition, 5995. firm. Call 546-311or evenings 0 920 -- AUTO SERVICES PARTS ACCESSORIES For Sale, Newly rebuilt 1975 Fiat Engine, far 128 or XI 9. Alto a new tranemiuion clutch and other component parts, 5 after 5p.m. German Shephard pups, AKC Champion lines. Black and ,5. ' 9. luxe, book $10,000-$Asking $10,500. 510, I9BI Ford Escort, excellent condition, cruu control. AMFM 6 (rock tro. $4200 or btf otto. Call 54M396 $5,300 or offer. 5 BOB, Backhee, od shape, new tires, 773-17- 9 after 5:30 p.m. Jim 197B CMC COE. 318 Detroit, tingle axle excellent condition, $14,900 or trade for property. after 5 p.m. 79 FORD L9000 dump truck Call after 5, 773-202- 8 SUPPLIES CLASSES OFFERED! Obedience Show Handling Puppy Kindergarten Personal Protection Behovior Problems IDLEWIRE TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson Ave. II or Datsun hatchback, 3242 mpg, hat ev$4900 or take over payments of $199. GMAC erything. 960- -4 WHEEL DRIVES 979 Ford PI 50 4x4, excellent MENT DOG TRAINING 7598 Tl 295-88- 1976 Case AKC Yorkshire Terrier, 1 male, 2 Vs years old, 1 female, 7 month old. $200 ach or best offer. 4 BEES WANTEDI H you know where a swarm is, mve us a buzz, for reward, extractor wanted Large swamp cooler for sale. 6 or 277- - $1,400-$- ! 910-HEA- PINE AND PINION Now taking orders for summer delivery, any amount. Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden - PETS 1 776-69- MAKES 1970 Chevrolet Neva $500Beet Offer 776-365- 1 after 5 p.m. 4 truck, 971 International ton with dual automatic, Needs overloads. paint, $900 will consider trade. Call 782- 9791 after 5PM 1980 Chevrolet Luv 4x4, with shell. Mikado trim, $5,500. Call Excellent onr $12,900Btafter 3 or 990 -- ALL 1 rest, crime control 621-42'$3 Honda. ATC 250E, 3 wheeler, bare'y used, 7 after 6 p.m. 590 -F- IREWOOD 600 0 2 $900best offer '80 SUZUKI, GS1000L, Engine guard, luggage raa, back SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT Timbertown 394-31804 W. 17th St., Ogden 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS condition 'Bl HONDA CIVIC WAGON $4,600. Must Sell! cooled, full fairing, new paint, excellent, $1000 Negotiable. 1 after 4 pm. 1979 CI750K HONDA Hat tinted windshield, highway pegs, runs excellently, 392-13- 5 after 5p.m. FEED BUSINESS Coll 5 78 Mercedes 300D, Excellent condition, AVAILABLE 580 -- HAY, GRAIN 360 -- OFFICE Divorce 3 1982 Yamaha 125YZ, 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogdn 3 bedroom brick home in So. Ogden, family room and 1 car garage. Home will be rented Thurs. between 6-3890 Nor-diOgden $365. 3 bedrooms, central Ogden, carpets, drapes. $300 month, $150 depouT liftback, court, air, AAFM 745-232GT Asking $3900. aute- - -S- 1974 Suzuki OT750 Water OR 6 78 Calico matie transmission. Power ering' brakes, air, CB., 2 tans, shell, 8824. 1972 OMC Slot bed dump $5,000 292-14- HONDA 1980 XL500, Good condition $900 Or best offer, 393-006- 0 SOD Volkswagen Scirocce, lent condition, asking $5650 or bott Otter. Calf 1 or '6$ VOLKSWAGEN good transportation $350, 910 Chevrolet LUV, excellent condition, 37,000 miles, condition, 760 -- CYCLES Flower and vegetable bedding plants. See and fertilmr. Stangers Greenhouse, 3375 W. 5600 So. Roy 3 OgdenSOOIus gas cellent condition. REES -- SHRUBS bedroom home I -T- 5S0-PLA- 2 bedroom home, large fenc ed yard, dose to schools, churches, shopping $350mo. Bosch Steve Adorns R.V. Sales 1464 N Mam, Layton 5464)700 or 5464708 825-73- 544-236- 9 in or 5464708 1979 Executive 26 ft. 440 Dodge, generator, roof air, rearMth. privacy shades, low miles, well cared far. 46-0700 Phone ll KS 1 1975 4x4 Chevrolet, 546-07- fapm, FMAM. Extra sharp. 440 Dodge engine, low mi. Should see to appreciate, interested buyers oniyl Can be seen ot 323 9th St. $21,000. After 6 PM. 3994)129. 1979 Dodge Trans Van, 16 ft. law im. great boat puller, well cartid for. Steve Adams R.V. Salas 1464 N. Man, Layton RHUBARB 15 lbs.$5 '79 MGI, good condition Mak offer. 773-47- MUST SELL AUTOS FOR SALE 1978 Winnebago motor home 23 ft. class A. Roof air, generator, stereo and 4 track 40(lbor Oak Forest, 3 bedrooms, baths, air conditioning, great view, large yard, deluxe kitchen. $575mo. Available late or 980-IMPO- RTS Sxl Shelby Mss 5 lug General Motor wim chrome lugs and 3 raw steel belted radi al tires. $160 for every- 9 leave thing. Phbne name and umber. 4-- 1 $4,300. SUPPLIES Bulface Purtang 1979, 250cc excellent $800 best offer, 540 -- GOOD SES Lfter a place? Check with Rental Information Service. Fee $35. Ogden' Personalized referral, we escort and negotiate for you 394-96- Small Steve Adams R.V. Sale 1464 N. Mam, Layton or392-759- 7 June. RIFLES DIAMONDS GOLD PAWNS MONEY TO LOAN WASATCH GUNS AND LOAN 0 2606 Wall Ave. Whirlpool or WashenDryars and sold. Kenmore 290 -- UNFURNISHED A 2 250 -- RECREATION beach, marina slip, tennis, or low interest Looking for and I worranty $450. 546-006- BEAR East shore IN CLASSIFIED selling Monday thru Saturday 2958 Wash. Blvd., Ogden. 3 CLARION! 4 BEDROOMS 1 Vt ROOM, (KING BATHS, TO BUY paid for gold rings, sil- var coins, sterling, etc.... WILD CAT A BULLION, buying and 510-WAN- Cah S130-S24- 4 View, By Owner, 5 bedrooms, large family room, fireplace, 2 baths, cooler, large laundry and sewing room, family storage room, all built-in- s, covered, carpeted patio, fenc. system, Materials. all iia $140 fa Apt., Some with utilitia needed, no experience quired, dealer cast for complete unit S747, Retail $1395. d Write: Antennal, 1530 Court, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80915 or Call (303) 636-046- 0 Today Ideal Og- - DUPLEXES 310-HQU- ed yard, garden area, MATERIALS Railroad liee for tala, all diet, all grade, all shapes, will de6 liver, will cut to size. AAK Railroad or APTS. Apartment Studio, Knerator, 0 500 -- BUILDING 8 300 -F- URNISHED Vi acre, reduced to $21,500. 4125 N. 425 W. Pleasant 4 View. Cardiopulmonaiy resuscitation training is available through, your local Red Cross Chapter. Call. Z479-524- area. By Owner. Pleasant beautiful 6 bedrooms, extras. Coll 782-927- COINS Hill 22 ft. Motor home, Clou A, Dodge engine, roof air, dean unit, Sale, Antique decks, bed, dresser, trunk, aonk gzbrtes posit 5444493. mrsffver Divorce den area 2 bedreem, Coble, ca $2bv. air, clou to town, 621-10By appointment Clearfield, bedroom 3 120 -- BUSINESS Satellite Central br AUTOS FOR SALE ACCESSORIES PARTS 7 490 -- ANTIQUES lisrag facilities. laundry Lakeside Review South, june 8, 1983 7A 920 -- AUTO SERVICES 740 -- MOTOR HOMES For Rent Clou A Typo, sleeps 6, 23 ft., roof air, generator, INSTRUMENTS Sun Concert lead Amp, 500 Watts RMS 7 $275. 3 with all utilltie Summer tutoring. Certified teacher. Private and group rates. 48- 0- MUSICAL Og- 8 able 'fvpl:h -- MISCELLANEOUS TRAILERS 16ft. trailers, tandem 190-u-t lotb-ed, 3 ton payload, $1 546-095- 720 3 South Ogden, Large 2 bed- room apt. with fireplace, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, large master bedroom, covered patio, beautiful fenced yard, nice 6 orso. 1 bedreem upstairs opt., $150 or 3 $135 ana up. Guaranteed 30 days. Phone 546-313- Biverdale Araa, 2 bed Townhouse, carpeted, baths, laundry hookups, air, OPPORTUNITIES players. Michael Mann Music Services. 773-538- do your concrete work ery reasonable, licensed free estimate. 544 '546-0- 1 -J- including II 2974. Find out what you've always wanted to know about but were afraid to ask. 2 New Messoge Each - Week. 80 PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repairs and restorations. Tull service' piano technician for all models AN EXPERT DO IT Quality Concrete Work, all Ty pes, Flat work or Structural, Free estimates. Reasonable 2 0 Rates Burial let, Aultereet, of lot 108 Lynndaie riot, space for A burials, P O. Box 311 Centerville, Ut. 84014 or All 1 Estimate Cement LET 40 -P- ERSONALS Painting-Texturizin- g Wanted in Central laundry far den Area. FRIIDOM-BIAUT- RICHNESS 30 -- LOST TVSTEREO Color T.V., wather and dryer ARTS DUPLEXES Large Studio Apt. $140mo. pfus lights and deposit, cable TV, parking and- 0 - INSTRUCTION FIND 546-113- 2 460 -- APPLIANCES, RENTALS 290 -- UNFURNISHED in Kaysville. WONDERLAND 2 by the hour, doy of SMALL ANIMALS LOCKSMITH Call 100 -- CHILD CARE Love Is,. A Qualify licensed Child Care Home. Mon.-Fr- l. 1 Clinton, ages State licensed child care Roy. Valley View and Nl Park school areas. Summer hours filled with fun field for ages 1 1 . Special trips, computer learning, crafts, music, creotive theatre, and water fun at WINTERS 544-344- 5 |