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Show I Page ID North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Classic North Wins Carmen Pi cited dome's MW All-St- ar BARRY KAWA ly the bases loaded, a single by Bountiful High shortstop Eric Logans Jody Allen, a ground-ou- t Johnson is deciding between RBI by Viewmonts outfielBrigham Young University, the der Doug Lee, and double by University of Utah and Taft Col- Review Staff OGDEN Woods Cross pitcher Curtis Carmen entered into the 39th annual baseball game Monday in the fourth inning with his team down Carmens whip-lik- e sidearm motion struckout five South over the next three innings and earned the North a win and Carmen the Most Valuable Player award. It felt great, said a smiling Carmen after his three innings. My knuckleball was really working well. My fastball usually is my best pitch and when my knuckleball is working, it makes it more effective. All-st- Ogdens John Liljenquist ar cleared the bases. Bear Rivers Brent Roberts solo homer and Viewmonts Steve Caputos two- out RBI single in the sixth inning iced the game for the north. The head coach for the North squad was Phil Olsen of Bountiful High. Its a lot easier to 0. all-sta- rs Sponsored by the Ogden Junior Baseball Association, all-st- high-scho- The Heath blocks a ball in Mondays high school Ken LAYTON'S all-st- game. ar 4-- ol all-star- Past winners have included pitcher George Fisher of Davis Carmen paced the Wildcats to a fourth-plac- e region finish with a 2 season mark. He said he was unsure of which college he would attend, but said he would choose the first one that offered him a scholarship. Scouts from Utah college baseball teams, were in attendance at Afleck. ar South 39-ye- ar High in 1945 and Glen Hubbard of Ben Lomond, now playing with the Atlanta Braves, in 1975. Winning the second-plac- e coach when you have good playtrophy for most valuable player ers, Olsen said. We had a lot was designated hitter Brent of good kids who were all hard Roberts of Bear River and workers. All three of our pitch- third-plac- e was infielder J.R. ers did a good job. Curtis prob- Richardson of Ogden High. of ably did the best the three, but all were tough. 7-- 1 this annual game of the best baseball players in the state was played under the lights of John Afleck Park in Ogden. Proceeds go to local junior baseball programs. lege in California. Carmen is the first player from Woods Cross in the history of the tourney to win the Most Valuble Players honors. . s threatened in the first inning when a walk and single put runners on first and second with one out. Layton High catcher Ken Heath gunned down the runner trying to steal third to end the early threat. Well, I wish my hitting was better but no one stole on me so that was good, said Heath after the game. The North scored four of its runs in the fourth inning. With Heath said if he goes to a Utah college it would be Snow College in Ephraim. However, it all depended on what college scouts at the game had to say to him afterwards. Out of the other region players, Viewmonts Lee, who hit .403 on the season,' will be attending the University of Utah. Caputo is considering the College of Southern Idaho and Dunlop's Generation Dunlop Elite 70 IV Radial RADIAL Robinson Accepts Offer To Play at Snow College 50,000 P15580R13 Whitewall Retail 0s P19770R13 P19770R13 P2057OR13 P20570R14 P21570R14 P21570R15 P22570RI5 P21570R15 te $122.96 125.52 134.24 144.63 152.15 158.53 163.88 F.E.T. 2.04 to 83.00 85.00 91.00 97.00 103.00 107.00 110.00 P17575R-1- 3 P18575R-1- 3 P18580R-1- 3 P18575R-1- 4 P19575R-1- 4 P20575R-1- 5 P21575R-1- 4 P20575R-1- 5 P21575R-1- 5 P23575R-1- 55.00 58.00 60.00 64.00 69.00 72.00 74.00 73.00 75.00 78.00 83.00 105.40 113 56 118.33 120.76 119.49 124 44 128.69 137.69 5 2.90 G3H13 Q OD 020131 TIRES (50 Dunlop Gold Seal RV Radial Rover 6-- B200 (p)(p)00 Retail Price IJ 204.51 224.93 235.18 174.62 31x10. 50R15 31x11. 50R15 33xl2.50R15 26x850R14 8.00R 16.5 Your Prico Retail Price Your Prico 8.75R 16.5 9.50R 16.5 12R 16.5 7.50R 16 138.00 150.00 158.00 117.00 191.22 214.09 256.31 182.33 F.EJ. 3.71 to F.E.T. 3.15 to 5.67 Walter Hagen Tourney Set for County Course 129.00 144.00 173.00 123.00 6.32 TiRO'GKfTilRES Dunlop Gold Seal Dias Ply Golfers throughout Davis woman team is $30 each. The County are invited to a day of womens handicap limit is 27. golf and to tee off against can- -' Thursday, June 16 at Davis cer at the Walter Hagen Golf Parks Golf Course is mens day - 3-R- Tournament, sponsored by the with first tee-of- f at 1 p.m. The Utah Division of the American mens handicap limit is 18. Cancer Society. Each player for the four-ma- n s Walter Hagen, was a best ball has a $40 entry fee. golfer who died of canWinners of the local tournacer in 1969. Hagen won almost ment will go on to state competieverything there was to win in tion 1 at Jeremy Ranch, August golf, holding a major national with state winners competing at 11 straight Doral Country Club in Miami championship for years. His wins include five Beach, Fla. during the week of Professional Golfer Associa- Oct. 24. tions Championships, as well as numerous opens titles. Information and entry blanks Womens day for the tourney can be obtained by calling the is Monday, June 20 at the Davis Davis County Unit of the Ameri3 Park Golf Course, with the first can Cancer Society at e at 10 a.m. f entry or contacting a golf course withfee for each woman of a four- - in the county. ib 750-1- 6 700-1- 6 8 ply 6 ply world-famou- 700-1- 5 6 ply Tube Type coupon coupon , Lube, Oil 451-289- Air & Filter One-tim- , Change Include up to 5 quart of Penn-co- il 30W Motor Oil, new oil filter and complete diauit lubrication. Include U.S. car, light truck and mot import. Add $1.00 more for 15U0W oil 333 92.00 96.53 98.58 P22575R-1- 5 21-- tee-of- Your Prico Price & WOODS CROSS Todd (work out with the players) or basketnot. Robinson, an ' ball player from Woods Cross Robinson said he was disapHigh School last year, has ac- pointed that Snow was the only cepted a scholarship to play college seriously interested in basketball at Snow College in him as a basketball player. But Ephraim, Utah, next year. Abegglen has built a solid progRobinson played a key role in ram at the school and is one of the. Wildcats 4:A. state champ- the better .junior college teams ionship, averaging 16 points a in the area. game while playing guard and Robinson was a captain of the forward. He shot 64 percent Wildcat team, which beat Bounfrom the field and 82 percent tiful in, the final game of the from the free throw line and tournament to win the tistate averaged 6.8 rebounds a game. tle. Woods Cross was coached But Snow College Coach Ron by Wayne Baker and finished Abegglen was the only college the year with a 3 record. coach who expressed interest in Robinson said he will spend the 3 Robinson. He invited me down a couple times and I the summer in Bountiful playwent down and played and ing on a recreation team with worked out with the players, Greg Houskeeper, a teammate at Woods Cross who will be Robinson said. But he (Abegglen) was going to give me a playing basketball at Idaho scholarship whether I wanted to State University next fall. All-Sta- Mile Tire Condition Service Check for leaks Inspect hoses Install up to 1 lb. Freon 15 Call far appointment M3 F.EJ. 2.81 to 3.51 coupon Transmission Maintenance Mott U.S. cars, tome imports additional part and service extra if needed. Replace trammisiion fluid Install new pan gasket Replace transmission filter on vehicles so equipped Adjust linkage and bands os applicable. With This Coupon With This Coupon III IHJHHHHMM if.vi: CTrxnif.n.i.tm CUD (lOifiU 03C3S 1i ii up IJ4 Hiii cmro OHDOMF '3!' - I t s44 CTonrt ivraaracn figmyi J tux. r ' 'T 1 |