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Show 4B Aids Development Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Nearly All Can Enjoy Jogging But Good Sense is Needed ly ner to be ready to move at a fast pace upon hitting the road. Outdoor tracks are available at all BARRY KAWA Review Staff Jogging has dashed out of the back roads of America to rank as the number one participant sport and best way to fitness. Marathons, jogging clubs, books and magazines and stores full of equipment have sprung into existence as a result of this trend. Jogging is currently enjoyed by about 40 million Americans and the number is growing. Dennis DeBoer, owner of the DeBoer running store in Bountiful, says Davis County residents have as much interest in jogging as those anywhere else in the United States. Running tends to appeal to those who make a living with their minds, said DeBoer. We have work people an awful lot of professional-typ- e among our customers. Id say half of our customand the others ers are men from the ages of and women. are spread out among teen-age- county high schools. in length making The tracks are a quarter-mil- e it necessary to run four laps around to run one mile. However, most joggers find tracks boring places to run as the scenery seldom changes. Davis County has its share of quiet country roads, particularly in Syracuse and West Point. The variety of scenery along with changes in the seasons are enjoyed by almost every jogger. Jogging may be torture to some but to others it becomes a lifelong sport. Marathons and shorter races attract thousands numbers of runners in Utah and can be seen daily along the roadside. A person wanting to shed a few pounds, get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and be in the best shape of their life cant go wrong by taking up jogging, as long as their general health is good and common sense is used in building endurance gradually and warming up to prevent injuries. 30-5- 0, The Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports ranked running as the top sport in endurance, muscular building endurance, muscular strength and flexibility and balance. The sport was also given top of the line marks in aiding weight control, muscle definition, digestion and sleep. Jogging at a brisk pace calories an was also estimated to burn hour. Jogging is one of the least expensive, but, at the same time, best ways to get in good physical fitness. All that is required are a pair of good running shoes, a passable jogging outfit and a place to run. Any place will do from a city street to the neighborhood track. Abebe Bikila, the famous Ethiopian marathoner who won an Olympic Gold Medal in his bare feet, is one of the few exceptions to the rule that you need good jogging shoes to be successful in the sport. Nothing, in fact, is as important as a good pair of running shoes, writes Bob Anderson, founder and publisher of Running World. The selection of jogging shoes available to the beginning runner is overwhelming. A few of the many brands recommended by Consumer Reports magazine are Adidas, Brooks, Nike, Tiger, Converse and Saucony. Sporting goods stores, shoe and some department stores and shops catering to the joggers needs all carry the recommended brands. The two most important things in purchasing quality jogging shoes are the thickness of cushioning in the shoe and heel counter. The cushioning absorbs the shock of a foot hitting the pavement and heel counter provides support to the heel and keeps the shoe from slipping. In fitting the shoe, there should be at least a half inch of space between the tip of the largest toe and the inside surface of the front of the shoe. Not every runner wears socks, but anklets, which are made of cotton, are inexpensive and a good investment. Nylon shorts with a slit up the side are best in hot weather. Nylon mesh shirts are available for the hot weather. The rule is to wear what feels most comfortable. or Running at night requires a white reflective vest to make the runner noticeable. All runners should run facing traffic so they can take evasive action if a car suddenly swerves at them. Other equipment available to the serious jogger includes a chronograph watch. This special watch makes it possible to time the joggers run, down to the nearest quarter second. Small inexpensive tear gas dispensers are available to discourage all but the most fanatical dogs. The new rebound jogger trampolines which are used for indoor exercise, provide too much bounce and aid the runner in lifting their legs. Still, a workout on one of these beats no workout at all, experts say. A warmup is an important preparation that will help prevent injuries. Stretching exercises and s will alleviate stiffness and allow the run JUNE 0 tevlew Correspondent BOUNTIFUL Probably the greatest thing about exercising in a swimming pool as the 15 to 25 ladies in the Bountiful slimnastics classes will attest is that it doesnt hurt. , Linda Everett, who teaches the morning class on Monday and Wednesday, is another who asserts that the arm circles, leg kicks, and butterflies give the muscles the same workout as the exercises, but without the pain. She said she out-of-wat-er 11 used to dance, then she bagan MerLynn Pitcher has been 16 the classes ended and taking up teaching in the classes for testimoa is walking teaching, which she has been years and nial to the benefits of swimming doing now for three months. Slimnastics are offered every and water exercise. She contracted polio when she day except Friday at the Bountiful indoor pool, and floor exer- was 5 years old and was concises are added to the regimen fined to the hospital for six in the evening classes. months. As soon as she was The general routine is to be- released, she began physical gin with 15 to 20 minutes of .therapy, which was a new apcardiovascular exercise in the proach to the disease at that water and then go into pulls, time. stretches and kicks. At 6 years of age my mom "And you dont need to know put me in swimming classes, how to swim, Ms. Everett said. she said. Ive been swimming regularly since then, and youd never be able to tell which parts of my body were affected. She said that her right arm and left - leg were severely stunted by the polio, but that now she has full use of those limbs. She said she has met many women through teaching the classes who start out hoping to lose weight but who go away, with much more. She said that one ladys mental attitude changed so much for the better that her husband refused to let her quit. Those who have been with it for a while will typically say, I come down here to wipe the cobwebs out of my mind, Ms. Everett said. Mrs. Pitcher said that recent (531-560- JUNE 15 CITY CREEK SERIES: 5 miles, 7 p.m. at City Creek Canyon. Registration is from 5 on race day. Awards, prizes, cumulative points $2$l SLCTC members. Sponsored by the Salt Lake Track Club. MID-WEE- K books on weight control support a theory she has advocated for years that exercise is the key to losing weight. In the last five years, aerobic aquatrim has become a popular way of exercising. In Bountiful they have been doing it much 6:00-6:4- JUNE 18 THIRD ANNUAL COTTONWOOD CLASSIC: 10 kilometers, 8 a.m. at the Cottonwood Mall. Preregistration only, 1000 entries limit, call Sefond Sole Registration fee is $5, includes shirt, awards, prizes. Sponsor is Cottonwood Mall, SLCTC, Mizuno. 5TH ANNUAL SYRACUSE FUN RUNWALK: Runners and wheelchairs 5 miles, walkers 3 miles, 7:30 a.m. at the Syracuse Stake Parking Lot. Register on the day of the race from 6 : 30-- 15 a.m. Prizes, medals to top three division winners, ribbons to eight places. Registration fee of $8 includes breakfast. Sponsored by WVRR, Syracuse LDS stake. Contact Merrill Sessions at longer. There are - reasons for the surgeimportant in popularity. Said Mrs. Pitcher, In 272-411- 1: 7 wateY jyou can do flexibility exercises: 'There is no stress to any joifits? fib stiffness and no ROBERT GILGEN MEMORIAL RACE: Laurel Larson s,qid..that aquatrim has healediherhack. . I was in constant pain fpia years with a deteriorating 627-280- 0. she said. My doctor saicfrus I would strengthen my ? stomach muscles it would take the pressure off my back. About disk, 10,000 meters, 8 a.m. at McKay-De- e Hospital, Ogden. For entry information and entry forms contact Jim Meikle, Registration fee is $6 prewill be given registration, $7 day of race. to all runners. Sponsored by McKay-De- e Hospital and Sierre Lingerie. THE RACE AGAINST TIME : 5 miles, 8 a.m. at Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah. Contact Utah Museum of Natural History, - soreness. : 825-642- 0. that if SWIMMING can be enjoyable and invigorating without the stress on limbs as in jogging. Hilda Neibaur, front, and Ruth Brown enjoy a few laps at the Bountiful indoor pool. two years ago I got serious about exercising in the water, and I no longer have any pain. University of Utah, Salt Lake Registration fee is $5 $6 race day. Division awards, drawings for prizes including Nautilus membership. Sponsored by the Utah MuseUm of Natural History. (581-6927- pre-registe- JUNE ). r, 25 FREEDOM RUN: 5,000 meters, 9 a.m. at Cottonwood Mall. Registration forms are stores. is $6, available at all and $8 on day of race from 7 : 00-- 8 : 30 a.m. awards, prizes and drawing will be held. Sponand Patrick sored by March of Dimes, 7-- Shane. SECOND SOLE ROAD RACE: 4 miles, 9 a.m. at Second SoleSportshoe U.S.A. Registration is at the Second SoleSportshoe U.S.A. , 4201 Harrison Blvd., Ogden Registration fee is $5. prizes and awards. Sponsored by Second SoleSportshoe U.S.A. (479-0760- sit-up- ). : adforthej And pet aI Lion Cub LEATHER Nike Diablo Sleeping By CHIRYl ARCHIBALD PARK CITY TWILIGHT RUN: 4 miles, 7 p.m. Limited to the first 800 participants up until June 3, entry forms at store after Memorial Day. Registration fee is $6. Sponsored by Athletes Foot, Miller Lite, Nike and TV 20. CITY SUN RUN: 4 miles, 8 p.m. at American Savings Bank, 2nd South 2nd West, S.L.C. Entry forms at American Savings Banks, co Melissa 0 ext. 457). Registration fee is $5 Warren, which includes a Sponsored by Sheraton Hotel, American Savings, SLCTC. ry 800-1,00- . ever-increasi- rs cardi-respirato- Pl Sxerdse .Won't Nutt BASEBALL GLOVES Several Stylet to choose from J 3 lbs koliowfiber insulation lightweight warmth for backpacking complete with stuff bog pniSE FOOT CIRCULAR TRAMPOLINE 7 Year Warranty 100 Springs ' - y Totally Weatherproof Safe Circular Design ( complete OLYMPIA DMX DIKE in 27 - Peg SI 49 95 Fully Assembled In Carton Read Hand Brakes Coaster Brakes Knobby Tires Fully Assembled L " 2 or lugged frame 27" gum rubber tires 1 Imported stem - shifter-deraile- r Center pulled Brakes w safety 1 levers year warranty a ills Mall this Wednesday thru Saturday ue your picture taken with an or African Lion on a beautiful IAiTON HILLS mall m SRORJ sJ rSEui torioise with a handshake. Then uckettsfabulau will etting Zoo isiting Lyton 0UKE rk ai Hours: Mon.- - FrL, Saturday, Sundayt 10n9 Noon photography Boottu -- 5 Vfa Hours Qpen j |