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Show .Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 OEfidOuR 10 WITH EVERY WITH EVERY PURCHASE REDEEM 1 TRIPLE COUPON 43 Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each smiths store, except as specifically noted in this ad. RAIN CHICK we strive to have on hand sufficient stock Of advertised merchandise if for any reason we are out of stock, a rain check will be Issued enabling you to buy the item the advertised price as soon as it become' AVAllABllTY f'couporh Present this coupon along with one manufao W turers cents Off coupon and get Triple the savings at Smith s. Not to include retailer coupons, free coupons, cigarette coupons or 1 11 manufacturers mall In coupons or exceed the 1 value of the Item, limit 1 manufacturers coupon LJ LI JJ SJ 1000 PURCHASE REDEEM 1 TRIPLE COUPON COUPON EFFECTIVE JUNE 8th 14th, 1983. WITH available. 20 . PURCHASE REDEEM 3 TRIPLE COUPONS TRiPineouponvu present this coupon along with one manufac- turers cents Off coupon and get Triple the savings at Smith s. Not to include retailer coupons, free coupons, cigarette coupons or manufacturers mail in coupons or exceed the value of the item, limit 1 manufacturer s coupon Jr present this coupon along with one manufac- turers Cents Off coupon and get Triple the savings at Smith s. Not to include retailer coupons, free coupons, cigarette coupons or 1 1 manufacturers mall in coupons or exceed the 1 1 value of the item. Limit 1 manufacturer $ coupon EJ n fWITH SJ) Vi 1004 PURCHASE REDEEM 1 TRIPLE COUPON COUPON EFFECTIVE JUNE 8tn 14th, 1985. WITH 30 WITH EVERY PURCHASE 2 TRIPLE COUPONS REDEEM 5A 1Q" REDEEM PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE JUNE fj SJ 1 TRIPLE COUPON 8th 14th. 1985. czd cza u cz3 0 Z .32 fry' T5' i " S' a to 1C BEEF BLADE . eKnsjjeci STGACI- - VKIVIVISCM.f 9 1DO. V PE CALIFORNIA1 . ILAC2GG BGGF" ROAST G ACJIT AD.01D PGS P O LB. LB. LEAN GROUND BEEF RANCH STEAK LB. . BEEF LOIN PORTERHOUSE STEAK IB I88 278 LB 268 BEEF BONE IN 88 ROUND STEAK 1 2 OZ TYSON CHIC n 0UICK AC 0 Q9 yA BONELESS BEEF LB BEEF LOIN 268 STEAK MUSHROOMS 802 CUPU.S.fl LB. CALIFORNIA PEACHES 98 ROUND STEAK BONELESS CHUCK .90 .69 FRESH CALIFORNIA 98 CROSS RIB ROAST LB FRESH RIPE LB .39 .49 .69 189 CRISP CELERY LB FRESH RIPE BEEF BEEF LOIN TOP SIRLOIN STEAK CHICKEN STICKS, SWISS & ea BACON Of CHUNKS BEEF CHUCK EVERYDAY LOW PRICE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE BEEF BONELESS RUMP ROAST ROUND DONE ROAST LB. BEEF CHUCK BONELESS OLZI LB. EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! RIB EYE STEAK NEW YORK STEAK LB 398 LB 598 68 CROUND BEEP BONELESS WHOLE AMS OLD FAITHFUL FOSTER FARMS HONEYDEW MELONS LP LARGE GREEN BELL PEPPERS LARGE GREEN 69 CHICKEN-FR- BEEF PATTIES SLICING CUCUMBERS lb YOU .save -- oz DABV POOD 4 OZ. HEINZ STRAINED Heinz will donate .3 for each Heinz label turned In to st. Lukes Hospital, in support of the Osmond foundation Childrens Hospital program. DOZEN SMITH S GRADE AA 6 PACK 12 OZ. CANS ILARGG 2(3(33 R.G. GILAf OP C3. PGPPGE2 7-CJ- & .40tmsp NSAVE crust; f EXTRA! EXTRA c PIZZAS 24 2 LB. OZ. OLD HOME REGULAR ORE-IO- or CRINKLE FRENCH SANDWICH 48 OZ. f19 'J HORMEL WRANGLERS COUNTRY f69 CROCK SHERD'S SPREAD FRIES 16 02 MEAT or BEEF IP 12 02 ' ASSORTED HOAGIE ANDWICHES CAKE DONUTS WHOLE SALMON ORANGE JUICE 16 02 .39 CANNED APPLESAUCE 1602 f39 LYNN WILSON MILD or HOT SALSA EA. CHICKEN EA FRANKS INCH FLOUR TORTILLAS EA PRICES EFFECTIVE J JUNE J09 CRASSKCPPCR CHXSS3TCRTB 9 COUNT 12 02 TYSON 18 02 LYNN WILSON 8 SLICED SALMON 8th rough JUNE 1 4th, .59 .59 CIKNAMCa FILLET OF STICKS TURCOT FRESH FILLET OF SOLE 49 .99 MACARONI. POTATO. COLE SLAW ALEX SALADS PIZZA POCKETS LB EA .89 .79 M3M 6 SPIDER. PIGGY BACK PLANTS LARGE ,.279 Or CHARLIE EA 598 EA 598 HANGING 6 POT FLUFFY RUFFLE FERNS |