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Show 6A North Wins Classic, Carmen Picked Game's MVP Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 All-St- ar s cleared the bases. Bear River ana homer solo Brent Roberts two-oViewmonts Steve Caputo s in- By BARRY KAWA Review Staff ut OGDEN Woods Cross pitcher Curtis Carmen entered into the 39th annual baseball game Monday in the fourth inning with his team down Carmens whip-lik- e sidearm motion struckout five over the next South three innings and earned the win and Carmen the North a Most Valuable Player award. It felt great, said a smiling Carmen after his three innings. My knuckleball was really working well. My fastball usually is my best pitch and when my All-st- ar 0. all-sta- rs 7-- 1 knuckleball is working, it 4-- makes it more effective. Sponsored by the Ogden Junior Baseball Association, this annual game of the baseball playbest ers in the state was played under the lights of John Afleck Park in Ogden. Proceeds go to local junior baseball programs. all-st- high-scho- ar ol The South all-star- s threatened in the first inning when a walk and single put runners on first and second with one out. Layton High catcher Ken Heath gunned down the runner trying to steal third to end the early threat. , Well, I wish my hitting was better but no one stole on me so that was good, said Heath afv ter the game. The North scored four of its center field during the season, played first base game. VIEWMONT'S Doug Lee barely misses an errant throw in Monday's high school game. Lee, who played Jv all-st- ar Cancer Society Holding Tourney Golfers throughout Davis County are invited to a day of golf and to tee off against cancer at the Walter Hagen Golf Tournament, sponsored by the Utah Division of the American Cancer Society. Womens day for the tourney is Monday, June 20 at the Davis , Park Golf Course, with the first e f at 10 a.m. entry fee for each woman of a team is $30 each. The womens handicap limit is 27. Thursday, June 16 at Davis Parks Golf Course is mens day with first tee-of- f at 1 p.m. The mens handicap limit is 18. tee-of- One-tim- four-woma- in the first-plac- third-plac- Audrey Killebrew, Ada Row- land, and Doris Hislop. Diane Cullimore also won the May leg match in the group and Lila Steward won in e the group. June leg matches begin at 8 18-ho- le nine-hol- Ogdens John Liljenquist l W los, Each player for the best ball has a $40 entry fee. four-ma- n Information and entry blanks can be obtained by calling the Davis County Unit of the American Cancer Society at or contacting a golf course within the county. 451-289- 3 WOODS CROSS Todd basketRobinson, an ball player from Woods Cross All-Sta- te 4-- A 292-638- 292-930- 0. Abegglen was the only college coach who expressed interest in Robinson. He invited the me down a couple times and I went down and played and worked out with the players, Robinson said. But he (Abegglen) was going to give me a scholarship whether I wanted to (work out with the players) or not. 6-- 3 Robinson said he was disappointed that Snow was the only college seriously interested in him as a basketball player. But Abegglen has built a solid prog ' i? at Snow Robinson Will Play Ball High School last year, has accepted a scholarship to play basketball at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah, next year. Robinson played a key role in state champa.m. June 7 and the Associ- the Wildcats 16 points a ionship, averaging will be ations June tournament while playing guard and game held June 21. All interested lady forward. He shot 64 percent golfers of all abilities are in- from the field and 82 percent vited to join the fun. For more from the free, throw line and information call the golf ccSurse, averaged 6.8 rebounds a game. Kathy Aoki, But Snow College Coach Ron or Grace Larson, 298-604- 0; 39-ye- . tss n team, Linda Hayes, e runs in the fourth inning. With the bases loaded, a single by Logans Jody Allen, a ground-ou- t RBI by Viewmonts outfielder Doug Lee, and double by . ram at the school and is on of the better junior college teams in the area. Robinson was a captain of the Wildcat team, which beat Bountiful in the final game of the state tournament to win the title. Woods Cross was coached by Wayne Baker and finished record. the year with a Robinson said he will spend the summer in Bountiful playing on a recreation team with Greg Houskeeper, a teammate at Woods Cross who will be 21-- 3 playing basketball at Idaho State University next fall. Supreme Quality AIR CONDITIONING ENGINE OIL AND FILTER TUNE-U- P INCLUDES: FOR ENGINES WITH ELECNEW TRONIC IGNITION INSTALL SPARK PLUGS ADJUST IDLE, SET TIMING, INSPECT EMISSION CONTROLS. Lubiricatfo SPECIAL! CHANGE INCLUDES! NEW MOTOR OIL FILTER AND UP TO 5 QTS. OF 10W40 OIL. We Carry A Complete Line of PENNZOIL PRODUCTS FULL SERVICE OIL CHANGE FILTER & LUBE. $1495 WE .WILL BRAKE INSPECTION AND WHEEL INSPECTION OF FRONT DISC PADS AND LININGS REPACKING OF FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS, INSTALLATION OF NEW GREASE SEALS- - REAR $995 WE FEATURE GOODYEAR TIRES nnn (ftcpar MENLOVE DODGE 2380 SOUTH HWY 91 iB! 7:30 5:30 VISA- SERVICE HOURS 295-348- 1 I FEELESGWITH INCLUDES: ONLY FREON. KEEP THAT GREAT BEARING PACK MON-F- RI - FREE CAR WASH WITH EVERY VISIT US FOR FULL AUTO YOUR NEEDS SERVICE INSPECT HOSES & SEALS, ADJUST BELTS, LEAK TEST & ADD UP TO 2 LBS. H495 IfcEmrsaapms -- for only J seas, i (05 OFFER ENDS JUNE 16th w. ANDY'S LUBE SERVICE 1265 So. 500 W. Bountiful , 2 Continues Basketball Career Association Announces Winners The 1983 golf season for the Bountiful Ladies Golf Association is in full swing. Winners of the best ball tournament held e team, May 31 are: Carole Miller, Ginny Stacey, and Janet Mabey; second place team, Diane Cullimore, Linda Minhondo and Cheryl Stone; RBI single in the sixth for the ning iced the game north. The head coach for the North Bountisquad was Phil Olsen of to easier lot a ful High. Its playcoach when you have good a ers, Olsen said. We had lot of good kids who were all hard workers. All three of our pitchers did a good job. Curtis probably did the best of the three, but all were tough. Carmen paced the Wildcats to a fourth-plac- e region finish with He said he mark. season a was unsure of which college he would attend, but said he would choose the first one that offered him a scholarship. Scouts from Utah college baseball teams were in attendance at Afleck. Heath said if he goes to a Utah college it would be Snow College in Ephraim. However, it all depended on what college scouts at the game had to say to him afterwards. Out of the other region players, Viewmonts Lee, who hit .403 on the season, will be attending the University of Utah. Caputo is considering the College of Southern Idaho and Bountiful High shortstop Eric Johnson is deciding between Brigham Young University, the University of Utah and Taft College in California. Carmen is the first player from Woods Cross in the history of the tourney to win the "Most Valuble Players honors. whr6 of our 292-429- 2 Mil . the heart buiineM KaU.8tiilful hum tact ? |