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Show Page IB North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday , June 8, 1983 Layton Woman Wed LAYTON - Tammy Jo and College of Eastern Utah. She is employed as a surveyor N. 1690 by Conoco Oil Company in ArdAlbert more, Okla. Mr. Smith is em1983, in ployed as a mechanic by Conoco Oil Company in Ardmore, Okla. Wood, of Mr. and Mrs. daughter Richard D. Wood, 1869 W., Layton, married Wayne Smith, May 27, Ogden. The couple will make their new Mrs. Smith is a , The graduate of Layton High School, home in Ardmore, Okla. Homemakers Plan For June Meeting ROY Lakeview Homemak- ers wiU have their summer out- ing at Sandridge Park June 14 at 7 p.m. This will also be a membership drive. Members are asked to bring , their own drinks. Barbecue will be provided by the club. Any otenftal members can call Sha- after ron Stewart at 3:30 p.m. 776-452- 9 350 W3CD 33CDCCODN COTDSTt? CTO CD CD33 OTO NIELSON KIMBERLY AND KURT Salt Lake Temple Is Wedding Site The former Miss Kimberly Ann Nielson and Kurt Ray Nielson were wed Tuesday, May 31, 1983, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. The brides parents are Dr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Nielson of 680 Oak Lane Circle, Kaysville. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. George Van of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nelson of Clinton. A reception at the home of the brides parents honored the couple. Attending were Mrs. Ryan (Julie) Jenkins, Tracy Nielson, Suzanne Perry and Taffy Jenk Drim-mile- n USDA Choice 1 LB. ins. Performing best man duties were Steve Nielson and Mark Thayne. A wedding trip to a mountain cabin was taken by the newlyweds. They will live in Plain City. Mr. Nielson will return to Weber State College where he is majoring in business administration. He graduated from Bonneville High School and has completed an LDS Mission in The Netherlands, Amsterdam. The bride is presently a senior at Weber State College. She is a graduate of Davis High School. Boneless John Morrell Sliced be held Wednesday, June 8, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Hooper LDS Fourth Ward chapel, 5000 ,S. 5900 W. It is requested that gifts be omitted. Cunnington was born June 8, 1903, in Salt Lake City, the son of John Robinson and Della Wadsworth Cunnington. He married Della Craythorn Beasley Aug. 6, 1924, in Ogden. They were later sealed in the Sale Lake City LDS Temple. ; dacc:j Depot in Ogden in Bor-- S 09 119 lb. Bologna, Beef Bologna, Cotto Salami LITSCEI f3AT V. Country Pride Hen v USDA Choice cct TUDCIOVO POT COAOT 1948 as a boiler fireman. He retired as engineer leader in the boiler plant in 1968. He is active in th LDS Church and is now the secretary of the High Priests in his ward. Rue and Della have three chil-dre- 0b n, Mrs. Carl (Bernice) Strebel, Roy; Blain Rue Cunnington, Hooper; and Mrs. Junior (Ruth) Bennett, West i Point. They have v 12 , grandchildren' 32 PDVC3 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. LCGO THUR.-F$I.-SA- ONLY! T. FUNDRAISER For the Blue Seal Golden . CMC0AEK3 rann mas 5 oz. Marias de FABRIC SALE! 20 oz. Bag Western Family iib. Whole TRUCKLOAD firing Fabric S pedal! UNION STATION lb. POAKItO COF7lEB OTEJACX r0. 1 Big Dog American Pack and Provision Company in Ogden for 15 years. He began work with the Defense Cunnington worked at the and .S Ber-- S CEIU3CX . Open House to Honor Man's 80th Birthday An open house to honor the 80th birthday of Rue Cunning-ton- , 5348 S. 5900 W., Hooper, will 3 GQ3J0 GZHDOCD Q COD Frozen5 Var. commas, DCH3IT0G euxra I TOOTHPASTE VCOXTACLK3, la0,D 3 ' Fresh Lean C3CUR3 ESI? Lynn Wilson zBCcmm... Californio oronmr GC3U 2 POTATC3 GALAD oz. Golden Grain 7Vi macacX2c:::33 3 u 9j39 Small Salad 4 TCI1ATCZ3 5 Slicer California GC3CH33Z3 ... o 12 OZ. Frito Lay or Ruffles CPAC::3TTI OACca ON ALL POTATO 70A0TC-- 3 OO OFFICE FURNITURE IN Tom's Famous iur.'iGO cooo 200 ct. Kleenex Facial VI30G3 1 gol. KDK 2 r.iitci CCUPO n oBO Hurry in for Best Selection STOCK 99 Top JU30 ...... for 32 oz. Ragu OFF & 0 METAL FILE CABINET SALE 30 qt. Tip MANY OTHER IN STORE SPECIALS 20 OFF A MORE SALE ENOS JUKE VO'U 11TH DAILEY'S OFFICE PRODUCTS Office Hours: 9 10 a.m.-- 2 1152 W. K CT p.m. a.m.-- B p.m. Kaskiiays Sitarfey, Class Sssiiy RIVERDALE RD. 621-56- 44 . 300 East Ganflla, Layton 'VJU 9 a.m.-- l 0 p.m. Closed Sunday Now opan fAonday-Saturda- y AD PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 0-- 1 4th |