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Show Lakeside Review i Page 1C North Edition Wednesday, June 8, 1983 1 t t ' u S' Inide Sen ible Pit ne It seems everyone is doing it jogging, running, dancing, biking, swimming, playing tennis or handball all in the name of fitness. Nearly everyone you know is trying to shape up, tone up or slim down. Terms like heart rate, aerobics, cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory are becoming almost household words as homemakers, secretaries, salesmen, doctors and computer analysts join the surge toward feeling fit and healthy through exercise and proper diet. Whether prompted by the examples of celebrities like Jane Fonda and others or merely as a way to offset the stress and lack of movenient brought on by sedentary jobs, the trend toward more and better exercise is spreading. those that use the large Aerobic activities muscles of the body in continuous movement and raise the heart rate to a working level for a considerable amount of time are finding a place in nearly everyones lives, The need for sensible, nutritious diet regimens, has prompted the development of new weight reduction and maintenance plans and a look at the eating habits of children, adults and senior citizens. This section of the Lakeside Review is designed to help you choose some form of exercise, with information about how to get involved in a sport, where to get instruction or how to join a group, and how to avoid getting hurt. Some diet plans are also dicussed. With the pleasant days of summer ahead, why not start now to join with the crowd and start enjoying the benefits of fitness and feeling good? Hew many calories dees year favorite sports activity burn in one hour? How do various sports compare in terms of energy output? Page 2 to the water for exercise is a good way to condition the entire body without putting tee much stress on joints. Swimming and water exercise programs are both available in area recreation centers. Pages 3, 4 Taking Age shouldn't hamper participation in exercise and health programs. In fact, the elder we get, the mere conscious we need to be of eur bodies and fitness condition. Page 5 i , Diets, diets, diets. It seems every doctor and just about everyone else has a theory about hew te lose weight and maintain a weight less. Page 6 S vv |