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Show . 2B I- Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, -; W, ' ,5, , Musical Event Sot for Juno 983 1 s 3 1 jWafc, Cakewalk by Debussy. Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue will Sandy Olsen will be the feature pianist in a musical program June 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Herit- on also. The guest pianist age Music, 4093 Riverdale 2 pianos, o numbers will for the Road. Other guest Barneck. Robin conbe will Olsen Solos by Mrs. Ann Child De be will sist of Liebes-Toby Wagner performers Olsen. and Randy Fantaisie (Liszt transcription), o Impromptu by Chopin, Un Mrs. Olsen is the former Sanby Liszt and Triana by o dy Child and is presently studyThere will also be a Stucki. rendition of Golliwoggs ing with Barbara Taylor be performed in its entirety two-pian- d Sos-pir- z. two-pian- vJV& i.O.S 'X.- - HYDRO-SHUBI- N MAREN SHRIDER. VICTORIA MAW ANN WILKES DEBRA KRISTINA CYPRET S.Q.8, MO EEBINgj $AlB QUICK-NE- GRASS PLANTING W 5Sq.Pt. Sq. Ft. 6.000-20,00- 0 16P CSq.Ft. Sq. Ft. 2.000-6,00- 0 4 Ovor 20,000 Sq. Ft. s erosion resistant organic mulch, starter fertilizer ana blended Kentucky Blue Grass seed with or without clover, all professionally wet blown on. Includes) RGGN VALLEY RECLAMATION dixie lee McWilliams WENDY THOMPSON JENNIFER CAPENER IN YOUR YILLOW TANYA HAWRELOK AD 0000 INC. MOU. free ESTIMATES 392-000- 7 TIU. JUNI 30, 1983 Sunset to Pick Queen June 10 SUNSET Ten young women from the Sunset area will compete for the title of Miss Sunset during a pageant this Friday, June 10, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Sunset LDS Stake Center, 220 W. 975 N. Admission will be $2.50 for , adults and $1.75 for children. The ten contestants are: Kris- tina Angela Cypret, Maren Barbara Shrider, Dixie Lee McWi- TERI LYNN lliams, Debra Ann Wilkes, Jennifer Capener, Tanya Elizabeth Hawrelok, Victoria Julia Maw, Wendy Thompson, Teri Lynn Nelson and Tauna Toole. Miss Cypret is the daughter of William D. and Antonia Cypret of 821 N. 50 W., Sunset. She will present a vocal number as her talent. Miss Shrider, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Shrider of 2463 N. 350 W., Sunset, will present a sign language presentation for her talent. She is 18 ! "GARBAGE DUMP" OF DAVIS COUNTY! Miss McWilliams is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. McWilliams of 1553 N. 250 W., Sunset, and is 18 years old. She will play the guitar and sing an original composition. Miss Wilkes, daughter of Richard and Gail Brewer of 986 N. 300 W., Sunset, will present an original jazz dance as her talent number. She is 18 years MEETING ON DURN PLANT JUNE 9, : - LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP old. Miss Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Nelson of 2155 N. 350 W., Sunset, will present a jazz dance for her talent. She is W years old. Presenting a vocal solo in the pageant will be Miss Toole, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Toole of 870 N., Sunset. MUST RENT 3 MOVIES AT Ogden High class of Sophias Choico Kiss Mo Goodbye 74 W. 1953 k. The Toy Reg. SALE Sg 00 During The Month of June Rent YourMo vies For otiiyj mirkba 0 SI I I . 825-337- 0. With rental of two movloi at reflutor a terrible thing - V' 4 1 - 's I Q aaiiiiii flIJMMi or. vitl? C 4Hiiio , prlcoJ 4- - Rorgdl 5670 5. 1900 W., Roy Phono 776-- 1 736 Without advertising, Hi I FREE MACHINE RENTAL I 621-110- 0, a . COUPON- -I s 3.98 SALE JUNE SEPCIAL June 10. If you have not received an. invitation please contact one of the following: Connie Larsen, Nothing. Reg. Z.49 TO CHOOSE FROM is Cost is $50 for both days, $40 for dinner dance or $15 for the Wolf Creek Social. Reservations must be in by Dan Cutrubus or Dennis Anderson Lords off Discipline Francos Trail of Pink Panther 100'S OF MOVIES invited to attend a class reunion July 15 at the Ogden Hilton for dinner dance and July 16 at Wolf Creek Country Club. 394-716- 9, jiaSssa Oust00' PRICE NON-MEMB- NEW RELEASES: 1953 OHS Class Plans July Reunion 4 ii JUNE SPECIAL 18 t 1983, 7:00 P.M. Planning Commission Clearfield City Hall Miss Capener is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Capener of 56 S. 870 N., Sunset. She is 17 years old and will present a vocal solo. Heike and Walter White of 2563 N. 250 W., Sunset, are parents of Miss Hawrelok. She will present an art display as her talent. She is also 18 years old. Miss Maw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Maw of 343 W. 1550 N., Sunset, will present an accordion solo for her talent number. She is 18 years old. Larry V. and Diana Thompson of 417 W. 2575 N. , Sunset, are the parents of Miss Thompson. She will present a vocal solo for her talent number. She is 18 years MAKING VITAL DECISION ATTEND old. ; TAUNA TOOLE WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO KEEP CLEARFIELD FROM BECOMING THE years old. . NELSON fao ClGpssifliocJ For Dost Rocultfo 0 t k 4 m A |