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Show : 2A Land Laytn Swap With District Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Kg uI;i;nc7chiof5 ifMPifllflwii. t:d farovoll to x HAFD'P&:fefeiiliia ' - I v ; jl '. 5 ' ' V$ ' ' ' .' , k ' - yv,'1,' St. f ''' v cS-f - should be completed by September, 1984, the Layton City Council Thursday accepted a proposal for a three-wa- y land swap with the Davis County School District and the LDS Church. The agreement paves the way for the opening of bids on the f4- - vs, , x. v. V 'V.- ' ix: Saying the new Layton Elementary School - project which should start sometime in July. The council had defeated a motion to accept the agreement at the last council meeting. The school district currently owns six acres on which the elementary school is located in a site at 300 W. Gentile in -- 1liflllll 10-ac- re Layton. The elementary school will be razed and the new school built on property owned by the xhurch and Layton City. The city and church will accept plots along the back of the property. AIRCRAFT bid spectacular farewell to Hill Air Force Base in a perfect formation as Steven Frankino of Clearfield and his son, Steven, watch. The 24 Thunderchiefs flew over a crowd of several thousand people at the base Saturday. The flyover was part of a final tribute to the Thunderchief from its home unit, the 419th Tactical Fighter Winger, Air Force Reserve, at Hill, the last military facility flying the Fourteen of the 24 pilots were veterans of the conflict in Vietcon nam. Seven of the tinued on to Kelly AFB, San Antonio, Tex., as the 419th began its conversion to the first reserve unit to fly the Fighting Falcon. The conversion will be complete when the last -l 05s are retired from military service in April, 1984. The a a jj g Read The Classified Use Your future elementary school would be built on the property and the city would use the Verdeland property to expand O XVI I ZOPTION its city offices. CHARGE in to our store for official entry form for your Com the... 41 Installed CLUE (0)ll (Owv s 12,000 Mile Warranty (Other engines available) C3 GET YOUR BEST DEAL Beaches plentiful in the state of the AT... O XVII Z TRAVEL L&R Automotive Machine Inc. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE AND PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS 91 Cross St. 544-425- 546-301- or 7 546-301- 8 9 Lakeside Meview Published weekly and distributed FREE by carrier every Wednesday morning from Roy through North Salt Lake. A Subsidiary of the Standard Corporation ROOF MOUNT work guaranteed warranty on the cabinet Professional installation All a headquarters in Layton or to con- Layton Hills Mall - Layton, Utah 84041 COOLER SALES 83-8- ' DIRECTOR ADVERTISING EDITOR : BOn G. LAMAR MARILYN L. KARRAS MEMBER Two Locations To Sorvo You 2146 RSlc) 4 Road The Classified , 145 featured speaker. Registered Representative or LAYTON, :: 298-69- 16 N. MAIN, BOUNTIFUL, PHONE FREE SEMINAR! 296-11- iiiiiiiiiiiir CALL YOIU ILaliesMe Me vievy area correspondent Personal Financial Planning Lyndia Graham 544-442- 3 HZI3HTS KAYSVILLE-FRUI- T Ruth Malan 544-995- 8 -- ' ROYSOUTH WISER : No. Branch, Clearfield 1:00 P.M. This seminar features the latest information from the 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act, including the new guidelines for IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts). YES, I Susan Tanner Holmes coupon below. plan on attending the Personal Financial Planning Seminar. j : j . Time... h Name- - Aiklresv. State- -" Phone Mail to: ids, 1117 Zip ' Country Hills Dr. Ogden, Utah 84403 -- IDEAS TO HELP YOU MANAGE MOSEY l: i a 544-203- 6 451-583- 1 825-303- 3 JkA I Cilv.. 1 SUNSITCLINTONCLEARFIILD Sharon Steele Number oKiuests. 825-453- CLEARFIZLD FARMIN3T0N I Date. Arlene Hamblin 479-306- 8 in the 773-828- 8 POINT SYRACUSEWIST Marge Silvester i j Shelby Kancitis Reserve space now! or mail UTAH 03 LAYTON This seminar is an introduction to persona! financial planning lor people who are wondering why they have so little to show tor their S20,000-plu- s income. Tips on fighting inflation, g investments, and budgeting. Yours free at ' the seminar a complete glossary booklet ot financial ' ' . planning terms. where: Davis Co. Library when: Mon., June 13, 1983 UTAH 776-49- 51 DO YOU HAVE A NEWS TIP : JAMES W. BARLOW N. MAIN, PHONE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ADVERTISING PUBLISHERS 82-8- 83-8- 'WtHW cl A SERVICEMSaOUReMIDDLESNAM building Till V tion Plant on Hill Field Road. CHEVROLET V branch LAYTON The Layton City struct a city library. 4 fiscal The adopted Council adopted a 1983-8- 4 budget Thursday which set the budget shows a balance of $3.47 mill levy rate at 17.28 mills, million in revenues and expenunchanged from lakt years ditures by the city. City sales notes. The 17.28 mill levy is bro- tax will be the largest conken down into 15 mills for the tributor to the citys revenue general fund and 2.28 mills to with an increase from $115 million in 3 to $1.35 million the city library fund. ' ... no is longer in the budget. Although Layton The point of sale tax adopted a member of the Davis County Library system, the city con- by the city at the last city countinues to charge the same lib- cil meeting is partially responsrary mill levy rate as the other ible for this large increase. Lay-to- n with its mall and many system cities. The revenue collected goes into a library con- businesses will benefit from the struction fund which will be V cent sales tax hike effective ' used to either aid the county in July 1. Review Staff - Basin Water Conserva- Weber. Phene Mill Levy Unchanged . V- - 3S6cU.IN. country. By BARRY KAWA church and the city permanent access to adjoining land. The trade will allow construction to begin on the new school while the old one is still being used. The district also indicated in a letter to the council that they were willing to sit down and negotiate ways for Layton City to acquire the Verdeland Park School building and surrounding acres. The district and the council have agreed to sit down and discuss the appraisals made of the properties involved and come to an agreement on the values of the property. The district has indicated a willingness to trade the Verdeland property for city land located near the Factory Rebuilt aircraft will be displayed at military sites throughout the Layton Adopts Budget; (ebr For All Your F- Retain Services (h, TRAVEL NEED5I F-- 16 Staff photat by Rodney Wright u - Review Staff LAYTON !! Easements guarantee- the By BARRY KAWA vt , fsM"' Tl ivmrxfrr fiimi iTriv, $ |