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Show Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 6A Couple Will QFVQ Philippine MicGien LAYTON Morris and Afton Miller have been called to serve in the PhilippineBaguio LDS Mission. The Millers are long time residents of Layton. Elder Miller, who is originally from Venice, Sevier County, recently retired after teaching in the Davis County School District for 30 years. This will be the second mission for Elder Miller, who previously served in the Mission. He has held many church callings including scout master, Sunday school teacher, stake high councilman, and ward executive secretary. Sister Miller was born in Howell, Utah and educated in Box Texas-Louisia- na Elder County. She has been active on the Davis County Homemakers Council and an avid leader for 24 years. She has worked in the newborn nursery at the South Davis Community, and later the Lakeview Hospital for many years. Sister Miller has also had leadership, positions in the church having served as Relief Society President, primary and MIA presidencies, teacher and music director. They will speak Sunday, June 12 at 9 a.m. in the Layton Ninth 4-- H Ward Chapel on Wasatch Drive. There will be an open house later in the day at their home at 377 Dixie Street. MORRIS AND AFTON MILLER S. Weber Registration For County Fair Dated 1 v. 03 OCEGG geioQls YETjJIi SOUTH WEBER Registra- - Monday family outing at city tion for the Aug. South Web- - 'park; Tuesday Junior Any- er Country Fair Day booths, Lit- thing Goes; Wednesday tle MissJr. Miss pageant, golf junior rodeo; Thursday adult and tennis tournament will be posse night; Friday adult held Saturday from 5 p.m. at Anything Goes Night; Saturday the South Weber City Hall. breakfast, 10,000 meter race, to feel like one. cial goals and measures Youre making good your ability to meet them. d report come, You want to take This control of your financial highlights your entire It shows future. Yet, somehow lifetime finances.need each what youll youre not making the kind you to achieve your goals. of progress you should be. year You need a financial plan It alerts you to areas like from IDS-th- e financial taxes and estate needs will require special professionals that planning attention. Your IDS reprewith 88 years of experisentative will show you the ence. With no obligation, your investments that match IDS representative will your goals, your current meet with you to help you finances and your investe ment personality. define your for the kids, tax shelters, Get in control of your financial future by making retirement, maybe a vacation home, or starting your your two incomes work narder. Get in touch with own business. In a second meeting, your your IDS representative to IDS representative will talk about your Personal . Financial Analysis, Call present you with a Peror send in the coupon sonal Financial Analysis. A comprehensive report today. that analyzes your finan CALL 479-306- 8 Youre both working. in a easy-to-rea- goals-colleg- i n as 8-- Two incomes dont have Tell me more about Personal Financial Analysis' -- a financial plan. , 2-- .State. participants in this years fair. further information, call He said the committee Will al- roe at low late registration, although he encouraged all those interested to register at the desig-natedtime. e , .Zip. DWIGHT ADAMS horseshoe throwing contest, Jeff Monroe parade, tennis tournament, said the Saturday registration booths and awards ceremony. All events will be held at the date is to give the fair committee an idea of the number of South Weber City Park. For City Councilman two-incom- ''VSCSQ (33JQD crrxn Send to; DISTRICT MANAGER IDEAS TO HELP 1117 COUNTRY HILLS DRIVE OGDEN, UTAH 84401 YOU 1-- B MANAGE MONEY Mon- 479-521- 3. -- Cost for registering a booth is The pageant will be held on August 6 and be open to South Weber girls from the ages of Cost is $1.50 per child. The tennis tournament is free and a $2 plus green fees will be charged for the golf tournament. No date or course has been set for $20,. 2, V fja 3 m y KM the tourney. The tentative schedule for the fair days is: Saturday Little MissJr. Miss pageant; -- 81 Layton NARFE Meeting Sot for June 1 3 LAYTON The Association Retired Federal Employees (NARFE), Layton Chapter No. 0829 will meet in the Layton City Hall (Planning Commission Room, NE corner of the city Municipal Bldg.) on Monday, 13, at 1:15 p.m. Jqne j of j Featured speaker will be Louise Lintz, from the Utah State Dept, of Social Services. In the meeting lor July (Monday July 11) our featured speaker will be from the IRS. ; Members and interested persons are encouraged to attend and support the efforts of the organization. Clearfield Sets Budget Hearing - A public 'CLEARFIELD hearing to consider the adoption of, the 1983-8- 4 Clearfield City budget will be held Tuesday June 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Clearfield City Hall council rpom. The budget hearing is scheduled on the agenda of the Youre probably paying more for long distance phone service than you have to. The Long Distance Telephone Company has now made it a lot easier telephone or any other phone, either regular rotary or touch-tone- . 3. Am I limited as to where I can call? SAVE (IP TO 70 Since your calls are routed along Bell lines, you, can call anywhere in the 50 states. to start saving money on your very next long distance phone call. existing ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 4. What about call quality? Bell lines are the best in the world and your calls will be going over these same Bell lines at the same high quality. - 5. How am I billed? Bach month you will receive an itemized and detailed statement. Youll see monthly just what you saved with 1. How does The Long Distance Telephone Company service work? Youve probably heard of WATS AT&T long lines, which are bulk-ratdistance lines used by big businesses. You may know that someone using a WATS line pays less. The Long the Long Distance Telephone Company. e Distance Telephone Company arranges for a large number of WATS lines to be at our disposal. When you place your call, .our computer automatically routes your call over the least expensive outgoing line available. This could result in a savings to you up to 70. , 6. How do I sign up for these savings? ' Unique Features of The Long Distance. Telephone Company Call , from any phone, regular rotary or touch Mo special equipment needed. Call from anywhere in the (J.S. to anywhere in the US. 2. Do I need any special equipment? No, you can take advantage of our low-cos- t tone. service using your current regular council meeting that We only need a sign up fee of $15 plus your average monthly long distance bill (minimum $10) as a deposit We pay you interest on your deposit. The unused balance plus your sign up fee are refundable to you after you receive the first bill if you aren't completely satisfied. one-tim- e 7. Is there a monthly minimum? No, you are charged for only the calls you make. Call one of our numbers below for specific answers to your questions. night. Under state law, city budgets must be adopted by June 15. The proposed. Clearfield budget will not increase property taxes or utility rates, says city finance director Rod Davenport. Revenues are budgeted at $2,331 million, an increase over. the $2.08 budgeted for this year. tVlM Ntd-- jfC Vow y Type Call of C w uil4m Ogden Roy Layton Clearfield Bountiful Salt Lake Logan (an Fran Ogden L!Pricing Sarman' Phoenix Boise Denver Las Vegas Los Angeles St George 4 mm 3 mm Miami 4 Blandmg 4 Fvemng 45 sec Night Weekend t Dayfime min 40 sec Daytime mm 40 sec Weekend mm Daytime mm Evening mm 2 mm 5 4 5 operator Assisi Person Person Person Person Stalion Station Person Person Station Station Calling Card Calling Card Station Station obtained from published sources believed to be accurate Expenditures are budgeted at AT&T cost OUR PPtCF Vou Can 01 fry to ufk 78. $2,331 million also. Moll 6 - C 8 INFLATION FIGHTER FOR SUmmER FRIZZIES! 20, We'll Not Leave You Flat" ii CALL 521 LONG Salt Lake CALL 546-- 5 0 2 Ogden -- Walk-In- s Welcome 825-843- 1 1 2145 N. Mala Layton We Use hi Finest Products , |