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Show lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 3 Libraries Set Summer 5A Presentation - the presentation FARMINGTON The openchilin ing drens summer reading program, Bookfriends, will be at ' county libraries next week. Bookfriends characters will talk about their lives and answer questions. The bookfriends are the MadHatter from "Alice in Wonderland," Robin Hood from Sherwood Forest and Sarah Bishop from the book "Sarah Bishop," by Scott ODell. Headquarters summer program director Pete Giacoma said the bookfriends program has received a favorable response from Salt Lake area childrens summer reading programs. He said children must be registered for the summer reading program to attend. Giacoma said openings are still available at all three county libraries. Parents are encouraged to come to the library nearest them and register their children and also receive a parent information sheet, on the program. The bookfriends will be at the north branch in Clearfield on Tuesday, June 14, from p.m. They will be at the headquarters library in Farmington on 2-- 3 Wednesday, June 15, from a.m. and at the south branch in Bountiful on June 15, from p.m. Giacoma said he 10:30-11:3- 0 2-- 3 expects approximately children to be attending each 150-20- 0 program. SIDING Church, Homes A? Disapproved Rugged 38"x 4'x 8' with groove. 20 year guarantee. 11 p98 sheet By NS L Council HORIZONTAL HARDBOARD A NORTH .SALT LAKE proposal to build an LDS church 16 lot subdivision on and 9.8hcres in North Salt Lake was disapproved tentatively by the North Salt Lake City Council May 17. North Salt Lake City Engineer Fred Campbell recommended that the plans be staked out, and that they be looked at in light of the Hillside Ordinance. n Mayor Palmquist and agreed that requirements of the ordinance should be met before approval especially since there have been mudslides in other areas of coun-cilme- North Salt Lake. Engineer Gary Rewman will be presenting the plans at another council meeting in two weeks in order to give the council more time to look the proposal over more carefully. Easy to install! Primed for 639 GARAGE PACKAGE Yes! You can build it! The garage youve always wanted is available at a price you can afford. From complete assembly drawings to nails, this project package is designed for the Does not include garage door. 12X20 1119 REDWOOD PACKAGES DECK an outdoor add a room Add Deck Packages Also Includes window, entrance door. All you need is the concrete slab. RAILROAD TIES Traatad for long lifa. 1 uwd. 8 126 242 t" 221 88 0X20 29900 B. TUDOR 10X9 21 688 C. BROOKSIDE 10X9 1 GALVANIZED 70 Arrow Building Assembly: Conttructad of eomplotoly prtlabricolod and l, pra-- f Inlahad parta. All parla ara and praallgnad for almpla aaaambly ualng ttw aaay.to-tollow- , llluatratad Inatructlon manual. ROOFING Economical roofing that lasts and lasts. Corrugated 26 wide. Layton Only JUNGLE GYM Hundreds of hours of fun! Only a few hours to build! All materials are furnished to build this backyard gym. Includes a material list for parts identification and complete lumber and hardware package! Layton Only Sturdy translucent fiberglass panels make the perfeef patio cover. 259 5 ea. a. 1982 . 8-- 10'x 16' 1 4TI 44 1 meritorious service in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Air Force. Poulsen is a medical service superintendent , with the 40th Aeromed Evacuation Squadron. He is a 1982 graduate of Brigham Young University, Provo. Available in green, white, or clear. 26 width. LINESMAN PLIERS 6487 I4M ea. 1947 3 10' 4s 4 400. ea. 1901 OTN vxv ea. mm iWimhLtoMjiiuu 8-6:- 00 MasterCard $488 $488 595 LAYTON STORE HOURS P.M. Weekdays p.m. Saturday f ISylon HifltwM Syriur lilt 9-5:- 00 Closed Sundays POWER TOOLS ea.113 DIAGONAL PLIERS 12' U VtM SfflL .GROOVE LOCK PLIERS FIBERGLASS PANELS 8' B283P 10 Inch adjustable wrench 488 10'x 20 Wash. The Air Force Commendation Medal is awarded to those individuals who demonstrate ou- 8 ea. S3 1 3 PC. PLIER SET 10'x 12' 95 Long wearing suede. 10 pocket. HAND TOOLS PATIO COVERS Only CONTRACTOR TOOL APRON rOTULLERj Commendation Medal at Classified Can Rent It. 7 10X14 Based on 2X 4 decking at 52 linear foot. 2X6 decking on saleatOOdinearfoot. Includes: Joists, rim joists, random planking lengths Garden Heart: Note - Decks featured are ground supported. 4X4 posts will be needed for unlevel ground construction. Because personal preferences differ, railing is additional. N., Bountiful, has been decorated with the U.S. Air Force tstanding achievement or BUILDINGSsPct equipment. A. NEWBURGH 184 10X16 piece Year round protection for sporting goods, garden tools, patio furniture, and recreation 10X12 8X10 00 LAWN deck! . . . Commendation McChord Air Force Base, look. x 16 12 BOUNTIFUL Trap shootLions Gun Bountiful at the ing Club will be open to the public from dusk until 11 p.m. on Wednesdays. Paul Allen, Lions Club president, said the club will remain open until the turkey shoot in November. The club, which has been around for 25 years, is located between the B" and the V on the mountain north and east of Fourth North and 13th East in Bountiful. Allen said that large groups such as Boy Scouts can reserve the club and its clubhouse to themselves upon request. Shells are available and birds are provided by the club. Shooters should bring their own guns. BOUNTIFUL Newly promoted Senior Master Sgt. David K. Poulsen, son of Gerald E. and Joy H. Poulsen of 570 E. 250 for a contemporary Club's Range Available for Trap Shooters Medal Given Bountiful Man appearance painting, rough CORDLESS SCREWDRIVER 29M ea. 190-- n n7 tm 1231 North Main OODIN 2MI Wnhlngton Blvd. 00 99 ea.497 $9Q98 aa M MOREl OGDEN STORE HOURS Weekdays 7:30-- 6 p.m. Saturday p.m. Closed Sundays 8-4:- LAYTON 731741 JIG SAW VARIABLE SPEED DRILL We Coro Rain Checks Should an advertised item not ba availably during thii tala, you may raquaat a Rain Chack guaranteeing tha tala prlca on that itam whan atock la raplaniahad Soma itam avaiiabia only at our largor locations Pissas call tor your particular nssdi i 23(8 |