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Show 8C Self-Monitori- ng Techniques for Exercise Compiled by Gordon E. Doxey Doesn't Have to Hurt -- ( ) Age X. ( ( ( ) ) ) 60-8- 220 ( X. 0 Hey you," the aching knee Training Heart Rate Divided by 10 man: Example for a 220 Maximum heart rate 0 Training Heart Rate Divided by 10 ) 40 Age X 180 .8 144 Training Heart Rate 14.4 Divided by 10 The Five Part Exercise Session 1. Stretching major muscle groups a. To get full range of movement for your major joints and muscles. 2. Cardiovascular Warm-u- p a. Helps avoid trauma to joints and muscles b. Helps avoid muscle stiffness and soreness c. Increases blood supply to exercising muscle groups gradually d. Increases heart rate gradually 3. Aerobic Cardiovascular Exercise a. Maintains specified target heart rate for the prescribed length of time. 4. Cardiovascular Cool Down a. Brings heart rate, blood pressure and muscle activities into a gentle recovery state. b. Helps avoid blood pooling in the legs. This could lead to mild shock, hyperventilation and muscle cramping. 5. Calisthenics a. Strengthens, balances, coordinates and stretches specific muscles. In grade two, the pain cornea during and after training. It is helpful in this stage for the athlete to have expert advice and modify his training program. He may need to cut his program in half and then add 10 percent to it in stages. Yea, Im talking to you. Slow it down a little bit. Gee, we dont have to make up for years of sitting and eating in one month. Maximum Heart Rate ) Age X 60-8- of the body by 25 percent. in- juries into two categories: acute injuries, which are caused by traumatic events and result in fractures, dislocations and other joint and muscle injuries; and strains, contusions and other mild to moderate inBesides, Im really hurting juries. down here." Acute injuries account for apIn grade three, the pain comproximately 25 percent of all es during and after the exercise, Youre supposed to hurt, the brain replies. All the ads athletic injuries, according to but unlike grades one and two, it inaffects the performance of the say so. You know, No guts, no Doxey, and the process or overuse syndrome athlete. In this stage, the athlete glory and no pain, no gain. jury should also consult a physician Quit wimping around and whin- makes up the other 75 percent. ing. You used to be able to handThere are several factors that . and probably not exercise that le a workout like this without so affect a persons chances of in- joint or muscle, according to much as a creak." juring himself through the Doxey. overuse syndrome, accordDoxey consults only with paYea, well you used to take me out for an occasional bend ing to Doxey: not getting advice tients who have been referred to and stretch, but lately the only of a trainer, therapist or physi- him by a doctor who has seen exercise I get is helping you cian in training; the age of the the patient. The athlete should also be careful about which docwalk to the kitchen, the knee person; the anatomical alignment of the norbody And parts; this isnt your training tor he sees, said Doxey, because replies. mal little ache. It happens ev- program; prior physical condi- some might be unsympathetic to the patients needs. ery time we go out. Youve over- tion; musculoskeletal foundation; playing surface; equipused me. They need to go to a physiment type and fit; past and preThis lack of common sense, sent disease cian that is sympathetic to their history and the inignorance, if you want to get tensity and duration and fre- activity. Some say, if it hurts, blunt about it, is responsible for quency of when conwell, dont do it, training methods. sulted about an athletic injury, many athletic injuries, accordAnd trying to do too much too Doxey said. ing to Gordon E. Doxey, a physical therapist with St. Be- soon (a cliche, but still true) is But if a person knows his body nedicts Hospital, which also one of the main causes of injury. and its limits, and pays attenruns SportsCare in Roy. tion to aches and pains, he can Sixty percent of injuries to Most injury problems can be walkers, joggers and runners prevent most serious problems, When I see people said avoided, said Doxey, if people are due to. training errors where in theDoxey. amazed at what clinic Im would learn to assess their the training has exceeded the know about dont they intensiin either start abilities, training slowly bodys ability exercise. and then listen to their bodies. ty, duration or frequency, said The first thing Doxey looks at One of the big problems with Doxey. a in is the clinic is the pateints exexerOne who to want start Doxey example gives people Doxercise he runner treated. program. If a person has cising aftr a long absence, a knee pain, it may be outside 30 miles been He had believe is that running they ey said, their bodies are normal and can week and went to 60 miles a caused by something as simple immediately handle what they week and wondered why his as running on the same side of the road, allowing one leg to used to. legs hurt. overuse classified look to and need pain constantly be lower than the Doxey say, They where am I tight and weak," into three grades. In grade one other. Other leg pains could be and then set up an exercise the pain comes after exercising, caused by improper skeletal program so they can make and generally a person should alignment, bow legs or decrease training on that area per footwear. themselves normal again. joint screams at the brain. ) ( ( ( Doxey divides athletic SOMIRS Review Staff ly KINT Woman Man Maximum Heart Rate & Cmnflinr Sosise fVeveinitfs Undartlanding your haart rata Determined by taking your pulse for Resting heart rate six seconds and multiplying by 10. Most people range between 60 and 90, depending on their condition. Lower is better. Maximum heart rate estimates as follows : 220 Men: minus age maximum heart rate Women: 226 minus age maximum heart rate This is as fast as your heart should be able to beat, but do not exercise at this rate! Exercise at only 60 to 80 percent of that. this is the rate you should maintain Training heart rate while doing aerobic exercises. Calculated as follows: Maximum heart rate minus age times 60 to 80 percent complete your training rate: 220 Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 . , DinijjufiOQS According to Doxey, aerobic exercises, which include swimming, bicycling, rebounding, jogging, running and aerobic dance along with other programs and sports, have the greatest ability to improve health, if they are done properly, combined with flexibility ex-erci- se and possibly a - strengthening program. not only inwill Stretching crease the range of motion if done correctly, but will reduce muscle and joint tension, aid injury prevention, and should be an integral part of almost any warmup and cooldown . periods of exercise, he said. But some aerobic exercises, such as bicycling or jogging, may be impossible for some people because of physical limitations and past medical problems, said Doxey. But those people dont have to give up exercising. They may be able to do other exercises, which require less stress on in-- 1 dividual joints and muscles, such as swimming, rowing or aquatic aerobics. People interested in beginning an exercise program can also receive help in deciding which program to use from hospitals, recreation departments, the Heart Association and the county health department, said Doxey. Also, doctors and other professionals in the health and fitness field could be consulted to determine the proper exercise program. Doxey emphasizes that most injuries could be avoided if the athlete would use his common sense, listen to what his body is telling him and make the proper adjustments in his training ' program. fteGreatfam Departments Offer Assarted Classes creation Director Roger players are in the neighbor- in the area offers swiming, ice skating, tennis, Thomas, who operates one of hood, friends, churches, work and clubs. basketball, volleyball and soft-bathe largest recreation departand other recreational acBut it is often difficult for ments in the area. For more information, to tivities. who unable are In fact, he said, it was citi- individuals zens suggestions that prompted find a team to play in the lea- call The city CENTERVILLE Clearfield to offer aerobics clasgues. Most leagues have a free in classes adult indeoffers to list these golf and of most its register ses, one popular agent classes. For childrens on but many we If getting had the pendent players, programs. Irene call more from list is difficult. a team information, that facilities and time, we could run The best way to find a team to Burnett at twice as many aerobic classes The city ofCLEARFIELD as we do now. Other cities, play on is to ask friend, relasuch as Bountiful, also sponsor tives and anyone else you can fers. adult classes in aerobics, aerobic classes. get the word out that you want tennis and will sponsor a flag football league later in the sumBut smaller cities are often to play. Once a team is organized, en- mer and early fall. For more unable to sponsor such classes or programs for adults because try fees, which are usually of a lack of funds, facilities and around $150 a team, must be manpower, and concentrate on paid. This is usually done one of leagues and programs for youth two ways, said Thomas. A team can either find a sponsor who in those areas. Softball leagues and tourna-- 1 will pay the fee in exchange for ments have also been one of the advertising or the players can most popular programs offered split the cost. But there is more to do in the by the larger cities for adult summer than play softball or citizens. work in the yard. The following Most cities, such as Clearfield, require that adult teams is a list of what is available in be organized by individuals for area cities and who to call for basketball, softball or flag foo- information. BOUNTIFUL One of the tball leagues. According to Thomas, the best places to find largest recreation departments rac-quetba- ll, By KENT SOMERS Ravisw Sports Editor Challenge: Name that sports program. Clue: A good one beats a spa anytime. Dont know the answer? Heres another clue. Clue: What kind of programs allow kids to take swimming lessons or play and at the same time runs Dads softball league and offers classes in aerobic dance? If your answer was a larger ll, citys recreation department, youre right. Those programs can offer anything from tennis lessons to tumbling classes to softball tournaments. Recreation departments also offer basketball leagues and some cities even operate flag football leagues. But city recreation departments need help running these programs, and input from citizens about what classes and activities need to be implemented, expanded or eliminated are also welcome. We are open to suggestions constantly, said Clearfield Re- - 773-330- 7. ll - 298-612- 0. - 292-264- 9. - Bfe Jiao ratf Wirte Here Is the new book by Dr. Garth Fisher , Dr. Dennis Remington, and Dr. Edward Parent 451-532- 6. . 544-345- 8. information, call the city offices at 546-123- 5. SOUTH WEBER - The city will offer adult tennis and coed softball and golf lessons, depending on the number of people that register. For more information call Gary Schenck at 479-526- 0. SUNSET The citys softball leagues are in full swing now. Recreation Director Mel Wood said dance and aerobics classes will be offered in the fall, and said he was open to suggestions for classes. START GETTI NG A GORGEOUS SUMMER FIGURE - - TOay information, call FARMINGTON The city holds adult exercise classes and will sponsor a tennis tournament during Fiesta Days. For more information, call Ron Osborn, at LAYTON The, city offers adult aerobics classes, as well as tennis instruction and swimming pool facilities. For more information, call KAYSVILLE The citys recreation department is offering aerobic dancing, golf lessons and tennis lessons. For more . . Come in for an introductory week and try our amazing equipment that actually does most of the work for you while you relax. And, receive a special diet plan that can really satisfy your appetite. . How to Lower Your Fat Thermostat Scientific research has finally discovered why most overweight people continue to gain weight despite the discomforts of demanding diets. 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