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Show Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 3B Swimming Holds Water as a Conditioning Program By DAN CARLSRUH it does require more than most sports. You can run down Imagine a hypothetical race. the road with little knowledge of It will be you against Dametrio running and you can ride a bike Cabanillas, The race will begin with only a basic understanding in Farmington and go west on of the bike. But swimming usuthe same latitude around the ally requires some formal trainearth. Who would win? ing before you can benefit from Well, if it were only a foot the pool. race, Dametrio would be able to Most people have had a swim pass you twice to your once lesson at some time and others around the globe. But more than may be but some half of the race would be in fine tuning still may be needed., water. Swimming would eclipse A class at one of the universities running as the important factor or recreation centers would be in the race. helpful. So, if youre a better swimThose who have a fear of wamer than Dametrio, you could ter are not alone. Many indikeep the race close and possibly viduals have doubts about getbeat him. ting into a pool or lake. To some Swimming is often overlooked its only a matter of degrees of by the person who wants to find fear while others are ina good exercise for his physical capacitated with the thought of health program. The reasons getting their feet wet. for not choosing swimming may With more than 75 percent of vary: Fear of water, cant swim the earths surface under water, a stroke or cant swim suffi- hydrophobia is a fear which ciently enough to get to the should be dealt with. Dont other side have all been excuses leave the solution to friends and for the person who shies away well meaning relatives who from the pool and chooses in- - think it can be cured by throwstead the hard asphalt road. ing you into the deep end of the Others might be too embar- pool, only to watch you sink like rassed. In jogging and bicycling an igneous rock. Get trained you can hide those rolls of fat help. Some colleges have clasfrom public view with a heavy ses which help the adult adapt sweat shirt. But in swimming to water. everyone will know how well Swimming, like any other youve kept on that New Years sport, requires a few basic Resolution. items, not least of which is a But you havent been fooling large body of water. In the anyone anyway. Youve looked lakeside area there are only a like a bouncing rubber ball go- spattering of pools and only the ing down the road with your indoor pools will offer times for sneakers. So, at least in swim- the serious swimmer. Outdoor ming you will have to admit to pools, like the one in Layton, yourself your true condition and become so crowded that even thats the first step in getting wading among the other waders into shape. becomes a chore. More than any other exercise, .Other bodies of water like swimming can be regulated ta Pineview Reservoir or Willard meet your criteria. Many iac' Bay are available to the swimtors will be put into swimming. mer but many boat drivers How well you swim, how far and wont notice you until they have how fast. Its impossible to give to untangle you from their proa general figure of the energy pellers. needed to swim a quarter mile There is of course the Great without knowing how well the Salt Lake but only the brave and the foolish would enter the person swims. f If you are a beginner swim- realm of the brine flies with the mer or look like a harpooned idea of swimming. Cost is also a factor. For a whale, you may use more enera in four than gy deal, the cost can good laps swimmer will use in a quarter range from a high of $2.50 at the mile. Roy Recreation Center to a low But the competitive swimmer of $1.50 at the Bountiful indoor can also get his heart rate up to pool. But punch cards and other 190 beats per minute in a very rates lower that cost considershort time. ably. See related box. One of the real benefits of Another piece of equipment swimming is the lack of wear beside the water would be the and tear on the body. Jogging swimsuit. Cutoffs may be okay can make mashed potatoes out for lake and streams but recreaof the knees and can give a tion centers ban their use in the pool. painful case of shin splints. The swimsuits have only two Swimming uses smooth and To give the body movements. There are purposes: graceful no sudden stops and starts, only some support and to keep you a continuum of motion. The from being arrested. With that joints arent pounded with hun- in mind, why spend more than $60 for a designer suit which has dreds of pounds of pressure. With all that swimming has to no greater adaptability to get- - Rviw Staff offer, self-taugh- t, ting wet than the $25 suit? If you want to walk up and down Lagoon pool then a fancy suit might be right for you. But if you want to get into swimming for your health, then the cheaper and more practical style will do. Goggles are also a necessity. They can help you watch the lines on the bottom of the pool so you wont drift from your lane. the goggles will protect your eyes from the chlorine. If you spend 20 minutes in the pool your eyes may weep for hours. Theres no sense putting your eyes through that much irritation when a $5 pair of goggles will prevent it. Other implements such as nose and ear plugs can be used if you are more comofrtable with them. If ear plugs are At the same time, necessary dont go to the sports shops and buy one of the plugs they have on hand. It would be better to visit an ear doctor and get fitted with a plug which will really hold out the water. Once you start swimming youll discover one drawback. Conversation with a friend will be extremely limited. And even if you could get out a few words, its doubtful that your friend would even hear. Since conversation is limited and Sony hasnt invented a Swim Man radio yet, you will have to entertain yourself. Use the time in the water to think of what to do in the upcoming day or work out some problems. Better yet, think of how all that swimming is getting you back into shape without destroying your limbs and joints. . one-sh- ot BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Mountain Fuel's Equal Monthly Payment Plan. O m We call it "Budget Billing." Heres how it works: typical residential customer pays very low gas bills during the summer months. But as the weather gets colder and the furnace is used more monthly bills increase. The JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY With Budget Billing, your monthly payments are based on a average twice a year). Your payments will be somewhat higher in the summer than what you're paying now, and lower in the winter. But they will be more nearly equal throughout the year. th (re-figur- ed JUNE JULY heart disease. However, since it has no symptoms, 17million people have this health problem and dont know it. A simple check can determine if you have high blood pressure. WED., JUNE 8 Right 10am-6p- m now is the best time to switch your account to Budget Billing to conform to the Mountain Fuel billing year. If you're BY Hi American Red Cross interested, call your nearest Mountain Fuel Business Office for complete details. J9JSJU Oiitm NhIiqimI Prescription OGDEN 2562 Monroe Blvd. 399-115- ) 1 MOUNTAIN FUEL CLEARFIELD Clfd. Plaza 773-224- 0 A |