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Show Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 7B A Frojper Diefr Should Include All Food Groups By LYNDIA GRAHAM Review Correipendent LAYTON Summer can bring a new set of challenges to those who count calories, but with a little planning and common calorie sense it can be a season of accomplishment when excess pounds have disappeared,, according to Jean Wynard, a dietician at McKay-De- e Hospital who herself has won the fight with fat. Mrs. Wynard and another dietician, Diana McGuire, combined their knowledge and experience to form a New Weight Of Life, an organiation devoted to helping people shed unwanted pounds through sensible eating and keep them off through behavior modification and exercise. Mrs. Wynard said that she prefers to see people using an exchange type diet with about 1,200 calories per day for women and 1,500 for men. It gives a nutritional eating pattern with a wide variety of food choices but still makes it possible for the entire family to eat the same menus at meal time. One big advantage it has, said Mrs. Wynard, is that it allows you to continue with special occasions. So many of our summer activities are related to food. There are campouts, cookouts, block parties, reunions, and more. The best thing to do is to continue with the occasions but disassociate them with foods. She suggested, rather than working with the food at summer gatherings, volunteer to arrange the program or activities, anything that frees the mind from associating the good time with good food. That approach is the behavior modification part of hec-'-'die- By SHARON t plan and one which she said has been proven through research. Modifying behavior is the only permanent way to keep weight off, she said. And, the modifications have to be done at home, according to Mrs. Wynard. She said that if people are taken out of their everyday situations and make changes in their eating patterns, they most often go back to their old eating patterns when they are thrust back into their normal activities. One of the most important things she suggests for losing weight and changing habits to food keep it off is a diary before starting a diet. She suggests that for seven full days a record be kept of everything that is eaten, the amount eaten, and the activity involved, such as was the food part of a meal or eaten during a movie. Also, she recommends recording your energy level at the time you ate, who you were with, where you were, and your mood. The purpose of your food intake record is to make you conscious of what you are eating," she said. Its amazing how many women find that they never sit down to eat but are constantly snacking while they are preparing a meal, she said. Many people find that they eat foods without realizing how much they are eating or really enjoying it and the food intake record can help there, too. For instance, Mrs. Wynard said, many men and women eat a large amount of popcorn or candy during a movie while not rqaHy being aware of eating it because they are concentrating bn the movie. After the week is over, a care one-wee- ful analysis of the record should so you change. Mrs. Wynard suggests fat," said. Mrs, Wynard said that in many recipes fats can be cut to reveal several areas for tackling one area at a time so concentration can be devoted for a more successful approach. Modifying cooking habits can eliminate a few bulges without sacrificing flavor if the right tricks are known, she said. According to Mrs. Wynard the main culprit among the three food substances is fat. can see how easily you can cut calories when you cut of their original level without sacrificing taste. With the summer salad season upon us, she suggested that dressings be made with low fat yogurt replacing the mayonnaise for more nutrition and fewer calories. This especially one-fourt- h k radishes, celery, mushrooms, cucumbers and onions. But, go light on the beans, corn, green peas, and meats and cheeses unless you are going to use the meat or chopped eggs as a meat exchange for the meal, she advised. Vegetable sticks and dips for summer are usually brought out for both their fresh taste and to ease the dieters conscience, but that dip can undo a whole day of dieting. cotBy substituting low-fa- t tage cheese for the sour cream, a low fat dip can be made and it has the bonus of being high in protein. Cooked recipes calling for sour cream can sometimes use buttermilk with some flour shaken in for thickening. It really ter and did not adjust her ener- gy output or food intake, she would gain five pounds over a years time. She recommends 15 minutes each day of exercise of a type that is pleasing and compatible with your lifestyle and an increase in any body movement throughout the day to keep those pounds on the run. During classes, Mrs. Wynard and Mrs. McGuire encourage their dieters to bring in some of their favorite recipes so that they can be taught how to decrease the calories while maintaining the taste. They also offer many recipes in their class manual. Enchilada Casserole works well in dishes like stroganoff. Exercise also plays an important part of a good weight loss program and Mrs. Wynard said that any activity that increases the energy output counts. But, if you think it is fun, it is even better. She suggested walking, swim- ming, square dancing, ball By cutting down on the amount of fat consumed, weight can be lost. Fat is the most concentrated form of energy there is, she said, that is why our body stores it instead of other energy forms such as carbohydrates or protein.' Fat has about nine calories per gram, while protein and carbohydrates each contain four calories per gram. One teaspoon of margarine has about the same number of calories as cantaloupe, one-ha- lf works well with ranch dressings which use buttermilk and a seasoning packet. In choosing a salad when trying to lose weight, be cautioned that just because its at a salad bar, it doesnt mean youll lose weight if you eat it, she said. Some people can make a salad that has more calories than steak and French fries, she said, especially in the dressings. When filling a salad bowl, opt for the lettuce, tomatoes, games, golf, anything that uses up calories and is fun. She said many people like to exercise with television programs to keep them going. She said that people dont stop to realize how much fat can be burned off in a period of time through simple things like parking at the far end of a parking lot and walking, or answering the phone that is the farthest away. Even knitting instead of just sitting while watching TV will take off pounds over several months. She said that if a secretary using a manual typewriter changed to an electric typewri Vt Vs Vs med. onion, chopped lb. lean ground beef tsp. oregano tsp. rosemary tsp. marjoram aA tsp. salt Vt tsp. pepper 1 8 oz. can tomato sauce Vz 10 oz. can enchilada sauce 8 corn tortillas V4 pound sharp cheese, grated Saute meat and onion until brown. Add the herbs and the salt and pepper. Combine the tomato sauce and the enchilada sauce. Pour half the sauce over the meat and simmer for five Vs minutes. In a shallow casserole dish, arrange four of the tortillas and cover with the meat mixture. Place remaining tortillas on top, add cheese and pour the remaining sauce over that. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. This yields four servings. Each serving equals three meat exchanges, 1 vegetable ex- change, and two bread exchanges. Start Good bating Habits at Early Age meal as a favorite food. Dont needs. Remember that while he force a new food on your child. might seem ravenous during a Would you like a new food forcgrowth spurt, at other times his ed on you? appetite will subside. This Dont be upset if your child phenomenon is especially obgoes on an occasional food jag. servable in the initial months If you continue to have a variety after a youngsters first of foods available, your child birthday. will soon lose interest in that During the first year, averone food and will return to a age gains in weight and height are over three times those in variety of foods. Desserts and sweets should either the second or third year. not be used as a reward. Using Forcing a child to eat during a them as a reward makes your period can lead to child think they are more imobesity and eating disorders in later life. portant. Sweets and other foods But what about the older child should only be an occasional who closes his ears and mouth to suggestions for better eating part of your childs diet. habits? Making mealtime enjoyable will help your child to deOne nutritionist, Dr. Lendon velop good eating habits. Dont Smith, Foods for Healthy use the dinner hour for discipKids, McGraw Hill, 1981, sugline. gests completely eliminating A childs appetite flucsugar, white flour, or boxed tuates according to his bodys cereals from the house. If they STEELE Review Correspondent Our dinner table is located in a war zone! more than one mother has been known to exclaim. Johnny wont eat his vegetables, Susie gags on meat. Tommy fills up on sweets. And the baby turns his nose up at anything that doesnt come from a cow. Sound familiar? Rather than waving a white flag and surrendering to a standard menu of candy bars and root beer floats, the concerned mom might want to try following a few general pointers for teaching good eating habits set forth in Nutrition: Food for Thought, a Utah State Division of Health pamphlet available through the ' low-grow- th high-calori- e, low-nutrie- Family Health Services Branch, 44 Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84113: Let your child learn to feed her or himself. It may be messy at; first, so put newspaper under thegjiair and have a towel ready to, wipe up spills. Plan a rest or quiet time before meals, Dont fight wfi a child who refuses to eat. She of he may be tired, excited, or notthungry. Most children will eat"tten they get hungry. Offer small servings in plates and cups. For example: 12 cup milk or juice, s 12 slice of bread, 2 to 4 nt are not available they wont be eaten. On the other hand, no hungry child is going to turn his nose up at raw fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts if theyre attractively displayed in strategic locations during the hungry after school hours. According to Smith, the parent who sets out to change his or her familys eating habits overnight is likely to meet loud and vigorous opposition. No one likes having favorite foods snatched away. These parents should not become dis: couraged. Instead, they should proceed gradually and play on the motivational theme. If you tell an adolescent to quit eating junk food so his schoolwork will improve, he is not likely to change. If you guarantee more stamina for sports and fewer pimples, you will get results. child-size- d tables-poon- of rice, cereal, or potatoes, 1 to 2 ounces of meat, fish or poultry, 2 to 4 tablespoons of vegetables and 12 apple. If your child wants more food he or she will ask you. " Serve foods that are colorful and in interesting shapes. Allow plenty of time for Class By RUTH MALAN Review Correspondent In a behavior modification class for dieters, Mardell Reeves of Kaysville explains the need to change habits. The first weeks assignment is to become aware of your habits. Mrs. Reeves said to write down 10 things you like about yourself, then write down everything you eat all week without dieting. She advises analyzing what you have written to find your problems. One lady explained that she never eats breakfast. After writing down all she ate she found she was eating with each of her children in the mornings without realizing it. Another lady found she was eating three sundaes on a stick each day while watching soap operas. Be aware of what you are eating, Said Mrs. Reeves. Measure and weigh yourself each week. A diet should be private so no one knows what your child to eat a meal. Children eat slowly, so keep mealtime relaxed and calm. An excited child has a hard time eating. interest in eating the meal. Set a good example. If other people at the table enjoy eating a variety of foods, your child will learn by copying what Involving children in the you do. When introducing a new preparation and serving of a meal sometimes increases their food, try serving it at the same Modification Alfer Inlabifls al, she said. you weigh, was her next recomA good intake record is kept to mendation. is what you ate and the show made loss A goal for weight at the beginning of the program amount, the mood you were in and a graph is kept to chart and whether or not you were weight loss. Menus should be hungry. What you were doing, made totaling approximately where you were and who you 1,200 calories a day for weight were with while eating are all loss of two pounds per week, recorded. according to Mrs. Reeves. Five or six weeks into the When eating, slow down and diet, an exercise program such concentrate on what you are as aerobics dancing is begun. eating. Dont watch television, A food chart is kept with always sit down to eat, take small portions and eat with a points given for no sneaking, no following the diet, sitplate and fork, said Mrs. tasting, Reeves. ting down to eat, setting the Set a goal to improve your table, engaging in no other acTalk to yourself in tivity while eating, the mirror. Discuss your habits, the house, slowing the eating she advised. pace and taking small bites, immost is putting the utensil down after Recordkeeping portant. Record weight, mea- each bite, and chewing food besurements and eating habits. fore next bite. A reward is given Its easier to diet with a group, when the dieter is able to do but dont bet or compete with these things. Remember that you are the each other. Give yourself a reward of a new item of clothing only person that can make you when youve reached your go- - diet, said Mrs. Reeves. self-imag- Spring, 1983. Mother Nature threw her worst floods in a generation at Utah. And Utahns responded, banding together in the Utah Spirit to help people in need. Through it all, KUTV NEWS was there: on the scene with live reports, on the air with hourly updates, on the job around the clock with calls for volunteers, commuter reports, weather forecasts and emergency procedures, to help Utahns beat the rising tide of trouble. - e. X i 4 And we won't stop until the waters are gone and the danger past. Floodwatch. Another reason to make KUTV MEWS Your Information Source. 2 |