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Show '4 tVUj ' " JU ).,, i ,f if tJ j. Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Davis DUPs Enjoy Their May Jubilee BI ACKERS. The South Center Davis County Daughters of the Utah 3A . . let's you buy Furniture for your home and SAVEL.plus you get a fantastic... Pioneers held their annual Jubilee last week. The Jubilee is held each May near the birthday of Brigham Young. It gives the members a chance to join together for lunch and celebrate the accomplishments of the past year. Twelve camps in Davis coun- ty were invited. The event was planned under the direction of outgoing President Arleen Pace of West Bountiful. Special mention was made of the outgoing county board members; Arleen Pace, president; Verle Zesiger, first vice president; Claudine Riley, second vice president; MaeDean ; Leora Cropper, Hall, registrar; Eloise Lauderman, historian; Goldie Bagnell, chaplain; Veleta Mason, chorister, Sarah Thomas, organist; Mar-gar- fi s. sec-trea- et Haslam, Of Your Choice At: parliamentarian. Mrs. Pace said, The goal our board made was to find displaced members and incorporate them into a functioning camp. It was believed that some members on the roll books who were inactive may have died, moved or were not invited to join new camps. The task DISNEYLAND Our Bonus To You.. .With Any Furniture Purchase Of $899 Or More! ! took alot of time, but we did complete the job, she said. Mrs. Pace said there are many strengths in the County DUP, When the ladies become devoted to study and learning about their pioneer ancestry, they really get going. A program was presented by the Golden Years Center music- the progBoayd ofThe new Wagstaff, president; Maepean Hall, first vice; Alice Steed, second vice pres.; Afton Phister, al group. Following ram the new Cpunty ficers were installed. officers are: Clarissa sec-trea- Za-d- parliamentarian; your vows?. Elaine Putnam, lesson leader. President Wagstaff lists her goals as perpetuating the name of the pioneer ancestry and formulating a pictorial and written history of all historical sites in the DUP county boundaries. She would also like individuals to make DUP members aware of any artifacts they have in their posession. The county would like to make record of fi and dependability... ! so practical and affordable with Oaklandon. , Ctdl6" , AroW'"1' ,or inn coupnS Diiscount arrivalRestaurant?- Early Americana W ..a mood of rustic beauty, charm u to Issportor' V iland pa Farm- Knotts Berry Disney' kK ; ftr X CtificATe ,say free): Beautiful Big 1. All 4 pub'-1-licatio- of or Holiday - passes V.V S prtVacilonS itnenl written histories and take pictures of them for their history book. Mrs. Wagstaff was given support by all members present at the Jubilee. Women of pioneer ancestry who are 18 or older may join the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. Their ancestors must have lived in the Utah territory prior to the coming of the railroad in 1869. The DUP is a'national organization. A DUP camp may be formed with a minimum of 10 members. They choose their own name which must be approved by the central camp in Salt Lake. They are located at the PioneerMemo-ria- l Museum building. The members pay an anitoal fee which pays for monthly of lesson material and the up keep of the museum. Members meet nine months of each year for lessons in homes fkOVJ'--T 2 vacation money to furnish your home... and well furnish your vacation! Buy the furniture youve always wanted and enjoy it for years to come! ! Use s; Mauripe Douglas, registrar; Elpise Lauderman, historian; Harriet Richardson, custodian of relics; Myrtle Jeppson, chaplain; Nedra Wise, organist; a McKay, SncATE fr" sy pieces RECLINER 449 members. Roomy double For Dad!!! dresser Framed mirror Spacious chest Fullqueen-siz- panel headboard Traditional comfort! 1 Oaklandon" reflects the treasures of our American heritage Rugged, clean living Baking homemade bread with homegrown wheat Yet Oaklandon is also wonderfully in tune with today, with Its many practical with a features and reasonable price. Quality-crafterich, engraved oak finish and authentic wheat motif. Brass-finisheswinging hardware completes a picture of heartwarming beauty Night stand 109 ' EXPERIENCE BLACKER FURNITURE IS OPEN d roll-arm- plush decorator fabric. LA-Z-BO- YS Enter From Interstate 15 at 359 or Hiway 89 Going North thru Willard! Lagoon's NEW Fire Dragon Over 1 The Lean way back and enjoy rest and relaxation! A big button-tuftepillow back, thick seat cushion s covered in a and padded La-Z-B- 50 oy 199 from STYLES To Choose From Barcalounger Action Lane by Joe Stampley Hours: Show Tuesday thru Saturday 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 8 Tomorrow at 7 and 9 p.m. In the Lagoon Stadium Pick up tickets Financing Available your $2 admission at Evsraiuai Arctic Circle Don't Miss , . Easy CLOSED SUNDAY & MONDAY MUSIC, U.S.A. Today at 7:30 and 9 WILLARD EXIT 15 INTERSTATE pm. N BlACkERS 6gden 11 ' aoonp "HOME OF THE SOFT SELL" MEEK VILLAGE Mtdwrty between Salt aka and Ogden on IS I y 4 I BRIGHAM EXII HIGHWAY 8R ' 1 R1 BRIGHAM 2 miles North of Ogden |