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Show Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Exercise Benefits 5B Fun Tennis: for Anyone Shapeup All the Age Groups inexpensive equipment cost, make it a sport for the masses. Tennis is. one of the rare Callage and as an individual tournament Ha has talked with local tannii initruc. sports that can be played and tors and coachos about tho iport.) enjoyed by all ages. Local courts are only a few minutes By BARRY KAWA Roview Staff away and a short time requirePlaying tennis is one of the ment for a game make it easy most enjoyable and best ways to for the student, housewife and get in and stay in shape. Its businessman to find enough leismall requirement of time and sure time to play. (Editor'! Not; lorry Kowo it on oxporioncod ployor, Savina plavad compatltivoly an school tannii tquadtlocally and at Dixio Junior tannii By SHARON STEELS Review Correspondent Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be, The last of life, Anyone who answers "yes" to any question above should consult with his or her personal physician before increasing for which the first was made. physical activity. These words penned by A good summary of points to Robert Browning in the 19th consider in designing a personal Century are perhaps even more regimen for physical fitness is meaningful in todays world cited in the Utah Division of with its Learning to play tennis is not where a rising curve of longevi- Aging pamplet, The Utah playing space, along ty has resulted in more people Seniors Physical Fitness living fuller lives beyond retireAwards Program: ment age. Begin slowly and progress Some senior citizens, howevslowly if you are not accuser, find themselves questioning tomed to physical activity. Warm up and cool down Brownings declaration that the best is yet to be, as they periods should be built into your experience a loss of body tone, exercise program. Five miendurance, and mobility as- nutes of easy exercise before sociated with a sedentary lifesand after more vigorous activityle that has become a ty is recommended. Do not exercise after eating pe of the leisure years. Even those individuals who a meal. Waiting for one to two were athletic in youth often ex- hours will make your exercise change fitness opportunities for period more pleasurable. the convenience of driving to Do not overexert yourself work or enjoying television during exercise. Take the talk test. If at any time during exsports. The results of such withdrawercise you cannot talk in a noral from physical activity are mal voice, due to increased often measured in weight gain, breathlessness, you are pushing decreased mobility, and endur- too hard and should slow down. ance limitations. As we age, If during or immediately folroutine tasks may leave us huflowing your exercise program fing and puffing. Tussling with a you experience unusual shortgrandchild or shoveling out the ness of breath, discomfort in fireplace may become exhaustyour chest, dizziness, or uning, while bending to retrieve a steadiness, consult your physidropped handkerchief can be cian before continuing your exercise program. , painful, if not impossible. But it doesnt have to be that Select appropriate cloway. A body will thing. On hot days exercise durfeel and look better, thereby iming the cool part of the day proving even ones physical and (early morning), and on cold emotional days dress warmly and exercise The secret to maintaining during the warmest time (noon). Dr. good physical tone, Walking, the preferred exerMichael Gordon writes in his cise for seniors, should begin at book, Old Enough to Feel Bet-- ,, an easy, relaxed pace, while ter, Chilton Book Compapy,c, breathing naturally. Prepare 1981, is to exercise throughout the body for more vigorous acif it but have ndt, life, your you tivity by gradually lengthening is still not too late to get back the exercise period from 10 miinto good physical shape." nutes to the conditioned level of The incentives for beginning 30 minutes. A heel-firstride TENNIS ANYONE? With some basic understanding of the an exercise program at any age should be practiced to decrease are fuany..The skeletal muscles strain on the joints. swings and serves, tennis can offer participants some of anf exercised body learn to Once the conditioned level has enjoyable exercise. use oxygen more efficiently. been reached, the fitness The heart increases in size and trainee may wish to walk more becomes more contractile, de- briskly or attempt a steeper inlivering an increased blood flow cline, but exhaustion should not be the end point of exercise. One per stroke, yet enjoying a longer recovery period between should feel relaxed as he concludes his activities. beats, according to Gordon. In addition, the hearts nerve While avoiding types of exerregulation becomes more cise that demand sudden bursts of energy, senior citizens might stable, while the improved capacity of the like to add swimming, golf, or blood itself enhances vital ordancing to their physical traingan function, heightens skeletal ing anything that requires a muscle tone, and reduces fat gradual steady effort. Bicycling is also good, if the individual deposits. Although exercise does not has learned the basics at a ward off hardening of the ar- younger age and allows himself teries, the exercised body to gradually adjust to newer, adapts well to reduced circulalighter equipment. tion imposed by arteriosclStraining, as in weight lifting, should be avoided because of erosis, he reports. One gerontologist, Dr. D.D. the excess stress it can place on Stonecypher, Jr., author of the heart, back and blood preGetting Older and Staying ssure. W.W. Norton & ComOne of two supervised exer-cis- e Young, pany, 1974, calls exercise Naprograms available a miracle through the Clearfield Heritage tures tranquilizer medicine for improving ability Senior Citizen Center is Swim to relax, controlling emotional and Exercise, held weekly, tension, and increasing the abilSeptember to May, at the Clearfield Pool. ity to tolerate fatigue. This is especially beneficial But, Stonecypher stresses, Like all potent medicines, exto seniors with severe arthritis, ercise must be handled care- debilitating disease, and rewell-exercis- well-bein- g. st difficult. Most city recreation departments offer summer programs for beginning players at a nominal cost. Many good instruction books written by top players and teachers are available in libraries and bookstores. A good playing partner can teach the fundamentals of the grip, stroke and serve. Nearly every city in Davis County offers some sort of tennis instruc- tion through city recreation programs. The only requirements for the beginner are a racquet, tennis balls, a court and a partner. Tennis racquets come in all shapes, sizes, and compositions common type asphalt and concrete surfaces. Old tennis balls lose their spring and seldom bounce as true as new ones. Tennis shoes are a crucial part of the players basic equipment. They must be light, yet provide strong arch and heel support for sharp turns and stops a player will make in the course of a game. Blisters and bunions can wreck havoc on a players game because the ability to move rests on a players feet. Any one of the many manufacturers known for making quality tennis shoes will do. Dont skimp in this area, and from many manufacturers. remember, bargain tennis They range in price from the shoes wearout faster and dont $7.95 department store bargain provide proper support. to the $300 model. Whether to buy an oversized racquet or a regular sized one is up to the individual. An oversided racquet with a large fare is good for a players confidence and gives him a larger margin for error. Drawbacks are in a higher cost and fewer companies who makes specialized racquet. A the racquet is regular-size- d Socks must be worn to cushion the impact of the hard Utah court surfaces. Two socks on each foot are recommended for maximum support. Tennis clothing should be light, comfortable and a lighter color for coolness under the summer sun. A shirt should be worn at all times by male players to maintain a proper tennis image. The best way to get in shape to play tennis is by skipping rope. Jogging is good and builds up endurance, but skipping rope does the same while putting some bounce in the players legs. To do the most good, skipping rope must be done each perfectly acceptable. A good shot with a smaller racquet wins the same number of points as a good shot with the larger racquet. As for the continuing argument between the superiority of wood or metal racquets, wood gives the player more day. feel in their shots and metal A player should start slowly more power in their strokes. at first and work up to about 10 The new composition and minutes a day at a fast pace. graphite racquets reportedly This will improve a players give the player the advantages on the court and build up of each, although at a much speed the wrists at the same time. higher cost. The average player Once a player is in shape, tennis should have his racquet strung tennis is the best more and with nylon string at a medium a player conditioning training tension of about pounds. can get. Only a pro or advanced intermediate player can tell the difTennis is great for a players 55-6- 0 ference between the more expensive gut and nylon. Nylon tends to wear longer and is not ruined by moisture. Tennis balls should be replaced every few matches and be made for hard surfaces, the most body shape, flexibility and balance. For best fitness benefits, the game should be played at a vigorous pace. This means acquiring enough skills to sustain continuous play for increasing periods of time. J oxygen-- carrying stricted motion, fully. Seven questions that must be asked before the senior citizen cise says Karmen Rowse, Heritage director. Growing Younger, an aerobic program projected to begin in July, will be sponsored by the Davis County Health Department. After an initial training period at the Heritage Center, 562 S. 1000 E., participants will be qualified to take the program to friends in their begins a program of exerhave been set forth by the Utah Senior Olympic Committee : Has your doctor ever said you have heart trouble? 2. Do you frequently have dis1. comfort in your heart or chest? 3. Do you often feel faint or have severe spells of dizziness? 4. Has a doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high? 5. Has your doctor ever told you that you have a bone or joint problem such as arthritis that has been aggravated by exercise or might be made worse with exercise? 6. Is there a good physical reason not mentioned here why you should not follow an activity program even if you wanted to? 7. Are you over age 65 and not accustomed to vigorous neighborhoods. Further information on either program may be obtained by calling the center at Other programs are available through local operation centers. 773-706- 5. Whether the individual , chooses to exercise in a large group, or with a close friend or loved one, is not important. The essential thing is that he has chosen to ignore the prevailing myth that old age dictates a sedentary lifestyle. Ones age is never an indication of his strength or his desire to participate in life. UMATUSA WnWW HE2AIP? When you have a body wrap you will be wrapped firmly in bandages that have been soaked in a warm solution. The solution will be absorbed through your pores. The body fat. cells and cellulite pockets will open, allowing the fat to flow into your waste system. This is why you will experience a permanent inch loss with your Wrap. Now you can budget the same amount month for your electric bill ... with Utah Powers Equal Payment Plan. Our EQUAL PAYMENT PLAN lets you know exactly what your electric bill will be. Each month will be the same amount for a full years time. We'll estimate a year's electrical costs based on your past usage. 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