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Show 2B Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Weight Lifting Has Changing Image By SHELLEY KANCITIS same reason. Review Correspondent Recent research indicates women are needlessly concerned." Generally speaking,- women have approximately 23 fewer androgen receptors in their bodies than men. These receptors transmit chemicals into muscles, so women have far less potential for developing bulging muscles, said Day. The physical benefits of weight lifting or strength training are similar for men and Weight lifting is not a new sport, but it does have a new image. Instead of being dominated by a small clique of former weaklings and distant relatives of Hercules, weight lifting is attracting growing numbers of garden-varietphysical fitness fans. Weight lifting's increasing popularity and respectability are evidenced by a class offered for the first time at the Roy y women: increased strength, better muscle tone, greater enRecreation Complex-women- s durance, and body shaping. now is or what Strength training is the only lifting weight called strength training. Other real way to alter your shape in ' programs are also offered at specific areas. When you gain or lose weight, it happens all other centers in the area. Marie Day, assistant director over your body, said Day. She says the mhin differences of the Roy Complex and a weight lifting instructor, attri- between the sexes in regard to butes women's rapidly increas- weight lifting are the reason for ing interest in the sport to their lifting and the approach to the sport. changing Women tend to begin lifting Women feel more valuable and are less inclined to put their because they want to change personal needs last. They .their shape.in Men are primarily realize their families suffer interested getting stronger, when they are not physically fit said Day. This difference in motivation and that strength training is one method to increase physical affects the techniques men and women use when they start liftfitness. owns who Scott, ing. Day said women usually Larry Larry Scotts Health Club in North start lifting weights that are apSalt Lake, said women are less proximately 50 percent of the concerned about public opinion maximum weight they can lift. and more willing to try new They also do more repetitions, sports. Women are training or repeated lifting of a specific just as hard as the men this weight. This approach results in year for Utahs annual Mr. and longer, tapered muscles and Ms. Utah Bodybuilding Champgives a more streamlined look. Men, on the other hand, often ionships. While men have been attract- prefer to start out by lifting ed to weight lifting because it weights that are 80 to 90 percent bulks out muscles, women ' of their maximum weight lifting have avoided the sport for the capability. Theres more ego self-image- s. Layton Junior High and Ms. Day is assistant director of the spots for her fiance, Jim Salazar, during a recent weight lifting session. Salazar teaches at North Roy Recreation Complex. involvement for men, said doctors approval, research muscle groups. goes into burnout, you need help a leads She that no said The male for limit shows there is by pulling age putting the weight down, said Day. approach to development of a shorter, potential weight lifters. We muscle the wrong way, one can Day. bulkier muscle with a chunkier have people using the weight tear it loose from a fixed strucDay recommends several rooms who range in age from 14 ture such as a tendon or liga- books to increase awareness of appearance. ment. Its just like breaking a new research done on weight Despite its advantages, Day to 80, said Virgil Howe, direcbone and you have to cast it. tor of the Roy Complex. said, strength training is an adlifting and proper techniques. vanced type of exercise. I tell They are: The Weider Book of Day said beginning weight lifadshould at students and should ters not start intermediate Even potential lifting they Bodybuilding for Women be aerobically sound before home. You must lift in the di- vanced lifters should have (similar title for men) and Mens Weight Training and they start lifting so their hearts rection a muscle grows to be another person present when As lifters get Bodybuilding Tips and and lungs can handle the added really effective Most people they exercise. stress. dont know enough because more advanced, they use. Routines (similar title for For people who have their there are so many different heavier weights. If the muscle women). MARIE DAY i "f ' .Afc:. RELATIVE MERITS OF VARIOUS EXERCISES IN INDUCING CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS Energy Range (From The American Heart Association) 6-- Calsmin. 7 Calshr. 360-42- 0 7-- Calsmin. 8 or or Calshr. 420-48- 0 Activity Comment Walking 4 mileshr. Cycling 10 mileshr. Ice or roller skating Walking 5 mileshr. Cycling 11 mileshr. Singles tennis Dynamic, aerobic bnd of benefit. As above. As above if done continuously. Calsmin. 0 Jogging 5 mileshr. or Dynamic, Calshr. Calsmin. 1 600-66- 0 , . Calshr. Above 1 1 Calsmin. or 660 Calshr. J "'2 '.oa aerobic, endurance building Usually ski runs are too short to significantly promote endurance. Lift may be isometric. Benefits skill predominantly. Combined stress of altitude, cold and exercise may be too great for some cardiacs. Not sufficiently continuous but promotes skill. Competition and hot playing areas may be dangerous to cardiacs. Paddleball 10-1- rtiq:. exercise. As above. Cycling 12 mileshr. Downhill skiing or to Dynamic, aerobic and beneficial. Same. Can provide benefit if played 30 minutes or more by skilled player with an attempt to keep moving. Total isometrics very risky for cardiacs, (high risk) or deconditioned normals. Water skiing 480-60- 0 , Running 5.5 mileshr. Cycling 13 mileshr. Squash or handball (practice session or Excellent conditioner. As above. Usually too intermittent warmup) skill. Running 6 mileshr. or more. Excellent conditioner. Competitive handball or Competitive environment in a hot room is dangerous to anyone not in excellent physical condition. Same as singles tennis. to provide endurance building effect. Promotes squash missingi WATL'RARERIS'AL'E -- DON FOOT KAYSVILLE, UTAH LBS! 1 "NUTRISYSTEM IS A FAST AND SIMPLE DIET THAT WORKS. I WAS NEVER HUNGRY AND LEARNED ABOUT MY PAST EATING PROBLEMS. NO DOUBT THE WEIGHT WILL STAY 'OFF." I WALT RARE B uYT3M:MfiCOr Over 850 Csnttrs In North Amvrlct fiBHimraani (fi) . no drugs, no injections no constant calorie counting professional supervision no hunger, wide choice of delicious NUTRISYSTEM meals 5E weight loss canters OF NORTHERN UTAH WITH ADVERTISEMENTS AND NEWS! ALL Over 119,000 Households Home Delivered Ogden Standard-ExamineMid-Wee- k r In 4 Countiesl Lakeside Review Shopping News OGDEN MEDICALDENTAL CENTER 950 25th STREET i VI nci |