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Show 6C &k Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 8, 1983 Ukasodl By CAROLE COLE Review Correspondent relatively inexpensive Rat- paperback book entitled ing the Diets, by Theodore Berland may be that place to book For $3.25 this can give consumers the straight facts on scores of diets available in books, at centers and spas, and through product dealers in 1983. Using as a standard the U.S. Senates Dietary Goals for the go. 250-pa- United States, Mr. Berland compares these diets and then rates them using a system of stars. Diets rating four stars are at the top of his list. The Senates Dietary Goals is not a diet, but rather a nutritionally sound guidelines for everyones diet. Top food and health experts in the United States, as well as some from abroad, gave both written and oral testimony to the Senates Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, and the compilation of that testimony resulted in the Dietary Goals. diets this Any of the four-sta- r book lists can be assumed to be One of those By CAROLE COLE Are you one of Americas millions who lose the same 10 or 20 pounds over and over again, only to gain them back quickly as soon as you fall off your diet? Are you consumed with guilt, angry at diet restrictions, or defensive about giving up certain foods? Does a lifetime of behavior modification leave you with a rather sick, helpless feeling? Then the theory of weight regulation may be extremely interesting to you. 1 that actually chooses the amount of body fat it considers ideal and then works to defend that level. Proponents of the theory claim that dieting can actually make you fatter! Recent publication of a book entitled How to Lower Your set-poi- nt Fat Thermostat has climbed to fourth place on the regional lists and gives s best-seller- dramatic evidence that dieting is not the answer to Americas weight epidemic-proportio- n problems. Authors of the book are Dr. Dennis Remington, a family physician in bariatrics specializes who band asked Dr. as- - things that simply are not To of in stretch marks. Warm, relaxing, guaranteed results. low-protei- n, Yourself Diet Plan. Fortunately for dieters, the list of four-stdiets is a lengthy one. Included in this list are the Appetite Control Centers diet, the Beverly Hills Medical Diet, the Diet Control Centers diet, the Diet Workshop diets, the I Love America Diet, the Prudent Diet, the Scarsdale Vegetarian Diet, and the Weight Watchers diets. health-conscio- ar All of these, Berland claims, are balanced diets that provide adequate amounts of protein, no more than 30 percent of calories from fat, with unsaturated fat predominant, a goodly proportion of complex carbohydrates, and very little sugar. Keuoires Hxereose Naturally, the part of the plan that is most difficult to get people to try is the daily exercise requirement. It is, however, es- sential to the success of the plan. The most attractive feature is the total absence of caloriecounting, starvation plans, and diet restrictEat and Get Thin is the title of one of the books chapters. In addition to achievement of hard-to-adhere-- to ions. permanent weight loss, the 4 COO X each in groups single session for of three Gift Certificates Available Call Angie for Information and an Appointment This and more in a & & & Only fo fail Wei$At te$, odd otAen 3-- weiqAt-lod- d . 9 292-659- 9 "Diet? OUSdtem faitic. pneyiamd tad ud at tAe Magic Air it tAe &(et 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 d health problems like blood headaches, high pressure and intestinal problems drastically improve. SALE! Electronic II DEHYDRATOR SLICER Reg. $219.50 SALE Reg. $119.50 SALE $y(o)50 Free $11.95 Cookbook & $7.95 Leather Sheets with purchase. i I plus e FREE $14.95 Bag Sealer mm wSet oTTififhTi pp ALL CAN DEHYDRATED FOOD atd THIS COUPON on & 4iMMU SBO W. 29B-B5- 00 it it 6 17-2- 5 poutdd weeAd. We AeUeve tAe Aedt acia;i:3 set-poi- nt theory contributes to other health-relatebenefits. Many Pre Season DEHYDRATOR 4 hairs- tyles, glasses Cosmetic makeover with eyebrows tweezed, base makeup, eye makeup and lipstick in proper color and application. Aettf entity tndtr Gimuftte i Carbo-Calori- popular Mary Ellens Help (net wetyAt ot tAe pnoytati. tyot eat ail tatunai frode atd fed tenntfie itdtead of Reduces cellulite and Ccn s:!l et ar codt itfantta&o even tAe pAote. witAout pneddwte we pnomidet faetyote wAe wvnAd witA iet fatten Aon M250 Bountiful Face shape analysis to help in choosing and necklines f fatten. Wt witt exploit tAe pnoqnam tat Mlhour! $37 Sa. it talking about! 35-2- Tfedotv PaqeA. 7Aen 20" Never-Say-Di- set-poi- nt Many organizations charge hundreds of dollars for this. k Complete color analysis including inch fabric swatches in your color pallette A Wardrobe planning including handouts Body analysis including handouts to help in selecting styles to compliment your figure. atd Lose Up ht self-estee- This it the Program that everyone bariatric 6'14 Quick-Weig- (the physicians. Dr. Parent, a resident of Woods Cross, said he worked with Remington and Fisher for over a year on the book, and they have used the theory to successfully regulate the weight of hundreds of patients. Anysuch as star- thing artificial vation diets and behavior mod- ification techniques simply will not last, he states. Ive had to rethink all my ideas about the psychological factors involved in weight loss. Weve all been brainwashed for so many years into1 assuming Coupon Expires 14-d- 200 pounds, was nursing a baby, suffered from low and was depressed over her weight problem. Because she was nursing she could use no medications to help her lose weight. After the woman was placed on the books plan, she reported a loss of only 8 pounds amount of food eaten. but, Parent cites the example of a more importantly, she had lost woman in Provo who has fol- 24 pounds of fat while gaining 16 lowed the books plan since pounds of muscle. a muscle that yields November, 1982. While the doctors recommend obtaining 22 to energy and strength, Parent 24 percent body fat, this woman points out. In addition, the has regulated her fat thermos- Bountiful woman lost six inches from her waist and two to three tat to 19 percent body fat. inches around her hips. She is actually five or six Very often its the loss of pounds under the weight the inches that will be noticed bedoctors recommend. But now fore the scale reflects a significthat she has lowered her fat ant loss of pounds, Parent exthermostat, she is finding it dif- plained. ficult to regain those five or six How does one permanently a startling contrast to lower his fat thermostat? Actupounds the quick weight gain ex- ally, the plan sounds fairly simperienced by most people when ple: reduce or eliminate high-fa- t foods and sugars, exercise they, let up on their controlled diet plans. cut out diet drinks or daily, A Bountiful woman whom Dr. sodas with sugar in them, drink Parent has been guiding in re six glasses of water a gard to weight reduction has day, eat two light meals in the noted an amazing change in morning and afternoon and onfe body fat composition. Her hus- - large meal in the evening. Garth Fisher, an exercise physiologist and the director of the Human Performance Research Center at Brigham Young University; and Dr. Edward Parent, a psychologist who works true. Ber-land- Parents help because she weighed treatment of obesity); Dr. closely with al Frut-os- e Dr. Coopers Fabulous Live Longer Now Diet, they Weight-Los- s Program, Quick and the Pritikin Permanent Weight Loss Manual have all ratings by been given three-sta- r Berland. group Yet another three-sta- r consists of the diets. Each of them is considered deficient in some way some omit a food group or emphasize others, some do not have properly balanced proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, and others require supplemental vitamins and minerals. The Diet Center diet, Diet for Life, the Lose Weight Naturally, Mayo Clinic Exchange, and the Lean Line diets fall into this category, as does the recently Its According to that theory, backed up by an impressive array of recent studies, body fat is regulated by a control center in the brain incorrect sumptions, Parent claims, is that overeating is the reason for fatness and that dieting is the cure. If you eat less food than your body needs, the body will automatically use the excess fat and weight loss will follow. The truth is, the book states, that excess body fat has relatively little to do with the set-poi- nt m Yhenfiftostfotf lowering Review Correspondent Two-sta- r diets are basically healthy diet regimens that can be used as long as the rest of diets. While they are effective for weight loss, the your life or on a short-terbasis as needed. No vitamin-minerhigh consumption of protein supplements are necesmay also result in a high cholesterol intake. People with kidney sary. Following are a few of the disease or gout and pregnant more popular diets and how women should avoid such diets, they are ranked by Rating the he advises Diabetics may use Diets. ' them, with modification and afOne of the hottest diet fads ter consultation with a doctor. The Berkowitz Diet Switch, recently is the Cambridge Diet. s No stars are given this in Shape-U- p Dr. Stillmans book it is severely Program and his close to a starvation diet, he Loss Diet, the I Love NY Diet, ' claims, and not recommended Richard Simmons unless followed under a doctors Book, and Completes close supervision, preferably Scarsdale Medical Diet, and the while the dieter is hospitalized. Southampton Diet are a few of Another popular diet within the two-stdiets listed by Berthe past few years is Dr. Atkins land. Diet Revolution, a diets that high-fa- t regimen. Again, also limit calories are effective and safe for most people, innq stars are given this by Berland for reasons that include an cluding diabetics, Berland imbalance of saturated fats and states, though they pay little cholesterol as compared jto car- attention to the kinds of fats three bohydrates and protein. The eaten. Berland gives themBrand-Name diet induces a state of ketosis stars. These include the e Diet, The (an abundance of ketones in blood and urine) that can be Doctors Metabolic Diet, and irritating to the kidneys, he the New .York Times Natural Foods Dieting Book. claims. Also rating three stars are the Other popular diets that relow-fa- t, ceived no stars from Berland diets. While the Seare the Beverly Hills Diet, Dr. Stillmans Inches-Of- f Diet, the nates dietary guidelines are Drinking Mans Diet, the Last more strictly adhered to in Best Diet Book, Pritikins Maxthese diets than most others of imum Weight Loss Diet, the Zen similar or lower ranking, the Macrobiotic Diet, and the diets lack significantly in grapefruit, liquid protein, and flavor, making them difficult to rice diets. Fasting also receives stick with for long periods, the zero stars from Berland. author states. high-prote- in Every doctor, every clinic, with the regularity of moon phases, yet most enjoy a quickly achieved popularity and then fade just as rapidly. Where can one go to find some clear-cu-t, objective evaluation of the vari every university, every spa seems to have its own diet. New diets appear on the U.S. scene ous diets? A Btiudy C2ttQQ DSotio m tAid id way lode te wetyAt atipvAenef Aatt ud today Froo Classes 321-014- 0 5000 So. 1600 V. (Noxt to tho Rivordalo Drivo) Bountiful Centerville 292-505- 7 292-761- 8 KaysviOBe 546-049- 9 Sunset 776-245- 0 ......... EWSPAPER POWER. , I GO FOR IT. |