Show market report special to the news I 1 kansas city mo june cattle this week last week same week lat last year smaller receipts have killing cattle 15 to 25 cents this week all classes about alike but cows and heifers heffers showing most strength cattle fed corn on grass are beginning to appear bat buyers avoid them taking light dry lotters letters and quarantine grass cattle unsteady stocker and feeder trade is lull dull and prices lower this week especially ally light stockers and stock calves top beef steers bulk to cows to heifers heffers 4 to 6 5 strong s to bulls shade lower 3 to quarantine fed steers to grass brass steers to feeders 3 75 to stockers to sheep this week last week same week last year mutton receipts this week not enough for the demand Prices are 10 to 20 c cents higher thong though gh not thoroughly tested in last three days account of extremely light receipts texas and arizona to 0 5 o mixed to ewes to hardly any fed sheep or texas yearnings yearlings year lings or lambs coming colorado lambs sell at 7 to clipped lambs to spring lambs to hides firm green salted aj cents to of 8 cents bulls 8 cents uncured 1 cent less glue 5 cents horse hides to dry flint butcher 15 to 17 cents dry glued glue 9 ceals sheep pelts 13 cents |