Show WOMEN AS TAX DODGERS DODGERS commissioner declares that xin wren are ar mort conot 31 garding property TAX commissioner bruce bad found an bo hanft man in act h claims that fer or artl of this species hare bare found their hilr way y into the office of the fix ind and hit his opinion or of human nature fit lure he d clarf clare in III the sentinel hai bag risen a matral veral degres wh ahn n I 1 first began this work sald mr bruce bruc 1 I bad a fixed le idea that ono on half smirked its taffs and that the other h half a f had bad none to chirk my ormi opinion his has been changed chon ped however there have ben been several cases as many as aff five anve or mix in which mon men here have asked lee e begged bygd the he assessors aelton to put them on OD tor for the full fall value of their possessions they seem to take aln a certain pride la ia their honesty women are w worse wont thin men ben when rhen it tomes to property inmany in miff tases me they even refute to permit the as cossor to go into the holie at As a r the assessor assesses them for or more thin than they could bly be v crab orthan and ij thus usually brings bring the limbana to our offlie with vita a sworn schedule us as well aa to an apology tor for big hl altes B rudeness |