Show it is ia a lamentable fact that there are people in our community so ungenerous that they will not allow a person to enjoy any good fortune that may come to him A ease case in mind is ia the appointment of mr fred kotter to the position of local manager for the utah independent telephone co mr notter kotter was naturally very much gratified over his good fortune but hardly had he received the congratulations of his friends when it began to be bruited bruised about that he be had bad made an undignified 0 scramble tor for the place that he had secured it by underbidding under bidding other applicants he emphatically emphatic aRy denies the charge lie ile said that there was no reference made to salary at any time during the of his application and we are well enough acquainted ledwith with mr kotter to give credence to his statement if the rumor was started to injure him we sincerely hope that it will fail but it illustrates the truth of the opening 0 sentence of this article if we could find joy in iii each others good fortune and sympathize with each other in ill misfortune how much happier we should au all be |