Show cuban diarrhoea U S soldiers who bo served in cuba during the spanish war know what hat this disease is and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much cater water cuban diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of cholera there is one remedy however that can always be depended upon as will be seen by the following lowing ol certificate from mrs minnie jacobs of houston texas 1 I hereby certify that chamberlains colic cholera and diar diarrhoea remedy cured ray my husband of a severe attack of C cuban u diarrhoea which he brought home from cuba we had several doctors but they did him no good one oae bottle of this ibis remedy cured him as our neighbors will testify I 1 thank god for so valuable a medicine for sale by the eddy drug deug tore store it if in ID a adof kind u bilious mood you wilah an all aid to digest food no ko other pill oil is liall so good As dewitts little early risers the fabous little litle pills EARLY RISER S cure constipation con sl pall on sick ne adache i elo c they gripe or dikea bup bu ciup trl earby aberg y goud ju r chlis ahll dren or adults abdull sold by y ali alie fiddy aruil stole tea A rasy leedus for f baij empl brin ca maith I 1 I lai aad ecie vigor for bic iby vs JL L tor awo vecina I 1 plop impure fand d idar hellm adhe he V baid nrc brami il I 1 I 1 amwel nol itz F acty tto tea in ai M I 1 at k ho hot roma by it orin onn a dau A ay allon ll lon win JA 3 ww foh SALLOW y 1 w 1 y acer e r s why is it that ayers hair vigor does so many remarkable things because it is a hair food it feeds the hair auti puti puts new life into it the hair mar hair T T vigor cannot keep from growing ero wine and gradually all the da dark aki rich color of early life comes bick back bogray to gray leair when t f first mcd ased ayers areri alair alnor my wat about 11 II aar but now it H cilc lich and nd so 1 I tip illicit ck as I 1 could wah MRS all IV iw a b A T 9 ft co all i t Tiff ll tm also or gre gray ay hair 11 a re acute rheumatism deep beating tea ting or wrenching pains occasioned by getting gelling wet et through worse when at rest or on first moving the limbs and in cold or damp weather is cured quickly by ballards Bol lards snow liniment oscar oleson gibson city illinois writes feb 16 1902 A year ago I 1 was troubled doubled with a pain in my back it soon got so bad I 1 could not bend over one bottle of ballards bal lards snow liniment cured me 9 ai S c LOO sold by all diug druggists druggist gist call in and see bee samples of our printing and get our prices we can give aou ou satisfaction box elder news co ve e promptly U banti B na corelan d model or lor ir rrt report on a T t nil bluer 1 F r sock k kaw to are 75 vw a nia nd DE to NJ 50 per 50 per cent DISCOUNT cent jewelry Depart departments Menta A fine line L in 0 of all kinds of jewelry to select from GOING AT 12 1 2 PRICES at al comptois comptons Oom Com art gallery 5 A W compton prop I 1 0 0 A L C 0 A L COAL C 0 A L rock springs A N X kemmerer 0 r ib r lump D nut constantly delivered to any part of of the city at per pc 0 on hand ton from pounds up S KT LEE T jr ma SON W THE denver denvert rio grande AND THE rio western THE SCENIC LINE TO glenwood springs aspen leadville pueblo colorado springs denver omaha kansas city st louis chicago and all points east connecting at ogden union depot with ill all SOUTHERN PACIFIC and OREGON SHORT LINE TRAINS TRAIN the only transcontinental line passing through salt lake city I 1 splendidly equipped fast trains daily between betwee 3 OGDEN and DENVER 3 via three separate and distinct scenic R routes autes outes THROUGH to denver omaha kansas city PULLMAN st louis and chicago without AND change free reclining ORDINARY chair cars SLEEPING CARS personally C conducted On ducted excursions DINING CARS cara service a it carte on all through trains for rates folders to froe roe illustrated booklets etc eci inquire ot of your four nearest ticket csont the rio klo grande arnis route or address G A P D 1 I A BENTON salt lake city U t I 1 A remar remarkable lable picture worth many dollars dollar s can lie be obtained FOR A FEW CENTS THE THREE MOST BEAUTIFUL ROSES BY PAUL DE BE at the urgent solicitation of the ltd comans womans V home companion mr paul do Loag longpre pre who h 0 la wo the greatest painter of flowers in Q the the world r ld consented to melia a painting of what be con coa tho the three most beautiful noses eases sad ass ho Is without doubt asset ibo master baiter pieces of this tb groat artist this magnificent picture Is reproduced ina in ail 1 its it original grand eur on the cover coter of the comans womans rome home com coin tor for juno almouth this abl cover coer li is OD do accurate reproduction of a painting worth hundreds of dollars do llara yot yet juanf number which has hag this exquisite cover may maa he bo obtained at any elret closs rows cowa stand or direct from kirn the publishers tor for the trivial turn of oaly tea ian cents boate mr paul do de longpre Is ii justly styled chii ab of flower he dot boly torn roses but every etory flower that grows coira and is the highest authority oil OB flowers his paintings are found lathe la the most galeot homes some bao sold for as mach ts as seven sevea thousand thou daDd five dollars dollan artists art critics and competent com potent judges all agree that tho the covers coers of 0 the ho rome homo companion far excel of say any other magazine the comans womans homo companion to a a mass maia aloo which wa in beauty beau onil elou ex Ou art tor lc bad fashions etc etoi excels all othor home and family magazines magial nen tie the women a HOMO home companion to ta published fahed by the crowell punishing publishing company now ow borit city aiso colongo Cb longo at oss oie A Is juthe the favorite in nearly half ball a million homes home where it 1 Is reid each and every isane ty by three million people your opportunity to 10 visit the old hoat bornt and nd the old friends in the east and return to the west with as little expense as ordinarily required lequir ed to make the one way wa trip has bas come coma RATES on may and june 3rd ard ath and tickets will be on sala sal from irom salt lake city to chicago and return 44 so and return 45 lo to peoria and return to st paul and nd return to minneapolis and return proportionately low rates will be in effect from all points in utah I 1 idaho montana wyoming and nevada to very every section reached by the chicago northwestern lines ifor or full particulars call upon or 01 address C A WALKER ceni G benl enl abt C N IV ry P 0 box salt lake city utah rt atty for cahn cah chill ani n faff map fur vo colds it should be borne la in menil that hit every cold weakens the lungs lower ere the vitality and prepares prepare the system for the more serious diseases di among which are the two greatest destroyers of human baman life pneumonia end and consumption chamberlains cough remedy his has won its great popularity by its it prompt cures of this most common it aids expectoration relieves the lung 1 and ad opens tile the secretions secretion effecting 9 a speedy and permanent cure it counteracts counteract any tendency toward pneumonia price large lare size for sale bile at the hie eddy drug dru sture professional CARDS HART LAWYERS suite 6 5 and aad 8 6 commercial block LOGAN UTAH telephone no 10 lock box 64 54 GEORGE R CHASE AT LAW brigham city utah CHAS EF OXLEy ATTORNEY AT LAW county attorney office at court house brigham city TJ biah tah PRED J f DISTRICT ATTORNEY ATTORNEY ATT OnNBY AND counsellor AT taw room 23 first vat nat T bank building brigiani Br Ighani city utah JAMES JAM B S PERRY penny AT LM law office court house alouse brigham city utah ANDREW FUNK architect OVIR OVER N C Morten serl sons bengt tta city utah J D CALL ATTORNEY office at room 24 catl bank or igbal city uta NELS jensey AT LAW practices practice la in skit the state cow conni std ti 6 a 90 fowl rooms rod 2021 20 21 first nat bank building brigham city otan B H JONES JOKES ATTORNEY AND counsellor AT laft in state and na federal courts mi and to tc fare united states loud load office offos over Rosen baums store brigham city ail L BERG SHAVING HAIR aaa city bell express delivers freight and express to all parts of the city orders filled promptly charges reasonable john funk 9 kodol dyspepsia gure digests what you cat sour S our sto mach NO NB loaa 1033 of 6 nervous cum headache haid acha constipation bid bad breath lie erl recal er l debility sout our ani and catarrh ol of the ih stomach are r til all duo to indignation kodol this new discovery represents ur the natural juices of 0 digestion as u tb aby IZ lilt jet la in a healthy stomach combined with M the th greatest known to conlo and nd reconstructive properties prop nl kodol cure cura dou not nol only our auto indigestion and nd but thill canous remedy cures all stomach itonia ch troubles trouble by cleansing purifying sweetening ard strengthening the ih raucous membrane anu linin S th stomach mr 3 S ea rt of ItT nid W wi va V i says I 1 vw wis troubled lK with lk sow ow starn sch lor for yr KOM cured cur me ni mi abd we ife a it 11 to mick 1 for or why bb kodol what you kit so tl 1 00 oo sue flu holdine ties nw the iti trial allm its which sails mill for or 60 50 cents rrb rr 4 by 1 I 0 b OO CO for sale by eddy drug store U T I 1 fuli N faiq 4 BRI G H mats DISEASE S E many people who ara syn kidney trouble hoping it will wear away are drifting towards brights disease is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms FOLIE JL URE stops irregularities strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn out U t I 1 tissues S of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly healthy kidneys strain sr t a n out 0 U the impurities from the blood as it passes through them diseased DIs eased kidneys lo do i 0 not n 0 and a n d 1 the h e poisonous 0 isonoe waste a m matter atte r is carri carried ed by b the birc circulation to every martof the e b body 0 d ca causing n g d dizziness 11 n ess back backache ac e stomach ach brou trou trouble KI slug sluggish kish liver ilver arregu irregular elegy r heart beart action C I 1 0 etc C I 1 if f you ou have hav any sig signs n S of X kidney adne y or bla bladder der brou trou trouble b le commence ta taking ki ng et 0 L y S KI KIDNEY Y CURE at 0 once ce as 1 it tw will 11 cure cur as a slight bisor disorder der ie in III a few days and P prevent V a f fatal atal malad malady y it is pleasant to take and benefits the who whole system how to find out oui 0 0 Us burhans burhan floa after fo urs years yeam you von on can easily determine it if your kidneys kidney are rt G B burkons of carlisle center N X Y writes out of order by setting aside alle for foe 24 hours a about fo four ur years agte e I 1 wrote brot IV you ou stating tbt il oad J I 1 be been dial 11 fely ly bottle of the urine passed upon arising if to cuite w of M aare thad s tw two wll upon examination it is cloudy or millry milky or of has foreyt Fol 0 eyt leya kidney cum cur it entirely stopped the brick dut dust t sediment ledl meat tand and nil a brick dust duit sediment diment le or small mill particle tides float pa ain and ad symptoms of kidney di a 4 disappeared I 1 sto in clad i to say ab 1 par I 1 ho h o irver ermada had sturn fatum of an oy Y of ortho thea tho durine url the he four r about in it your kidney kidneys are diseased anil and that have lapsed ali pied ana I 1 am evidently cured to stay cured and ad KIDNEY I 1 IDNEY C CURB hould bo gears yem foy feyt s kidary cr ta uy say one faiq su maring from fron at once idaly or at trouble ls two sizes so 50 cents and SOLD AND recommended BY BB araz a THE EDDY DRUG t 0 vi U en i i 11 ai vr |