Show I 1 STATE NEWS I 1 sirs mrs john shelley at 0 salt lake was seriously injured in a runaway accident lat awit week bob has arrived in salt lake and gone luto into training tor for his schreck on july 4 jobert robert Stephe stephenson rilma a 17 I 1 cearold Salt Lake boy won the Decoration day flay road race from salt lao lake to farmington jack quinn one of the oldest residents of park city and who was as shift boss at the daly for years deedon the alie 2nd and ol of auber tuberculosis cu losis george burk who was injured un under some cars while switching for tho the union pacific lit in the ogdan I 1 yards has submitted to tile the amputation of one foot and will recover war is being waged upon tile the gophers in weber county bottles of powdered strychnine for their destruction being furnished by the county clerk to all applicants work Is to begin at once on the waterworks water works system at PH price cel aej and when completed una the system will be ot of sufficient capacity to supply a much larger place than price la Is at present the indian war veterans will meet in ephraim during the week and select a place for the encampment to be held bold during august A A number of 0 towns are after the tho encampment the odd fellows and knights ot of pythias of clear creek and scofield united on memorial flay day to do honor n to the memory of their brothers who were killed la in the disaster ot of four our years ago the giai year arid and a halt oil ld conof mr mi and mrs john tobler of mantl mant was drowned last week tho the little one falling into the creek running through the alty i the body being houna bouno several blocks from home I 1 I 1 reports made to the salt lake county horticultural association show ebat the fault lop in the county will generally be short except in the draper district where only pe peaches ac hes are reported as doing badly surveyors have been at pelican point for several lays days running lines and cross sectioning for the big newhouse co concentrating plant it Is being given out that ground will he be broken within the next to beeks Tec ls I 1 heber huggard or of american fork was as seriously injured by an old family horse last week sir mr huggard Is I 1 a blacksmith and was engaged in shooing shoeing the animal when ubon it knocked him down and trampled Iram pled upon him the president bas ha appointed charted de dolsy ot of salt lake city register and don doll B colton ot of vernal receiver of the new land office at vernal utah to take effect july 1 when this new office is to be opened A shocking accident occurred in the canyon above logan 1 ogan last week walter nyman being killed outright by falling under the wheels abeels ot at a wagon tho the lad was 16 beals old oil a son or of charles nyman ot of greenville the family la is prostrated with the accident As the result ot of a runaway horse dashing into the funeral procession which was m as bearing the remains ot of mrs ellza eliza mcfarlane McF ariane to the grave I 1 sunday afternoon george P F kempt ot at salt bait lake city sustained a broken leg slid and injuries about the head the epidemic ot of measles 11 in mt hit pleasant still continues but this the authorities ties seem to he be of 0 tho the opinion that they havo have the spread ol of the iho dis ease case checked two deaths have occurred ol of little children as a result ol of filea measles during the 0 past week mt lift pleasant Is making it a strenuous 06 effort chort to get ae the annual reunion of 0 the black hawk indian war veterans which will he be hold ame some aiace place in the county early in august tor for three days it Js Is expected that at least people will attend the reunion it Is believed the mystery of 0 the disappearance of ezra and george penny ironi from kentish kanosh about six years ago Is about to ho be solved their wagon mid and harness having been found near min er eville the find fand it Is bellev believed edwill will lead to the conviction of their mur darers john hancock a convict in the call fertile penitentiary Is to be tried tor for the murder ot of george georga engelke formerly ot of ogden it a veterinary surgeon and joe edmiston a canadian who were ore foully murdered for their money on the desert in south nevada may hay 16 1897 W P smith of salt lake city was severely injured at provo by a fall all mr air smith who Is quite a large and heavy roan man was taking a bath and while standing up in the tub ble feet slipped and he be tell fell striking his bis side heavily against the edge ot of the tha tub some ot of his ribs were dislocated caleb baldwin rhodes who came to utah in 1846 prior to the coming ot of the mormons cormons Mor mons died at his hie country home between price and helper last week at the age ot of 69 ile he was wag a trapper and prospector in the early days and claimed to have located a tabu babu rich mine on the reservation |