Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CITY officers BRIGHAM CITY mayor C hoist CN N E j N J nelsen councilmen isaac A jensen lewis J lund andrew funk recorder B P treasurer mary johnson marshal samuel carter attorney 11 II jones justice of the Peace will Wm horsley supt bupt waterworks Lorenzo Anderson chief fire dept william forsgren street supervisor 0 C jensen night watch 0 F nelsen sexton i C I 1 nelsen BOARD or OF HEALTH Ht ArTH dr E A rich chairman F W secretary dr L berg the city council meets meen the second and fourth tuesdays of each month PRECINCT OFFICERS justice of trie tee peace andrew funk COUNTY OFFICERS BOX ELDER CO judge tet judicial district W W maughan dist atty J holton chairman co cc coma W valentine co cc commis iowa string M B hart harl kelton EH E H jones county clerk N J valentine prosecuting attorney chas E foxley treasurer S N cole shiff sheriff jos Joseph josephson lion recorder christina Chri itina madsen E A box co supt bupt of schools A E jensen surveyor deweyville Dewe J N holdaway Hol dawa fish game warden J P larsen county Phy physician dr E A rich water commissioners Commissio P anderson BOARD of HEALTH A W valentine Ch chairman aIrmar dr E A rich Sec ast M B hart and E H jones members of board TERMS OF 0 COURT 1905 district court second tuesday in february and may first tuesday in september and third tuesday in november county commissioners meet the first and third tuesdays of tach each month PRECINCT OtTI CEHi jettice Coxs TAnti brigham andrew funk charles cheal botset r it dorler 1 V junction 8 walter J E montgomery plymouth E rudd H N 1 3 niah promontory oco geo house charles cabarles card T araco C Icar frcek S E bolier bailer park valley david W E whitaker grouw grouse creek phil Pai liott J W cook riverside J A capener jae wilard S N cook geo J dvells abre X a teyoung almon wight mantua N 0 jeppeson Jop hans iceolar call a rort W WW W Luley E runs deverville De velville C J delve dewey 0 10 marble Cou laston D 2 twitchell 3 R leading F H d I 1 a y J lumM a CJ Coll I 1 i Be arRIver aa aa tv F 1 e bog F frank r a n it lair t lk k 0 ir r dewey wood portage D lison J W V belford RO ifil thos thee lw low jolio joan 9 wara wat Snow rille 0 IV robbi no A ALPe L pete em idealla IC H frid at charles broksch Krok cli |