Show r NEWS it Is in nagasaki that all the ibe russian prisoners will be sent home the strike at hodz russian poland Is extending about workmen are now out it Is expected at vladivostok that a japanese attack on tho the fortress lor tress will not flot be long delayed during a storm al t minneapolis minneah its cann aged 8 was struck by lightning and lulled kille d A bomb was exploded in the palace of 0 the lie governor general at barcelona on june 2 cluing damage ten tell arrests haie been made close to lohu union hod carriers mostly negroes ate aie on oil a strike in kansas city for an increase or of wages practically tying lying up lip till all bui building iding operations erat ions hoke smith secretary of the hie interior or under president cleveland and at one tama editor of the atlanta journal announces ahlm himself elf as ab ft candidate for governor of georgia servia has notified noti flod turkey list that sho she will recall her minister from constantinople till ople unless satisfaction Is given by juno june 12 for the recent violation of 0 the consulate at all monaster macedonia it Is reported that a revolutionary movement has been started in the pro vince of santiago de astero argentine and that the governor ot of the province has been made macle a prisoner by the insurgents tho the emperor and the empress and members of the royal family of russia attended a memorial service at Ts a ask 0 e selo sunday for those m who it tho have fallen in the naval battle iri in the sea of japan jose joseph ph johnson convicted of the murder ot of john 11 II fox FOK in the post office at trinidad colo on april 8 has been sentenced by district judge jesse G to be hanged during the week of sept 10 it is learned from authoritative mexican a sources that the government Is considering reducing ok or removing the duty on wheat owing to the high prices pie on flour the alleging the existence of a trust the chinese chamber of commerce 0 of manila by a unanimous ull vote ilas has decided to stand in line with the of china in boycotting Am amerlean Ameil eilean can merchandise in retaliation for the american exclusion laws an anarchist named gamier carrier has been arrested at port mabon and five other oilier anarchists have been arrested ai al rested at barcelona spain tor for alleged complicity in the attempt on oil king aldonso in the callo calle fernando some weeks ago learry harry burton B urlo u 26 2 years years of age shot abot und and killed his big sister inlaw in law alss miss frankle dark clark aged 17 at a dance at Rock rockview view mo and then committed suicide by shooting thoo ting the girls refusal to dance with him prompted the tragedy arsenic has been found in the remnants ot of a cabbage dinner given to the prisoner in tile state pilson of south carolina and which made more than of 0 them ill the men are now out of 0 danger suspicion points to one of the convicts arthur and william charged with the killing billing of sheriff polk folk have been captured in a cabin ten miles northeast of ironton Iron lon mo the brothers resisted and arthur was shot in the arm before the capture was effected indictments against thirty men have been drawn it is sald said as a res rasul lt ot of the evidence secured by the federal grand jury at chicago in its two months hearing ot of witnesses in connection with willi the methods of the meat packing industries miss mary rhodes with a circus rece received I 1 ted serious injuries juries jn while doing her aerial act at cortlandt N Y by the breaking of a toe strap she shot hot head bead first sixty feet through the air into the reserved seats landing on her load head and shoulders it Is reported that a serious light fight has taken place between servian and bulgarian bonds bands near macedonia twenty bulgarians Bulga rians and twelve serviano ians were killed hilled and many on oil each side were wounded tile the ser captured the bulgarian leader president roosevelt will N ill start elart on his trip through the bouth next autumn on the night flight of the of october the extraordinary session of congress which it Is the present intention of the to call will not nor begin until after the november elections joseph a fireman on the steamer breakwater of the line was drowned near marshfield ore the man while still heated fro from his work went into the bay for a swim and was apparently seized with a cramp the body has not been recovered in regard to president castros recent message to the congress of venezuela uela the british government adheres b teres to its position regarding the agreement with the foreign bandhold ers era the british bondholders bond holders are nowr now negotiating a new arrangement with ith venezuela in a panic started by the hash flash of 0 a burning armature on a street car in portland ore mrs mra D T S williams living at street was perhaps fatally injured the hash flash appears to have been of unusual intensity and caused a stampede of the car full of passengers the body ot of michael dark clark bridge watchman ot of the red mountain railway who has been missing since may 15 las has been discovered at rossland B C hidden bidden in a pile of 0 rocks near the roadbed he had bad been assassinated w vieb iab a club the motive it la Is bo ba coved being robbery |