Show BARMAIDS OF OLD BABYLON light thrown upon faciso laws law of the ancient city of lia hanging nging gardens A recent translation ot of king ulm atmon belbo 1 n code cod written 2250 year yean bedfor christ gives give aa insight into the life lit of the great city of 0 babylon at that remote um time and of the th way tat tu la which tho the excise question wad iru handled bandied by lu lid legislators nearly all the in wine ina at that time were women As many of tie the laws law translated from the code speak only ot of women as taller sellers ot of drinks severe measured mt ure were or taken against those who adulterated the wines wine or mixed anem with water eo ad a to safeguard tate sale guard the purity of this the article for the use uie of the public the th barmaid wu was held responsible respond ble tor for dia clr orderly scenes or drunkenness drun kennen in her premises premise and death was the penalty for or those who did not cot denounce all cases ot of drunkenness to the police those thoa women who were employed la in the temples were forbidden to enter public hostelries under penalty ol 01 death and even la in private was waa forbidden torti aaen to them special police officers officer were detailed lor for the enforcement of 0 the excise laws 1 la the city of babylon but then ad well as aj tow cow the officers charged wilb this duty were it if we are to bellert believe the code in question either negligent in the performance of their duties dull or of too willing to accept bribes bribe from WE til bar maldi la in the shapo shape of drinka or even money severe punishment to ll dealt out it ill the document to the police who shall accept crept balbes tn in with the enforcement of tte the excl lavis lf ot of babylon but it Is I 1 probable that ven t en as well as a now many of the fair air woon keepers keeper found a way to bribe the and evade the law WE |