Show all the NEW IDEAS in pretty cotton wash suits are here for early selection materials are batiste fan fancy cy lawns sheer mulls aulls ging hams and piques p PRICES ARE 4 41 55 5 6 8 9 up to 1650 the suit w percale house dresses two piece suits shirt waist and skirt antan in tan and blue suits in black and blue with white fi 9 u r c e s made with plaited skirt and fancy surplice waist special at sa 2 to we invite you to call and inspect this pretty new line they will interest you we H he WRIGHT SONS CO OGDEN urah I 1 maye hays you a cough A dose of ballards horehound Hote hound S arup rup will relieve it have you a cad A dose of herbine at bed time and frequent small doses of horehound syrup buting the day will remove it try it for whoop whooping ing cough for asthma for consumption lor bronchitis mrs airs joe I 1 mcgrath 27 E 1st ast street hutchinson kans writes 1 I have used ballards horehound hound syrup in my family for 5 years and find it the best and most palatable medicine I 1 ever used sold by all druggists the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP OF CITY DOES dobs STRICTLY A BANKING BUSINESS safety deposit boxes boxe for rent lucius A snow hobt L I 1 oleen IT stohl norman lee nels mels jenson deuson alma nelson kelson peter M nansen hansen STOUL president cashier ABST ABSTRACTS ff three points to think of when you get et abstracts ot of title to red real estate 1 completeness 2 accuracy 3 responsibility the tb value of an depends on THESE THREE VITAL POINTS W we iulio ot the moth oj adopted to secure accor cy and ot our ability to make good tny gny low josund by error or omission in our ab we confine our business exclusively to abstracting conveyancing NOTARY WORK gad and REAL ESTATE and can give the promptest attention to all work in our line i crall tall business In trusted e d to our care can Is treated with the 8 t r betat coall dence 14 lee dunn bonded abstractors successors to as LEE LEB arlt bio etab room 28 first nat baal aide TELEPHONE 39 4 for congh cold ond and brou found a cure for dyspepsia mrs S lindsey of fort william ontario canada who has suffered quite a number of years from rona dyspepsia and great pains pain s in the stomach was advised by hr druggist to take chamberlains stomach and liver I 1 tablets she did so and says 1 I find that they have done me a great deal of good I 1 have never had any suffering ering since since I 1 begin began to use them if troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these tablets get well and stay well for sale by the eddy drug store NV IL 1 V all 51 s F 0 dij ae R C OR N 10 season less the usual discount for cash and the english shire 4 governor wells y T n oage age 2 years 10 months weight 1700 pounds 4 jn 15 season less the usual discount for cash at J J dulces stables on corn corner 2nd and south and east ats sasi oppose tabernacle brigham city and FRIDAY of each week at other times time at my f residence esi dence at mantua utah it costs costa no more to raise a good horse than a scrub and no more tal hi albel ter him and the difference ditler erice in the cost of breeding Is s nothing compared with what you get when you come to sell your horses what does ta 6 or 10 amount to if you nave a rood good hore boras when yu you wish to rell ell it pays to raise the best we have bought the best horse in utah the one that took the sweepstakes over all breeds at the state fair last hist fall la in salt bait lake city at 2 years old respectfully youri charles N jeppesen Jep pen MANTUA ueail UTA order NOW TO INSURE DELIVERY FOR decoration cay 6 ia also manufacture IRON frences of all kindi y e JOHN H BOTT ons Q n s ta we are now prepared 4 I 1 I 1 to take care of 01 customers at our store on forest st 19 opposite first national bank call on us and let us show you our stock tv I 1 brigham city shoo shoe mag mfg M fg co I 1 store on south side aide forest st opposite Upp osite catl bank all kinds of e leave orders at store bax I 1 we told you to 01 0 1 I 1 I 1 LOOK I 1 here for BARGAINS this week following are a few g of them g good clean rice at per ib ac early june peas at per can loc corn at per can loc tomatoes 3 cans for boc 0 sugar 16 pounds for 00 fy f we give valuable premium coupons with every purchase large 3 or small email while you are in look at our stock of deos straw S hats from boa up to fine dress shirts at marvelously p low prices muslin underwear and shirt shin waists A 1 al A M NELSON I 1 brigham Brig hain city utah 0 ra 9 vegetable liver pills that pills is what they are they cure ayers Ayer constipation biliousness sick headache tsa S ward want your moustache or beard BUCKI buckinghamm BUCKING HAMS DYE BYE brown browh or rich black use nn cm or avous N P nau a co wafaa wA jaA 0 o jl Not icell all owners allowing their sheep or cattle to trespass on land be on longing g in g to promontory ranch co company mp annj or parties taking cedar posts from said land will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law promontory ranch co jyoo CM ak pa bidder right WANTED men alen and women in this county and adjoining territories to represent and advertise an old established house of so sol d financial standing salary to lo nn mt n 21 weekly to women 12 to gia 18 weekly with expenses advanced each monday by check direct from headquarters horse ard buggy furnished when necessary aion pei permanent manent address I 1 BLEW BROS CO dept B i notion monon chicago jn in 22 y j i salve far PIO burati 8 V nei raft ton ten times easier it Is ten times easier to cure coughs brou croup A hooping coughi and all lung and bronchial affections when the bowels are open kennedys Kenn Kerin edys laxative honey and tar Is the original laxative coign syrup gently moves the bowels and expels all cold from the tha system best for coughs cough 4 colds croup whooping cough etc remember the 9 name kennedys Kenn Henn edys and see that the ing red clover blossom and the honey bee Is on the bottle sold by the eddy drug store sale of animals for damages state stale ot of U utah tab i county of 0 base elder S in the brigham city precinct of slid said I 1 have in my possession poa the following described animal which it not claimed and taken away will bill be sold gold at public auction to the abe high est at cash bidder at my corral on ath west between fth and fth north ats sasi la in said precinct on tuesday the day ot of junei june 1005 1905 at the hour of I 1 p in description or OF ANIMAL one ODB bay horse horae age not knows fl a little white lo in forehead and on the end of nose weight about 1100 pounds pound branded 21 left thigh said animal Is held beld by we me to secure of 85 a done by suld said animal lo in aslag on it rreta of nl brigham city on theand the bod addy if june junpei 1903 B oksent for brigham city pro fact lee ad dolln real estate agents abstractors we have exceptional barg altig in residence orchard arid and farm properties call and see bee our lists it if you wih wl h to buy a home from us or auy any other party and desire easy payments callan call on us we will secure it for or ou on aud allow you to pay tor for it on the plan when you buy or tell sell property keep beep in im mind the fact that we make correct abstracts examine titles attend all details of purchase and oate nale deed aud and mortgage blanks blanka tor for sale NOTARY PUBLIC room 25 F first art national bank building utah bell tel 39 4 YOUR opportunity to 10 visit the old home and tb the eOld old friends in the eat eab anti and return to the west with as little it tie expense al it is required to malre the one way trip has come reduced rates on may hey and arl ath othi bolh and tickets will be on sale said from salt like city to Chi chicolo cogo and return Is milwaukee i peoria peona ats st si paul 39 90 minneapolis 39 9 lot rates will be ins fit eirot bivin all boinis in utah idaboy montana Mn tani and nevada to f every section reacted ren clied by tho the Chic aKOi agal nort ht astern lints IM for full ull particulars call upon or ad dress U A WAL kint gen abt western tV estern by rix DX 7 51 salt alt Lake City etab s W V t i F early risers tho little |