Show BUT FEW WORDS NECESSARY required sur lux singly small vocabulary child put to tut the th small number of 0 words vordi actually necessary lor for ordinary purposes in idour our everyday 11 life lg is surprising and nothing illustrates thin better than the th limited vocabulary of at a little child dr M U fiarris said ald to the til st SL louis globe dom 1 I bays til six years old she Is able to nike make all 11 ll her wants known to talk frohly slid nd easily if an adult knew just ut the number ot of words in a 1 foreign tongue that the she knows know in her bet own ht he would to be able to got get along littly in a conversational wy way with alth people who spoke nothing but that language what the tha childs vocabulary comprises how bow many words vord and of what classes 1 I recently made it my business to ascertain in a series of investigations ex extend end ing over a considerable period of time I 1 found that the total number of words ehe 0 he know and used was pat omit ting proper names name ind and that 51 54 per cent of these were nouns 18 per cent verbs and 11 per cent adjectives the re bainder being made up of and pronouns pro |