Show WILLARD the people of willard have decided to remodel our meeting house bouse appropriate prop seats will be arranged tor for the choir and other oiher improvements will be made A building committee has bas been appointed and a good archa hect will be hired we are pleased to have mr r ellhu ichu call home with us again from the east where he has been the last baat few yeara studying voice culture mr call has made a big advancement since he be left led willard Wll lard several of our college students have re turned returned home from school and have kutou the garb ot of larmere farmers there are about six university students from willard who are taking the examination amin atlon for graduation fine baby boys came to the homes of mr ird and mr john mason last week all are dulog doing nicely quite a number of our boys boya went went up to malad valley to work on the ane new railroad that is being built there but after being there about two days most of them rolled up their bedding and tool took a tie pass home and are now la in our midst again T TM 11 |