Show the laxative effect of chamberlains stomach and liver tablets is i s so agreeable and so natural that you do tot hot realize it is the effect of ot a medicine for sale by the eddy drug store just Jutt what everyone should do mr J T barber of Ir winville ca always keeps a bottle of chamberlains ber lains colic cholera and diarrhoea keledy at hand band ready bior or instant use tise attacks of colic cholera mor bus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that hat there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine mr barber writes 1 I have tried chamberlains Chamberlain 8 F colic 0 tic cholera and di arizoca remedy which 1 is I 1 one of the best medicines I 1 ever saw I 1 keep a bott leof it in my room as ai I 1 have had several attacks of colic and it has bas proved to be the best beat medicine I 1 cier ever used sald by the eddy drug store kennedy Kenn edys laxative honey ho and tr tans cures wt and ad expels expel cold cida rom from ty gently moving till the xi Heli v i ulia rt 1 no secret about it it is no secret that bat for cuts burns ulcers fever sores sore eyes bolls boils etc nothing is so effective as buck lens arnica silve salm S it take long to cure a bad sore I 1 had and it is all 0 K for sore eyes writes D L gregry gregory of hope tec at the eddy drug store Th that atTired tired feeling it if you are languid depressed and incapable for work it indicates that your liver is out oat of order herbine will wil assist nature to throw off headaches rheumatism and ailments aki akin to nervousness and restore energies and vitality of sound and perfect health J J hubbard temple texas writes march 22 1902 1 I 1 have used herbine for the past two years it has done me more good than all the doctors wilen when I 1 feet feel bad and have that tired feeling I 1 take a dose of herbine it is the best med medicine irine ever made for chills and fever soc a bottle sold by all druggists quality vs quantity hard muscles and strong body not depend on the quantity of food you eat but on its perfect digestion and proper assimilation when you take kodol dyspepsia cure your system tem nets gets all the nourishment out all the food you eat it digests yon eat cat regardless diesa of 0 the condition 0 the stomach and conveys ilie properties to the blood and tissues tills this builds up slid and strengthens entire system kodol cirei ludig e st ton ion sour atom aeb ach weak heart etc sold by eddy aday druk drug storo store w ia iw wr CHURCH DIRECTORY g k high council of cf tho the bo box elder stake I 1 be kimt of evory mouth at 10 a in ID io in too tithing offida the priesthood of box elder stoke stale meela iho farat F st sa burday of every month at I 1 p jm in in the tha first word house fifty cintli quorum ot of seventy meets at with thu of high priests every bicad slid aad forrai also with the members at perry tied and lard fifth quorum of eldors comprising garland at garland bothwell bearer leeis Is ili the sed saturday of every monib at me p in at the Garland ball bal ai Ga garland riana utah fifth quorum of seventy meets at boar bear elver city the of the stalie Y L M I 1 meet the ibe first saturday of every broam la in the at brigham gity city at 1 p in the relief society officers of box elder stake meet the arat saturday of crory month at the thing onice W H GLOVER CLOVER OF livery and feed Sta stables blas X UP TO DATE RIGS AT ALL HOURS back ack M meets P ets all trains at depot Brigham City utah I 1 three fast T ra is ly to chicago and thelast the east over ever thi the only double track railway between the missouri river and chicago excellent service in every particular one of these trains the overland d limited LIml tea is the most luxurious train in the world electric cle lighted throughout direct connect connections ons at braha via the northwestern north western line to st paul PAUI and minneapolis tickets reservations and ull full information can be obtained from C A walker general agent chicago fticar 1444 western by 38 39 debt second south fouth st atla oida 0 salt lake uty city lanh Q artt 5 5 fy i ff tim jak 31 we wish our correspondents would be a little more regular write a little less if necessary but write oftener OUR ladies white while underwear SALE S A L E will bo continued through gh the season anyone can have atly any of the garments sent to their address by mail for a few pennies posta postage ge in sending your remittances mit include a few cents tor for postage we will return the stamps if too much is sent we lye will sell two boxes of royal blue matches for 5 cents or 12 boxes tor for as long as the stock lasts we will continue to pay 17 cents per dozen for eggs we are overstocked over stocked with MENS MENIS SUITS and during 1 june and july will give a discount of 10 on every purchase of these goods it will pay you to look at our stock A nelson co bear river city utah cures coldest tits pneumonia H G C 9 merchant tailor has a nice selection of fine cloth for fir the SPRING and SUMMER SEASON to select SUITS from froni Styles and materials up I 1 havo have the celebrated samples from me m qi co he U chica chicago o latest importations this entire collection of woolens is guaranteed aaran r strictly ALL WOOL NO mercerize mercerized merc eriz zed ed cotton yarns used as a substitute for silk in the manufacturing of these woolens my price tass tags or on my suits are honest and reasonable tailor shop immediately south of etab na hotel DO YOU TAKE H fin NEW W S 61 ham that is in are you m ube riber of the i box older pw maws JF F NOT look this colv over carefully careful lv iv and see if i it t is not worth 21 ac the price prica charged by tho the year it oves you the local afeld state fl news evis it is filled with othor other reading U matter of interest we had a dissat dissatisfied Med subscriber yet give it it a trials only 5 a year CL DYSPEPSIA PO aia A CURL risi byj DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT tt tle bonico iani 2 M trio trill size hie which ulli sells V pr io 50 bonts AT VMS till LASO 0 or XE Cs COMPANY CHICAGO io |