Show H N N BOWRING MONEY TO LOAN FIRE INSURANCE abrera no commission aetna I 1 no attorneys attorney fee alliance kotol no trust coed connecticut so no mortgage mort g age tl tax Fir maua fund SO no extra expenses no deny delay ins ina co ol of IT A low rate ot of late interest reat liverpool london globe sun run H N BOWRING BONDED abstractor NOTARY PUBLIC daw forest opp first catl bank brigham CRY city utah smart dressers men are arc as a general genera tiling thing the smartest are dressers sEers the up to tc the moment young man ilan Is a sort ot of a lexicon of 0 clothes style and cor correctness recto xie ne knows what and gets it but good fit the newest colors patterns etc arent enough tor for unless that snappy jaunty appearance characteristic ot or our excellent ea tailor made Cio clothing thing Is there it 9 1 what the young man wants 11 our success in pleasing young men Is not lust just LUCK it Is due to OUR KNOWLIE KNOWLEDGE of 0 what the young man wants and our ability to provide it for hi him NO then again our oar prices are always reasonable suits at 8 that will at once appeal AND 18 to the taste ot of I 1 he swell dresser did you ever notice how bow many young men come here for or clothes Clo theres a reason lor for it Rosen baums cash store the popular one price clothiers Clo thiers and mens outfitters Out fitters BRIGHAM CITY UTAH I 1 will you trust your own eyes if you will call at wm Q t sons and see the best line of SHIRT WAIST SUITS SKIRTS AND JACKETS AND WAIST GOODS NOTIONS AND SPRING NOVELTIES the city afro affords ids A complete line of MANS SHOES just in HEALTH COMPORTS BEAUTY are the things desired by every woman tins this has at least one that will aid a woman to acouture more of 0 each of these long suu qualities to be healthful you must be properly clot clothed clotted bed to be co comfortable your naria euti must fit right to be beautiful according va to the present eay ideal you vou must to some degree be ue stylish henderson corsets H look well fit well wear well they are arc comfortable they are stylish a any physician will tell you TOU that bat ta they yare are out cut along alone hygienic lines hoes even if they are stylish it if you will come to our store stor 0 w we e will will show you the latest models ls a at t prices that will win your approval ajl IVE M hanson and sons BRIGHAM CITY UTAH as sp 52 4 aasa sugar beet land for sale acres in whole or in part located one and one halt half miles north of 0 the garland sugar factory for in formation call on PAUL STARK tt tf brigham city utah HOTEL UTAHNA Brig brighams hams model hotel caters to the traveling public meals 2 re and soc me rooms and 1 P 1 kotord prop goo geo L graehl fresh and cured meats of all kinds also fresh oysters english bloaters norway herring an hovies etc fresh fish thursdays and fri fridays days oranges lemons mixed nuts and celery bone meal for chickens it will make them lay full line of 0 vegetables groceries FRUIT TREES AND ROSES apple trees 10 cents centa nob esob P peach neb trees freoa 10 to 15 cents sob pl plum m trem trees so cebulj boil treca 16 to 31 cents each roses ro sea perpetual bloomers bloomer soo to tl 11 each I 1 will plant apple orchards and ceplece all that fail to grow at 15 per hundred order now I 1 am located at corinne utah maria D S lohr HARVEY lill L ERDMANN successor to J E R bywater Bywate rl cash meat and grocery store will carry a full line ot fresh and cured meats and a complete line jina ot of first olasa class CS Presh fish and game in Season seasons 0 next kelt door north ot of wann L eddys drug store if you dont buy slices shoes of N no L HANSEN you dont luy buy shoes right guarantee every il 1 A beautiful lawn dues does much to make home surroundings pleasant in order to keep a lawn in such shape it is necessary to take proper care of it our lawn mowers will lighten you labor upon the lawn more ban you can imagine A mower is really a necessity for such work it is not only a labor saving instrument but it is a time saver as well strong and durable in construction the lasting qualities of our lawn mowers cannot be overestimated we sell them at very reasonable prices too LETS HAVE YOUR ORDER J B mcmaster fl A N D SON t Is IF YOU ARE LOOKING j jl for a firm that can fill your orders promptly 4 v A HERE WE ARE 4 flo we lave have a 4 complete stock of both imported and na V 4 w y W tive tire lumber also paints sewer pipe and c cements and 4 everything in the building line 4 f tw aw J cheerfully furnished AG 4 4 4 merrell lumber co rhone no iso 8 keep an eye on our weekly bargain bulletin 4 w EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY WITH US tor for friday and saturday only 0 3 cans of best sugar corn for 25 cents SET another lot of turnover collars bought to sell at loc and but friday and IT ac t saturday 2 days only ocly we place them on sale a at only S ac childrens ready to wear dresses es on sale lisle friday and saturday only kind 75 73 kind A kind kind all made of good wash materials and neatly trimmed with embroidery and lace excellent values at regular price note then the saving Y our ur boy will mrs mm stand jane jan by hopkins the we wish to notify the buying public BOYS CLOTHES atter after wearing that we are the exclusive selling agents in box elder co for one suit Chuck tul ful of 0 style tasie tasee nattily patterned and temple brand garments 35 PROOF made by the salt lake knitting works we carry a complete which beani defiant to hard bard wear stock at both our brigham city and tremont stores A daily home for the foot you can afford the prim prices because which enables us asto to satisfy all your wants in this line at a that Is the feeling of crossett com lower than the average cost lower price than you will buy them from canvassers send fort you will never reach for your of good clothes with 60 per cent more quality your orders to us they will be given our prompt attention slippers at night to relieve your feet if you wear crossett shoes you can do always best at FISHBURN F I 1 S n U ILA h N S 9 stores and at brigham tremont ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST |