Show au a arfer ay conference continued from last issue the general cral and ana stake authorities were presented aud and sustained the presidency of 0 the stake is oleen K N stohl president with lucius A snow allt ast 1st co counselor and william clements haisley and 2nd counselor the high vas aa reorganized some of the old bembera who have served faithfully so BO many years were honorably rele released abed and others put in their place just previous to presenting the authorities apostle penrose took occasion to speak in terms of 0 praise of the rood good work of the choir the new members of the presidency were each in turn given an opportunity to express themselves they were united in saying sayann they would accept the responsibilities orist bill t les thus placed upon them and with the help of the lord would magnify their calling the new members of the council were asked to say whether or not hoi they accepted their calling and each answered yes tea with the exception of lorenzo jeppson who was not present elder george A smith said eald that he be had bad two or three things on his his mind that he wished so say before trie the conference closed he read a letter from the relief belief society dated at salt lake city calling attention to tile the fact that an employment bureau had been established there by the sisters the main object of 0 which was to safeguard the interests of young girls who come from the country seeking employment any desired information regarding this employment bureau pan can be had by add addrel ng anna campbell at north state street but said the speaker 6 all this good work and these precautions your girls are better ol off at homa bamo bomo said that evil nearly always resulted from turning boys and girls loose to do as aa they pleased he re feared to some In discretions that were committed daily by thoughtless boys and girls who it if they were properly watched and site safe guarded would not be guilty ot of them however he be said eald 11 it II your boy or girl has committed some sin aln do not noli drive them avay from home teach your children to prefer to lose their lives rather than their virtue he then appealed to the young people to honor the tha old folks make their lives happy and try to make them feel that we appreciate what they have done tor for us i singing Son grif the Ee Ite deemed 11 Bece dialon by patriarch john D hurt |