Show DIRECTORS NAME OFFICERS at the meeting of the commercial club governors held last friday evening the following g officers were named hone hon F W fishburn aresi dent J D call vice E we dunn secretary and manager 0 J 0 C knudson treasurer another meeting is to be held tomorrow to morrow night where further plans and details will be perfected we regard the selection of the gentlemen named as a wise one they are all wideawake wide awake business men mud and good broadminded miu doti citizens r REAL ESTATE LOANS office 2465 ave are office k D bell pi phones house 6 60 Z EDWARD be B KIRK OGDEN UTAH miller mer viele FAR FARM M LOANS SALT LARE LAKE CITY UTAH Telephone Bell it if you want to figure on a farm loan let us know and we will call and discuss it with you LIBERAL TERMS the tb e eye e Is the ali window if of the bout beware how bow you u UM a d how you abuse it ty by the lateena latest improved improve 4 E each a e h eye t arted with a lone ln carefully cirt tully ground for or L ac t s corr corre ollon frames and ol of every prices moderate modo raio sol for tri fart elass on work ori I 1 S F christeneen Christen aen senj optometrist with L 0 Chris christeasen teases soni IF FARM LOANS CALL OR OB aki the bank of Y BA an i 1 city brinkam BRI GriAM CIT CITY UTAH THE independent FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY OP OF BOX ELDER COUNTY the very best insurance at consistent rates not too low this year and 00 oo high next not nol too anything just ju to call or write Is convincing OFFICE WITH the bank of brigham city brigham city utah I 1 CARTHEY ri ARTHEY DUMBECK vw OZ 93 19 state st salt lake city utah mil BANI OF BRIGHAM CIT cief CAPITAL the oldest oiliest anil and strongest bank babli in coi box elde elifet county accounts and solicited ul all business given prompt attention me jr JENSON isow J RICH president cambis lee dunn bonded abstractor REAL ESTATE conveyancers notary bubli ld first Nati national OLal bank building boom 25 telephone 39 4 r L n H berg dr L he hardld harding DEN DENTISTS BLOCK brigham city utah eee DO YOU WANT homestead entries an and i proofs to buy or sell real estate titles examined and convey conveyed edi reliable legal work IF SO CONSULT FRED J HOLTA HOIM brigham Brie haai city |