Show DISTRICT COURT JUNE OTH in the cue ot of ferrrell Mer rrell lumber and salt co Ys vs james M obrien et al T D johnson was entered as associate counsel for or defea dents the case was taken under advisement wm win F ft house vs jacob weber set bet lor for june itta duncan vs campbell demurrer was overruled and defendant given 30 days in which to anwer james rosevear Eo sevear vs Ts ed bartlett defendant given 10 days additional la in which to answer ath case ot of ora hunsaker Huo Hua saker vs 0 S L by co dismissed upon request ot of geo M strain and upon bis big giving a bond ot of geo A strain was released from the state mental hospital the matter of 0 taking deposition ul of lucinda campbell in case of 0 the state of utah vs heleman campbell asi was taken under advisement the will of wm win box deceased deceived ed was wai admitted to probate A B R fuller vs D J atterby et al it was ordered that plaintiff have judgment tor for his bis costs |