Show 0 HEAT OF STARS MEASURED even warmth from arcturus can ae computed by instrument of 0 yerkes astronomer prof nichols Nl chola the astronomer made mad a wonderfully delicate instrument some im time ago to measure very taint faint boat beat waves it 11 I 1 10 80 sensitive tens lUve to beat that it registers the warmth that emanates from a mans mani tace face 2000 feet or more than a third of 0 a mile amile away with this ment prof nichols tried experiments in the yerkes observatory he selected 1 the he t 0 stars vega and arcturus these tars stars are so tar far away tron the earth that the human mind cannot conceive the distance no instrument bad ever beer been able to detect the slightest warmth from them prot prof nichols succeeded with his hi a appliance he found that arcturus sends semis the earth as a much heat beat as a man could got get from a candle burning mix miles away from him vesa vega was found to send only halt half as much heat ss as this |