Show carlyles sarcasm carlyle once wrote to a neighbor ot at hn his in london we iffe have the misfortune to be people of 0 weak weah health in this house bad sleepers in particular and exceedingly sensible in tho the night hours to disturbances irom from sound on your premises tor for some time lima past there Is a cock by no means particularly loud or discordant whose crowing mould of 0 course be in different or insignificant to persons ol of sound health and nerves but alas it 11 otten often enough keeps us unwillingly awake anake here and on the whole gives a degree decree ot of annoyance nelch except to the unhealthy Is not easily conce concely iv able it if you would have the goodness goodo esa to remove that small animal or in ili an any Y way render him inaudible from midnight to breakfast time such charity would work a notable relief to certain tain persons here and bo be thank thankfully fully acknowledged by them as an act of good |