Show THATCHES THATCHER twin girls giris were born bora to the wife ot of conrad fredricksen ot of this ihla place last friday morning one 0 of them died shortly after and was burled buried sunday afternoon attora oon tae other child Is not doing very well we ll 11 but the parents hope that as soon as the mother quiets down somewhat it will feel better here as elsewhere in the county baseball is the whole thing A crowd of thatcher Tha teher boys played a game one day last week to in which a very f funny unity thing happened happe nedi strikes were called on the batter baiter and the catcher let it pats pars it rolled on and on and the batter made a home run before it was recovered nobody disputed the run runners nerla right to keep going so no injustice was done A brood game was played here saturday afternoon at the end of the seventh inning the score was even sod and it required two mo more innings to break the tie 0 B |